Squiz matrix migration from linux plesk panel running in two apache to aws - centos6.5

Can anyone help me with squiz matrix migration.? How to find out squiz database in the running server? There is no relevant docs explaining the same.

You can find the database details for the running Squiz Matrix system by looking in data/private/conf/db.inc.
Squiz Matrix includes a script to generate a backup tarball. Details here:
Your biggest issue will be making sure you've got all the prerequisites installed on the destination. There's another script to help you with that:


Add Neo4j to Gremlin Server - how to?

I have downloaded Gremlin Server with an intention of being able to use Gremlin to traverse a Neo4j DB.
Now, speaking of the latter, it has to be somehow added to the Gremlin Server installation, but I have difficulty finding any up-to-date guidance on how to do that. There are a few posts here on SO describing various kinds of problems people run into, but no definitive solution, much less one for the current versions of both Tinkerpop and Neo4j.
Would appreciate specific links, tips etc.
There is a "TIP" describing Gremlin Server configuration in the TinkerPop reference documentation found here. Basically, you -install Neo4j dependencies:
bin/gremlin-server.sh install org.apache.tinkerpop neo4j-gremlin 3.3.4
then you edit your Gremlin Server YAML configuration file to connect to your database. Gremlin Server contains a sample file to get you started and is found the /conf directory of the installation. Of critical note is this entry:
graphs: {
graph: conf/neo4j-empty.properties}
It specifies the Neo4j configuration to use and the sample one that ships with Gremlin Server looks like this:
As you can see, the configuration basically just passes through Neo4j specific configuration to Neo4j itself. Only the first two lines are TinkerPop options. In this case, it sets up Neo4j for embedded mode, meaning Neo4j runs within the Gremlin Server JVM. You can make Gremlin Server part of a Neo4j HA cluster with instructions found in the reference documentation here.
Note that you asked for "current" versions of both TinkerPop and Neo4j. While these instructions are current for TinkerPop, I'm afraid that the Neo4j version TinkerPop supports is well behind their latest release. It would be nice if someone had time to issue a pull request for that.

Copy Neo4j Desktop Edition DB to cloud

I am trying to get the Paradise Papers running on an AWS cloud server. I installed Neo4j Desktop on my mac, and commissioned a server by deploying the AMI from https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/B071P26C9D.
I then copied the data from the Desktop install to the cloud install, updated the neo4j.template file to point to the new directory, and restarted the service.
The problem is that I can no longer connect to the server. In the log files I can see the following lines (along with a lot of diagnostic information).
2018-09-30 07:41:59.920+0000 INFO [o.n.k.i.f.CommunityEditionModule] No locking implementation specified, defaulting to 'community'
2018-09-30 07:42:00.104+0000 INFO [o.n.k.AvailabilityGuard] Requirement makes database unavailable: Database available
I suspect that there may be some kind of licensing or version constraint that is preventing the database from running. Could this be possible? Or is it something else?
Your issue is not related with a licensing or version problem.
In your debug.log, I don't see any message that can explained your issue.
Is there something useful in the neo4j.log file ?
Can you try to start neo4j after after removing all your plugins (apoc) ?
Can you try to start Neo4j on an empty database ?

How to set-up vicidial in local system?

I want to set-up vicidial in my local computer server any information or a document for that?
I googled but I can't find exact resource.
I googled below links.
Link 1
Link 2
Thanks in advance.
Vicidial is an Open Source Predictive AutoDialer based on Asterisk with PHP/MySQL/Perl coding.
Installation of Vicidial is only viable on a Linux machine.
There are several locations with Scratch Install instructions for Ubuntu and CentOS. In fact, the Vicidial Wiki has a list of a few of them: http://wiki.vicidial.org/index.php/VICI:Installation
Most are quite old except for the Goautodial.com which has instructions for CentOS installation by adding the goautodial repositories and then just upgrading the OS to get all the necessary packages.
If you're not using CentOS or Ubuntu and none of those instructions work for your purpose, beware that Vicidial installation is not easy. It is MUCH better to dedicate a machine to the purpose by installing from Vicibox.com's .iso image which will wipe the computer clean. The installation becomes easy and then you need only argue with configuration.
If you can not dedicate a machine to this purpose, you should take the earlier suggestion of a Virtual server (vSphere or Virtualbox both work for Vicibox.com's .iso installer), but beware that you'll only be able to have one or two agents on the virtual dialer at the most. Luckily, if you do get the virtual vicidial working, it is possible to backup the virtual server's database and install it on a hardware based server later to bring everything with you without having to do it all over.

Does Google Cloud support neo4j?

I'm a beginner of databases and I want to deploy neo4j on Google Cloud Platform.
I can find something about deploying MongoDB on Google, but nothing about neo4j.
So I wonder does Google Cloud support neo4j?
Neo4j is an open source project that could run your own Linux machine.
You could just create a Google Compute Engine instance, and follow the tutorials on the web to setup your Neo4j.
like this one: Neo4j setup instruction
just follow the Linux part, and I suggest you to use Debian image to create your instance for Neo4j, because the command-line tool on Debian is most like to Ubuntu's one.
Updated answer from 2018.
Yes -- neo4j supports Google Cloud. Instructions can be found on their website. You can use a pre-built image and launch a single node instance, or multi-node clusters on GCP.

Micro Cloud Foundry microconsole startup

So ive been looking through the init.d scripts and the bashrc file and cannot find where the microconsole binary is started on initial login. Can anyone tell me where it is?
Also, does MCF support running two microconsole instances at a time? My IaaS provider only supports SSH.
I am not entirely sure what you are trying to achieve here. Your trying to host MCF with an IaaS provider? like EC2 for example? If this is the case, I would recommend installing VCAP, MCF is not kept as up to date as the VCAP project.
It's pretty straight forward to install on Ubuntu 10.04, there are instructions on the Github project page, here ... https://github.com/cloudfoundry/vcap
