Can't run HermesJMS from SOAP UI - stdout

I am trying to run HermesJMS from soapUI 5.2.1 on Windows7 x64
The preferences and path to hermes config are set correctly.
The problem is that I cannot write to C: drive. So I had to install SOAPUI and Hermes in alternative places. I have changed hermes_home, java_home and hermes_config to my actual paths. Paths do not contain whitespaces etc. When I run hermes.bat from command prompt, it starts correctly.
However, when I try SoapUI -> Project -> right click -> start HermesJMS - nothing happens. Things are as bad that I even couldn't find anything useful neither in soapui nor in hermes logs.
File structure is as follows:
hermes_home = ...\SoapUI-5.2.1\hermesJMS
hermes_config = ...\SoapUI-5.2.1\hermesJMS\cfg
Does anyone have an idea what could be going on? Or for a start where can i find stdout and stderr of a script which starts hermes from SoapUI?

Here are the steps to configure SoapUI with HermesJMS:
Preferences: In SoapUI tool, go to File -> Preferences -> Tools and set the path for HermesJMS, which is mentioned here in the documentation. Then, save the preferences.
Start HermesJMS: Now, select your soapui project. Right click -> Start HermesJMS. At this point, a dialog will be shown requesting user to choose for the hermes configuration directory where it looks for the file called hermes-config.xml. Default location it looks for is under {user.home}\.hermes.
You already mentioned hermesJMS is already configured to connect with TIBCO EMS, so you will be having that file on your system.
Configuring JMS: I believe this may not really applicable for you. But, in case if someone is needed, here are the detailed steps provided, citing the documentation.
-- Here for activemq from the official site.
-- Here for TIBCO EMS. And here, there. Also find some information relevant to EMS connection issues here.
Permissions Issue on C Drive:
There is no constraint from SmartBear that SoapUI needs to be installed in a specific drive on the computer. So, you are free to install the software on your machine where you have the rights to do so.
Does anyone have an idea what could be going on? Or for a start where can i find stdout and stderr of a script which starts hermes from SoapUI?
Best thing you could do is to go the logs to find what is going on. You can find lot of useful information from the logs when the situation requires. SoapUI logs can be found under {user.home} when you invoked it from windows -> start menu. If you start SoapUI from command line (go to SOAPUI_HOME\bin) using soapui.bat script, then you should be able so the log on the console itself also log files can be found in the same directory where you invoked.
This time the above instruction should resolve your issue.


Pass parameter to app config file during MSI installation - Advanced Installer

I have created MSI package using advanced Installer. It contains App Config to which i have to pass the siteURL which varies depending on location. I need to pass the siteurl to app config when msi is installed . Please help me with it. I am new to Advanced Installer
You can check the online user guide for Advanced Installer, it has a lot of useful info. For example the article on importing and editing XML config files.
Or how to add a custom dialog and write in the system the values captured from the end users.
EDIT: additional answer regarding command line
You can run the installation silently from the command line but you will still see the message box saying the package is built with a trial. You will not see the standard MSI dialogs. And the trial messages will be gone once you purchase license for Advanced Installer.
Please note that your command prompt window (cmd.exe) must be launched as administrator, if your installation is installing per-machine (i.e. you write in Program Files or HKLM registry hive). Otherwise the installation will fail silently and you will not know why, because on silent installation the OS will not show an error message.
Here is a command line example:
msiexec.exe /i C:\setup\installer.msi /qn ID="235424" SiteURL=""
Please note that it is not recommended to use private properties, i.e. properties with lower case letters in their name, we recommend public properties, for example: SITE_URL.

SOAPUI: Cannot find the icon to open application on mac

I am having trouble opening soap ui.
I have gone onto their website and downloaded from
I have then unzipped it and have many different files but there is none with the icon to open the application. Someone said to open soapui-5.0.0.jar in the bin folder but when I do I get an error saying it cannot be launched and to check the console for possible error messages.
I cant seem to find the error message on the console - I have very limited technical ability I think haha I am running 10.9.2 apple OS if that helps at all.
I would attach screenshots but my reputation isn't good enough
In the bin folder there is a file named To start SoapUI you can run this file from the terminal.
A possible easier way to run SoapUI is to download the SoapUI-5.0.0.dmg file from Running that file will start an installer for SoapUI. Once installed you will get an icon on your desktop that you can use to start SoapUI.

Why does Erlang run configuration in Eclipse IDE stop at 57%?

I am starting out Erlang in Win 7 64 bit box and I was able to use Erlang IDE just fine and since I am used to Eclipse I wanted to use Erlide with Eclipse. I am following running project document on erlide I was able to follow along. (Except step 41, Where it is talking about adding something to 'Main tab' and in my case it shows as 'Erlang', but options they are same) When I run the 'new configuration' on the HelloWorld example it runs and stuck at 57%.
I did install Erlang on my PC and installed it in a directory without space and it does shows up on my installed runtime in Eclipse.
When I run I do not see 'Eclipse IDE' like I saw when I was running Scala IDE in eclipse.
I did enter a dummy cookie name just in case if that is the problem
I tried running 'erl -name foo' to make sure node is able to run and it did.
Is there anything I need to check?
Try first this:
* delete the configuration you created
* open a file in your project, right-click in it and choose Run as -> Erlang application
This will create a configuration that should work. You should see a console opening, where you can interact with the Erlang node.
If that is not happening, please go to window->preferences->erlang->report problem and create a report. Attach it to an issue at or send it to
I have the same problem on Win 7 - 64bit.
Problem: After some very first times build and run successfully, then eclipse couldnt run anymore. Restart Eclipse won't help.
Solution: Restarting the computer, and plz remember to Build Project before running it.

Eclipse freezes when erlide tries to run

I'm just getting started with erlide, using a fresh install of Eclipse Juno and erlide. I've used erlang on my system (64-bit Fedora) from the command-line, so I'm just trying to make the switch. I started with R15B, and have upgraded to R15B02 (built from source) as suggested by another SO post. If I right-click on a .erl file and pick Run As..Erlang Application, the IDE freezes and I have to kill it. If I try to run from Run Configurations and specify the module and function, it will start to execute, but never progresses beyond 27%. This is on a simple function that runs instantaneously on the command line.
Please try with the latest nightly from, we did some work about similar issues, I hope they will solve yours too.
It would help to see the log from /erlide.log.
You can also open the launch configuration from run->configurations and see if there is some weird value in any of the fields in the "runtime" tab, most probably the node host name.
[I will be away for a week or so, so I can't answer very soon. Sorry about that.]

could not start the sphinx search service on local computer?

i am getting this
Windows could not start the SphinxSearch service on Local Computer.
Error 1067: The process terminated unexpectedly.
i got installation instruction from this .
build process is complete but when i start the sphinx search service i got errors .
Try running searchd manually from Command Prompt. Maybe it will give you a useful error message.
Try also looking in searchd.log
For anyone who is still having problems with the Windows service:
Make sure your configuration is correct for both database and paths and the needed folders & files are created.
Make sure that the service "command" matches the correct paths and files, to do so you have to:
Run administrative tools, click on local services, then find SphinxSearch. Click on its properties and read the line the service is trying to execute. If the configuration path doesn't match the service start command, it will fail to start.
FYI, this can also happen because your search data files are corrupt. Easy fix for that is to nuke the files and refill them.
