Error Cooja software Simulation - contiki

After enabling tunslip6 package in contiki, I got an error when I gave this command.
sudo ./tunslip6 -a aaaa::1/64
Error is like
sudo:./tunslip6 command not found
Please give me a solution to get rid of this.
Thanks in advance

The error is because you don't have executable in /contiki/tools.
Perform the following steps:
In terminal, change your working directory to /contiki/tools and then compile:
cc tunslip6.c -o tunslip6
If you ./tunslip6 you will see something as follows:
tunslip6: usage: ./tunslip6 [-B baudrate] [-H] [-L] [-s siodev] [-t tundev] [-T] [-v verbosity] [-d delay] [-a serveraddress] [-p serverport] ipaddress: Success
Now your command shall work as expected.

You may try to cd to the directory /home/user/contiki/tools and do the command.


Cardano-node nix-build error: attribute 'ff' in selection path 'scripts.ff.node' not found

Using the recommended nix build method from this guide for a cardano-node from scratch (on Debian or Ubuntu latest) running this command:
$ nix-build -A scripts.ff.node -o ff-node-local
I get the following error:
error: attribute 'ff' in selection path 'scripts.ff.node' not found
To get past that error, try using a more updated guide here, and run the following nix-build command instead:
nix-build -A scripts.mainnet.node -o mainnet-node-local

8th wall web app setup child compilation failed

I am new to 8th wall. I have cloned 8th wall web from git and executed below steps properly
# cd <directory_where_you_saved_sample_project_files>
# cd serve
# npm install
# cd ..
# ./serve/bin/serve -d <sample_project_location>
but on execution of last step which is for ex.
./serve/bin/serve -n -d gettingstarted/xraframe/ -p 7777
I am getting below errors
Failed to compile.
Error: Child compilation failed: Entry module not found: Error:
Can't resolve
\index.html' in 'C:\8thWall_Project\web\serve': Error: Can't resolve
\index.html' in 'C:\8thWall_Project\web\serve'
compiler.js:79 childCompiler.runAsChild
Compiler.js:306 compile
Compiler.js:631 hooks.afterCompile.callAsync.err
Hook.js:154 AsyncSeriesHook.lazyCompileHook
Compiler.js:628 compilation.seal.err
Hook.js:154 AsyncSeriesHook.lazyCompileHook
Compilation.js:1325 hooks.optimizeAssets.callAsync.err
Any idea or pointers what is missing?
I don't know why, but bat file don't want to be opened by path. Just go to the serve\bin directory and launch bat from here, like that:
7777 is unnecessary. problem was, that it can't find path to your xraframe
project, as you are in another directory, so you have to go tow directories up in ypur path for xraframe
It seems as if you're attempting this on a Windows computer. The serve process for Windows is slightly different than on macOS.
Instead of the normal serve script, use the serve.bat executable.
serve\bin\serve.bat -n -d gettingstarted\xraframe -p 7777

How to install Apple iOS on qemu (it is possible now?)

I try to use I follow README.txt
It compiles fine:
./configure --target-list=arm-softmmu --enable-sdl --enable-skinning
4 make
But when I run it:
./arm-softmmu/qemu-system-arm -M ipad1g -option-rom iBoot.k48ap.RELEASE.unencrypted -global s5l8930_h2fmi0.file="0,ce0.bin;2,ce2.bin" -global s5l8930_h2fmi1.file="0,ce1.bin;2,ce3.bin" -pflash ipadnor.bin -gdb tcp::6666 -nographic -S -serial file:serial.txt -monitor stdio -smp 2
Now getting this error :
qemu-system-arm: -pflash ipadnor: could not open disk image ipadnor: No such file or directory
I can't find ipadnor.bin anywhere, what am I doing wrong?

