Firebase: Swift - Query value in child node without knowing the parent key - ios

I have a firebase database which I have imported a list of approx. 8200 Universities with the details seen above.
I want to be able to enter an email address into a text field then query the "domain" part of this JSON. My issue is I need to query all the domains in the list of 8000, however I do not know how to search domain ad I do not have the "7542" to use a childByAppendingPath.
So I have a reference to "universities" but I need to be able to query "domain" without knowing the parent key (i.e. 7542 in the example above, but I want to search the domain, "").

You need to create a reference and Query that reference, check this link to find more about how to retrieve data from firebase.
Basically you need to do something like this
let myRef = Firebase(url: "")
let query = myRef.queryOrderedByChild("domain").queryEqualToValue("yourDomainSearchValue")
and then observe the events you need to on your query


Firebase: Maintain a Username Directory

I am creating a Social app and want to track if a username already exists or not. The username list is supposed to grow in future and the way I was doing it now was a key value pair of <string,bolean> like this:
name1: true,
name2: true
all the above data was to be stored in a single document and whenever I want to see if a user exists I would call this document and check accordingly. But here's the problem, firebase max document size is 1MBs and as the users grow this can be problematic, so wanted to know from firebase experts that what's the best way to solve this use case in firestore or realtime database but since I need to query exists maybe realtime db won't suit that well.
Note that I don't want any of firestore querying capabilities but only to check if an entry exists in the record or not and if not just add it.
The Realtime Database doesn't have a 1MB limit (since it has no concept of a document, and everything is just a tree of JSON), so I'd typically use that for the index of user names.
Checking whether a name exists is pretty simple there too, and in JavaScript would look something like:
const usernames = firebase.database().ref('usernames');
usernames.child('name1').once((snapshot) => {
if (snapshot.exists()) {

How to build structured realtime firebase database for iOS, swift?

I am currently setting up my realtime firebase database to my iOS application.
It is my first time trying to structure user data in a firebase database, and I am really, really struggling with understanding a few key things.
A bit of context to my application's database needs:
When a new user is created, the attributes assigned directly to the user are:
Later on, the user needs the option of creating personal diaries!
Each of these diaries being arrays/lists of objects... Where each object in a diary furthermore holds a few attributes in a list/array.
After reading everything I could find anywhere, I picture my database something like this:
I am terribly sorry if it becomes too specific - I will try to make the question as open as possible:
My question is:
How to create the different "children" programmatically and how to find the keys leading back to them, so I can refer to them at other times again? (when editing an attribute in a child).
A few methods I have tried:
setValue([ArrayOfObjects]) --> This creates the desired array, but I can't seem to find e.g. index 3 in this array, to allow user to change his/her email later on.
childByAutoID() --> This as well creates my array, but gives several other problems: User can only store one diary, still can't find the paths to specific indexes...
setValue(), andPriority() --> Can't seem to make the priority function. (Is this function also outdated??)
And a few more...
If anyone can tell me how to achieve just the first few steps in setting up my database structure, I will be forever grateful - I have spent literally all day on it and I am not moving forward ...
Or, at least tell me, if I am on the right track regarding my desired setup of the database. Is it flat enough? Is there a smarter way to store all these user created lists?
Thank you so much! :-)
I don't know Swift so my examples are in Dart but the methods are similar I believe.
First off, I would split the Users node into two. One to hold the user data, which is normally pretty static, and the other to hold the diaries. You would use the same uid key as reference to both. This way you have less nesting to worry about and therefore it is much easier to CRUD the data. If you are using Firebase to authenticate your users then I would use the unique key that Firebase creates for each user as the keys for these two nodes.
To create a user data node record the Dart code would be something like:
referenceUserData.child(<authenticated user id>).set({
"age": <age value>,
"email": <email value>,
"name": <name value>,
To create a user diary node object record the Dart code would be something like:
referenceUserData.child(<authenticated user id>).child(<diary key>).child(<diary object key>).set({
"object info value 1": <object value>,
"object info value 2": <object value>,
"object info value 3": <object value>,
You could also create all the object records at once by writing them as a List (array) using .set().
You also need to decide what your diary key should be. You could use Firebase to generate a unique key by using .push().set().
To read eg. the user data then your call could be:
.child(<authenticated user id>)
(DataSnapshot snapshot) {
if (snapshot.value != null) {
<code to process your snapshot value>
BTW, 'priority' is legacy from the early days of Firebase RTDB so I wouldn't try to use it.

How to access object field in qaf step from stored variable

In my previous question I was looking for a way to access and store return value of the function in qaf step. I was provided with the following:
When create new user using "{'name':'user1','password':'user123'}"
And store into 'newUser'
Then system should have user '${newUser}'
Now, I'd like to know how to get value from object/collection stored.
If it is a simple object named newUser which has field Id. How would I pass Id on next step?
And, if return is List, how to get by index from stored list?
Resolved issue on my own. If anyone faces same unknowns, here is how I solved it.
For requirements to work around response data, parsing same stored objects in properties by specific fields or collecting data from other structures such as Maps or Lists, create common functions with #QAFTestStep annotation to get data for class member name, map by key or list by index and so on... Add those in common steps and then write stepname text in gherkin format with parameters specified. Let me know if someone needs help, always ready to help out...

QBFC: How do I query the customners by accountnumber?

Since Intuit has broken the QBFC reference today, I have to ask a question that I could normally look up. (I do not know who to complain to).
I normally query by list_id like so:
ICustomerQuery CustomerQueryRq = requestMsgSet.AppendCustomerQueryRq();
Is there a way to query by AccountNumber?
No, QuickBooks does not support querying by the AccountNumber field.
This is old, but maybe worth adding.
Create a temp "cached" object, containing all the properties you want to search for. Them when launching, and whenever customer changes are made, cache a list of custom QBcustomersForSearch objects with only the properties that you would want to use for the search.
class qbCustomerForSearch
property email as string
property accountnumber as string
property whatever as string
property QBListId as string
end class
Cache / create a list of these objects when and as needed, and search your list. Once located in your list, use the listID to identify the QB customer.

Google Contacts: Unique Contacts?

I am building an application that I will need to distinguish the Google Contacts from each other. I am just wondering, as long as google sends contacts as First Name/Last Name/mail.. etc (Example) without a unique ID, what will be the first approach to distinguish each contacts?
1) Should I create an ID based on the user's fields? -> by a minimal change, it can break down.
2) Should I create an ID based on First Name + Last Name? -> but most people can have duplicate contacts on their page, would that be a problem? Or married contacts, which can create a little mess.
The reason I am asking this I am trying to create relations and I need to store the data somewhere like that [person=Darth Vader, subject=Luke Skywalker, type=father(or son)], so I need a fast algorithm that can make a mapping for each contact and retrieve the related contacts fast.
I believe they do send back an ID. From the return schema:
<link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/>
You could use the full HREF value as the ID, or parse out the contactID from the end of the URL, whichever you like better.
