adding a command docker image - docker

I have built an image using these steps:
download adminer package
mv adminer-4.2.4-en.php adminer.php
create docker file
vi dockerfile
FROM ubuntu
RUN apt-get -y install apache2 php5 php5-curl php5-cli php5-mysql php5-gd mysql-client mysql-server
RUN apt-get -y install postgresql postgresql-contrib
RUN apt-get -y install php5-pgsql
COPY adminer.php /var/www/html/
RUN chmod -R 777 /var/www/html/
build and run
docker build -t shantanuo/adminer1 .
docker run -i -t --rm -p 80:80 --name adminer1 shantanuo/adminer1
I need to run this command to start apache once I am inside the container.
sudo service apache2 start
How do I include this command in the dockerfile? (Build failed after adding CMD for this purpose.)
Is there any other (better) way of installing adminer.php package?
Is it possible to reduce the size of this image?

What you do is opening an interactive bash session and try to start a server.
It would be better if you started your same image in detached mode (-d) instead of -it, and let apache runs.
For that, as commented, you need to start FROM httpd:2.4 which:
has a Dockerfile starting by default apache
has a httpd-foreground scripts launching apache server in foreground.
Even better would be to use a PHP docker image:
FROM php:5.6-apache
That way, you don't even have to install apache or php. You just copy your php application.
Then, if you need to, you can still open a bash session with:
docker exec -it <yourContainer> bash


Docker Container Not Starting for create docker file

AM completely new to Docker, now am trying to create a container for tomact from ubuntu base image & written a docker file acoding to it:
From ubuntu
RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get upgrade -y
RUN apt-get install wget -y
RUN apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk -y
RUN mkdir /usr/local/tomcat
RUN wget
RUN tar xvzf apache-tomcat-8.5.61.tar.gz
RUN mv apache-tomcat-8.5.61 /usr/local/tomcat/
#MD ./usr/local/tomcat/apache-tomcat-8.5.61/bin/ run
RUN /usr/local/tomcat/apache-tomcat-8.5.61/bin/ run
Created Docker image for the respective docker file using:
docker build -t [filename] .
Tried to start the container using: docker run -itd --name my-con -p 8080:8080
but the container is not starting & the container is listed in stopped container
Cn any one help me fixing this issue
try this in last line:
CMD ["/usr/local/tomcat/bin/","run"]

Jenkins not starting in docker (Dockerfile included)

I am attempting to build a simple app with Jenkins in a docker container. I have the following Dockerfile:
FROM ubuntu:trusty
# Install dependencies for Flask app.
RUN sudo apt-get update
RUN sudo apt-get install -y vim
RUN sudo apt-get install -y curl
RUN sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip
RUN pip3 install flask
# Install dependencies for Jenkins (Java).
# Install Java 1.8.
RUN sudo apt-get install -y python-software-properties debconf-utils
RUN sudo apt-get install -y software-properties-common
RUN sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:webupd8team/java
RUN sudo apt-get update
RUN echo "oracle-java8-installer shared/accepted-oracle-license-v1-1 select true" | sudo debconf-set-selections
RUN sudo apt-get install -y oracle-java8-installer
# Install, start Jenkins.
RUN sudo apt-get install -y wget
RUN wget -q -O - | apt-key add -
RUN echo deb binary/ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list
RUN sudo apt-get update
RUN sudo apt-get install -y jenkins
RUN sudo /etc/init.d/jenkins start
COPY ./app /app
CMD ["python3","/app/"]
I run this container with the following:
docker build -t jenkins_test .
docker run --name jenkins_test_container -tid -p 5000:5000 -p 8080:8080 jenkins_test:latest
I am able to start flask and install Jenkins, however, when running, Jenkins is not running. curl localhost:8080 is not successful.
In the log output, I am able to see:
Correct java version found
* Starting Jenkins Automation Server jenkins [ OK ]
However, it's still not running.
I can ssh into the container and manually run sudo /etc/init.d/jenkins start to start it, but I want it to start on docker run or docker build.
I have also tried putting sudo /etc/init.d/jenkins start in the CMD portion of the Docker file:
CMD python3 /app/; sudo /etc/init.d/jenkins start
With this, I am able to curl Flask, but still not Jenkins.
How can I get Jenkins to start automatically?
You have some points that you need to be aware of:
No need to use sudo as the default user is root already.
In order to run multiple service in the same container you need to use any kind of service manager like Supervisord. Jenkins is not running because the CMD is the main entry point for your container so only flask should be running. Check the following link in order to know how to start multiple service in docker.
RUN will be executed only during the build process unlike CMD which will be executed each time you start a container from that image.
Combine all the RUN lines together as possible in order to minimize the build layers which lead to a smaller docker image.
Regarding the usage of this:
CMD python3 /app/; sudo /etc/init.d/jenkins start
It does not work for you because this command python3 /app/ is not running as a background process so this command sudo /etc/init.d/jenkins start wont run until the previous command is done.
I was only able to get this to work by starting Jenkins in the CMD portion, but needed to start Jenkins before Flask since Flask would continuously run and the next command would never execute:
Did not work:
CMD python3 /app/; sudo /etc/init.d/jenkins start
This did work:
CMD sudo /etc/init.d/jenkins start; python3 /app/
I believe putting it in the RUN portion would not work because container would build but not save the any running services. I'm not sure if containers can be saved and loaded with running processes like that but I might be wrong. Would appreciate clarification if so.
It seems like a thing that should be in RUN so if anyone knows why that didn't work or some best practices, would also appreciate the info.

