Status Bar in Oracle MAF - ios

Is it possible to change the status bar (coming above the header facet) color/ or make the screen full screen for Oracle MAF applications ?

I think this was registered as a new enhancement in 2014. I am not sure if it ready yet. Here is the link.

I think this will be useful for those who have requirement like above
Add <fullscreenLayout>fullscreen</fullscreenLayout> to maf.config.xml
then In Lifecyclelistner start() method add AdfmfContainerUtilities.setStatusBarStyle(AdfmfContainerUtilities.STATUS_BAR_STYLE.LIGHT);


How to use notifications menu in #ant-design/pro-layout?

I have designed my project with CRA and antd, unfortunately AFAIK antd layout don't have a notifications, user options in the header.
So I tried to use #ant-design/pro-layout, it's bit confusing in the documentation on how to use the notifications and user options in menu.
Anyone please shed some light on how to achieve this with either in antd or in #ant-design/pro-layout?
Thanks in advance.
I think docs in v4 are still under development but you can downgrade the documentation to v2 and see how they do it (or dig their github repo) what i can find is:
you have to:
import NoticeIcon from 'ant-design-pro/lib/NoticeIcon'
see reference here:
and more information here :

Umbraco 7 add new Item to Dashboard

I am trying to add new "Section" Item to Umbraco 7. Without Success.
What I am trying to achieve is to Have additional Icon in left side menu after members icon.
I saw , google analytics package adding icon there after installation.
I've tried to change dashboard.config , application.config , without success. Can anyone point to me to some tutorial on how to do it , googling the subj , didn't brought results.
Markus has some good tips but his blog was written for 7.0 - some things have changed in 7.1. Work through Tim Geyssens's blog posts
One very important tip - remember to add the section to the users login account! You might have done everything right and missed adding your custom section to your user account!
Markus Johansson runs through the process on his blog, here.

title bar like wunderlist tideSDK

Firstly sorry for my English because I don't speak very well!
Can you tell me how can I create title bar like Wunderlist in tideSDK?
You don't need to wunder. The sources for Wunderlist are open source under the Apache 2 license and available at:
You can view the user interface for yourself to examine how the app was constructed.

Firefox : Overlaying commondialog.xul

I am trying to suppress all modal dialogs in Firefox through an extension, either brought up by content or chrome, for my automated testing. Is there a way to do that? Someone recommended that overlaying CommonDialog.xul might get me some ways there. Any suggestions on how to go about doing that? Any examples will be highly appreciated.
Thanks, Sunil
I found a notification fired by Firefox called 'common-dialog-loaded' and 'tabmodal-dialog-loaded' that can be used for this purpose.

Application Menu Item

I am developing a photo-editor app in blackberry. For this I need to open the app through an application menuitem in bb albums; I tried this but it does not get invoked.
What might I be missing?
I am not sure if I understand your question. You failed to add menu item?
If this is the case you can check out this:
You can also find many examples in the sample apps which come from RIM. In eclipse you can easily import the samples from file->import->import blackberry samples.
have u tried of something like this:
Not sure whether it works for your case or not