Unable to run command line for iOS UI Automation

I used the template from this website: and created my own command line to run the automation test on terminal.
Here are some useful information about my script:
I'm using xCode 6.4.
I ran this automation script in Xcode instrument and it works fine.
Here is my command line:
instruments -w 927b666816e2d4377b208a872b42a1d3xxxxxxxx -t /Applications/ ConsumeriOS -e UIASCRIPT/Users/wendywang/Documents/TIO/ConsumeriOS/ConsumeriOS/ConsumeriOSTests/automationScript/LogIn.js
But I received this error:
2015-10-05 14:16:34.122 instruments[23330:551118] WebKit Threading Violation - initial use of WebKit from a secondary thread. Instruments Usage Error : Failed to resolve target for Instrument 'Automation' instruments, version 6.4 (57082) usage: instruments [-t template] [-D document] [-l timeLimit] [-i #] [-w device] [[-p pid] | [application [-e variable value] [argument ...]]] tio-spare:~ wendywang$ ConsumeriOS -e UIASCRIPT /Users/wendywang/Documents/xxx/ConsumeriOS/ConsumeriOS/ConsumeriOSTests/automationScript/LogIn.js -bash: ConsumeriOS: command not found
I double checked that
The UDID is correct
The automation trace template is in the correct path
The LogIn.js file is in the correct path
One thing I am not sure:
The ConsumeriOS is the name of the code. But inside the code, it can actually produce a few apps. I am testing the app called Consumer. So I am not sure if I should write ConsumeriOS as the name of the app, or Consumer instead.
Does anyone know why it is generating this error? Thanks!
try this:
Give the
complete path to the app with the .app extension,
Put the DeviceID and the script into "",
try it with the device name, if it doesn't
Here a sample that works for me.
instruments -w "DeviceID" -t PATHTOTEMPLATE/Automation.tracetemplate PATHTOAPP/ -e UIASCRIPT "PATHTOSCRIPT/UITest.js"
Let me know!
The relevant message is this one:
tio-spare:~ wendywang$ ConsumeriOS -e UIASCRIPT /Users/wendywang/Documents/xxx/ConsumeriOS/ConsumeriOS/ConsumeriOSTests/automationScript/LogIn.js -bash: ConsumeriOS: command not found
It appears that you may have copy-pasted this command:
instruments -w 927b666816e2d4377b208a872b42a1d3xxxxxxxx -t /Applications/ ConsumeriOS -e UIASCRIPT/Users/wendywang/Documents/TIO/ConsumeriOS/ConsumeriOS/ConsumeriOSTests/automationScript/LogIn.js
But incorrectly -- in two separate pieces, part 1:
instruments -w 927b666816e2d4377b208a872b42a1d3xxxxxxxx -t /Applications/
And part 2 (separated by a newline):
ConsumeriOS -e UIASCRIPT/Users/wendywang/Documents/TIO/ConsumeriOS/ConsumeriOS/ConsumeriOSTests/automationScript/LogIn.js
Separately, it looks like you wrote the name of your app (ConsumeriOS) instead of the full path to your app (/path/to/

Neo4j lsof: command not found at db server startup

I am getting an endless stream of errors (as follows) when attempting to start the database server - until I am stopping it with CTRL + C in the terminal. Does anyone have idea what is wrong?
$ rake neo4j:start
Starting Neo4j development...
db/neo4j/development/bin/neo4j: line 147: lsof: command not found
db/neo4j/development/bin/neo4j: line 147: lsof: command not found
db/neo4j/development/bin/neo4j: line 147: lsof: command not found
db/neo4j/development/bin/neo4j: line 147: lsof: command not found
^Crake aborted!
For me the below worked:
yum install lsof
I solved this after I added /usr/sbin to the PATH.
Here it is:
levi$ echo $PATH
Instead lsof ,,,,,, Try to use
/usr/sbin/lsof $FILE
Where $FILE is path of a file
According to colucix, the lsof command is available only to root.
if you want to run it as a non root user, you can specify its full path.
$ /usr/sbin/lsof /path/to/some/file
Also Philip Reynolds has pointed out that you can specify an sudo alias for lsof if it suites you.
In ubuntu 16.04 it worked after installing lsof
sudo apt-get install lsof