uwsgi-nginx in docker not works

I have Dockerfile like:
FROM python:3.6.5-jessie
MAINTAINER twitter myname
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y git
RUN apt-get install -y nginx
RUN pip install --upgrade pip
RUN git clone
RUN pip install -r /requirements/requirements_django.txt
RUN apt-get install -y vim
RUN mkdir -p /uwsgi_log
RUN git clone
RUN apt-get install -y nginx
COPY ./nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
COPY ./uwsgi.ini /uwsgi.ini # it runs in daemonized mode
# These files are just setting files. nginx get request at port 8000 and uwsgi runs django project.
RUN uwsgi --ini /uwsgi.ini
RUN service nginx restart
CMD ["python3"]
I think these 2 lines not work:
RUN uwsgi --ini /uwsgi.ini
RUN service nginx restart
Because When I build it and run it with linux command: sudo docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8000 hongmingu/smaple:0.1 /bin/bash my does not work. But, When I attach container and type command manually like, uwsgi --ini /uwsgi.ini and service nginx restart, It works well.
So, Is it impossible to run uwsgi, nginx in Dockerfile?
I want to do it so that I hope I don't need to run uwsgi and nginx manually.
Where did I make fault? Is there any good way to do this?
This docker image(hongmingu/smaple:0.1) is here:
You misunderstood the RUN instruction
The RUN instruction will execute any commands in a new layer on top of
the current image and commit the results
It's used to build your image, it is not docker run which executes the command in the container.
The solutions involves to execute those 2 lines in the CMD or ENTRYPOINT with a shell script. uwsgi has also to be daemonized. Checkout this image

Dockerfile with LAMP running (Ubuntu)

I'm trying to create a Docker (LAMP) image with the following
FROM ubuntu:latest
RUN apt-get update \
&& DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y \
apache2 \
mysql-server \
php7.0 \
php7.0-bcmath \
COPY /root/
RUN chmod +x /root/ && /root/
service mysql start
a2enmod rewrite
service apache2 start
I build it with:
docker build -t resting/ubuntu .
Then run it with:
docker run -it -p 8000:80 -p 5000:3306 -v $(pwd)/html:/var/www/html resting/ubuntu bash
The problem is, the MYSQL and Apache2 service are not started.
If I run /root/ manually in the container, port 80 maps fine to port 8000, but I couldn't connect to MYSQL with
How can I ensure that the services are running when I spin up a container with the image, and map MYSQL out to my host machine?
You need to change the execution of the script to a CMD instruction.
FROM ubuntu:latest
RUN apt-get update \
&& DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y \
apache2 \
mysql-server \
php7.0 \
php7.0-bcmath \
COPY /root/
RUN chmod +x /root/
CMD /root/
Althought this works, this is not the right way to manage containers. You should have one container for your Apache2 and another one for MySQL.
Take a look to this article that build a LAMP stack using Docker-Compose:
you need multiple images - one for each service or app.
A Docker container is not a virtual machine in which you run an entire stack. It is a virtual application, running one primary process.
If you need php, apache and mysql, then you will need 3 docker containers. one for your php app, one for apache and one for mysql.

Docker container with Centos as base image is not running

I had created the Docker container for RabbitMQ using the Following Docker File, But not able to run the Container, It's automatically stops.
Docker File
FROM centos:centos7
RUN yum -y update
RUN yum -y install wget
RUN wget
RUN yum -y install erlang-18.2-1.el6.x86_64.rpm
RUN wget
RUN yum -y install rabbitmq-server-3.6.9-1.el7.noarch.rpm
EXPOSE 15672
RUN rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
CMD /usr/sbin/rabbitmq-server -detached
Docker build Command
docker build -t rabbit .
Docker run command
docker run -d -p 15672:15672 rabbit
Container starts but's its exit's after a second
Thanks in advance
