colorbox FULL SIZE Images - image-processing

I'm NOT a programmer, just like to play with php, pictures, movies & music.
Being creative. I'm making a site with OSCommerce 234BS? It's working well just the colorbox is'n what I want. I have pictures in high quality and would like the visitors could watch them FULL SIZE, like when you click right on a picture & open it in a new window, because then you have also a zoom function.
See pictures
Thanks a lot for supportenter image description hereenter image description here

I would like my bxgallery is like you can see on ebay. Mouse ober and click for larger image. Then you see the images expanded over the whole screen.


Downloaded Vaadin14 charts are at much much lower resolution than the charts that appear on user's screens

In Vaadin 14.4.2, I have a chart with the "chart menu" button on the right which allows users to download a chart into various formats (eg png, jpeg etc.). However, when I download the chart as a png, it gets "squished" badly. It does not look like the chart that appears on my user's screen. I would have thought that the resolution would have been at least as good as what a user sees on their own screen. Why does the Vaadin charts convert the resolution? Put another way, is there an easy way to just get the "download to png" to appear the same as what the users sees on his screen? (Worse case, I will just disable the "download to file" chart feature, since most users may know how to just take a screenshot of their screen, but I had hoped that the download feature would work since it would produce "perfect" quality charts etc.) Below is a screenshot of what my chart looks like, followed by what the downloaded png looks like.
And now here's the png: you can clearly see it doesn't look like the chart in the above screenshot. It's at a much much lower resolution for some reason.
Without seeing the code I would guess that the difference is in the witdh used.
If you haven't defined the Exporting.setPrintMaxWidth() to be as wide as the used width for the exported chart will be made to fit into typical paper format which is by default 780.

How do I get a Twitter summary card to NOT display any image or default image?

When you create a twitter summary card, you can add a meta tag for an image. If you don't add a meta tag for an image, a grey picture of a document appears where the image would have been. This picture takes up nearly a third of the card. I do not want to show any image (not my own and not this default image). How can I do this?
This is not possible. Twitter cards only support Summary (with small image), Summary with large image, Player and App card formats.

YTPlayerView thumbnail custom size

I am using YTPlayerView library from Google. I want to get the customised size thumbnail of a youtube video for my iOS app.
Can anybody help me how I can achieve this? Current it is giving me the same size thumbnail for a video regardless of the size of my YTPlayerView.
YTPlayerView.load automatically loads its own thumbnail. However, a workaround could be you place a UIImageView on top of the YTPlayerview. And load the customized thumbnail into that UIImageview. You can start playing the video when the UIImageview is clicked using And then hide the thumbnail. In essence, it would give the effect the video is being played upon clicking your customised thumbnail image. You may have to fine-tune some things to make this solution work elegantly.
To retrieve the image for the customised thumbnail, you can use any of 4 generated images of youtube. They are predictably formatted as follows:<insert-youtube-video-id-here>/0.jpg<insert-youtube-video-id-here>/1.jpg<insert-youtube-video-id-here>/2.jpg<insert-youtube-video-id-here>/3.jpg
The first one in the list is a full size image and others are thumbnail images. The default thumbnail image (ie. one of 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg) is:<insert-youtube-video-id-here>/default.jpg
For the high quality version of the thumbnail use a url similar to this:<insert-youtube-video-id-here>/hqdefault.jpg
I hope this helps to answer your question.

How do you fit a large png image into a smaller custom Round Rect Button on XCode without losing image quality?

I am creating a button for my application that, when pressed shows an indention looking effect to make it appear that the user is clicking a real button. It is very simple, using only an image for the default state and the depressed one for the highlighted state. I'm having a few problems. The quality is terrible. I have uploaded the images to XCode in the exact pixels they will be presented in my application but when I export it from Illustrator it gets really pixelated. So I was wondering if there was a way for me to upload an image a few times bigger than my button and have it shrink to fit the button size. I've tried to do that but when I run my app it gets really messed up and weird looking. I would just put text inside the button but then it ruins the pressed effect. Any ideas?
If you export an image at the same aspect ratio as the button, the image will be re-scaled to fit within your button. Don't forget to use the Custom style so you don't get the button oval.
However generating an exact pixel version of your button should be possible, and look good - especially if you specify a 2x sized #2x version of the image for retina use. Are you sure your Illustrator export settings are correct? One thing to consider is that perhaps anti-aliasing needs to be enabled on export.
This page has a helpful quick checklist for how to save for the iPhone from Illustrator (Scroll down to the "How To Save Art For The iPhone In Illustrator" header)

YouTube thumbnail link doesn't work in all cases

An application I'm working on needs to get HQ YouTube thumbnails given a URL. Using this answer, I tried using the maxresdefault.jpg to get the maximum resolution of the thumbnail but on some videos (seemingly random), the request 404's.
Here are some examples: works doesn't work
Using the same URL's, other requests using the same video keys do work: works works
Why doesn't maxresdefault.jpg reliably return the image? Both of those videos are public and can be embedded.
I'd use 0.jpg but it has black bars on the top and bottom of the image.
As I understand it, YouTube only generates high-res stills for high-res videos. The first one you link was uploaded at a resolution of at least 1080p, while the second was less than 720p.
Looks like the only thing you can do is pull the video feed, check that to see if a high-res still has been generated and up-scale the smaller one yourself if not.
All¹ YouTube stills are presented in the 4:3 aspect ratio, so will always have black bars at the top and bottom if the video is 16:9. In HTML/CSS, this is easily combated by setting the image as the background of a div and sizing the div to the correct aspect.
¹ Except the mqdefault.jpg stills, which are all in 16:9 aspect (320x180)
Update 2015 :
None of your 'maxresdefault' link seems to be working
Try these:<insert-youtube-video-id-here>/0.jpg<insert-youtube-video-id-here>/1.jpg<insert-youtube-video-id-here>/2.jpg<insert-youtube-video-id-here>/3.jpg
Update 2019 ::<insert-youtube-video-id-here>/hqdefault.jpg
Seems to return highest possible image....
1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg return previews through the length of the clip which are handy also ;)
