TFS branch structure to use: flat or hierarchic - tfs

I'm wave between using an hierarchic or a flat branch structure.
Hierarchic structure is more logical and is considered the standard.
The cons of hierarchic structure is that I can merge 1.4 DEV2 to 1.5 without touching the 1.4 only with baseless merge.
On the other hand flat structure allows doing force merge from any branch to any branch whithout losing change history.

You need to figure out which branch strategy works for your team. Download TFS branching and merging strategies at website below:
This picture introduces you to some of the branching plans and strategies covered by the guidance and a matrix that allows you to focus on the most relevant plan, you can check it:
Before branching, it's suggested to read TFS branching and merging strategies first to figure out which branch strategy works for your team. It seems you'll have more branches if you have new version, which is not suggested. In your scenario, it's not needed to have a new branch of 1.5 OG, you can only have one OG branch, when develop test their code in the development branch, he can merge back the code to OG branch and check in. Then each changeset in OG branch is a version.


Merge a feature branch to a different trunk branch than it was created from?

I have a situation where we were working on feature branches against a main development branch ('trunk') and each release cycle, a release branch would be taken from the current development branch.
However, a release was cancelled very late on and instead we were asked to issue the previous release with only some features - after these were all integrated into the main dev branch.
So what happened was the previous release branch was taken as the base of the new mini-release, and we now have to re-apply specific changes that were already made against the development branch. I luckily still have my feature branch and it was never merged. It is based on the development branch, however my branch was taken fairly early on in the release cycle and was not updated by re-merging parent (trunk) changes - so my branch's parent is actually not too dissimilar from the new branch I need to apply it to.
I know TFS has some facilities for re-parenting and baseless merges but what is likely to work best? More importantly if I try re-parenting, can I break my branch or am I safe that I can try things, back them out and try again if there are problems?
My branch is fairly large, maybe 50 changesets applied to quite a few separate modules. I suppose I could try to apply each changeset one-by-one instead?
In my experience, baseless merges are always terrible. In most cases I find diffing and merging the two branches manually via a compare tool (like BeyondCompare) is easier and more reliable than using the TFS tooling.
That being said I would challenge you to consider going to a single main branch. We made the leap (a huge leap for us at the time) but it has paid dividends many times over at this point. The key is being Release Ready:

TFS2012: Move changesets (with history) to a new branch

I recently introduced TFS to a project team that had not been using version control. Our structure is pretty simple:
MAIN branch for production-ready code
DEV branch for (complete) test-ready code
Feature branches for incomplete code not ready for testing
As I said, this team is not used to using version control. Over the holidays a well-motivated team member decided he would try to work on a feature, however he did this directly in DEV and made a number of check-ins. His feature is not complete so I don't want it polluting DEV for now, but I don't want to lose the history of changesets.
The obvious way is to make a new branch off the last changeset before his feature, merge the rest to the new branch, and rollback DEV. However, I'm afraid I'll lose the history of changes and be left with just a single "merge" changeset in the new branch.
If this is the case, is there a way to simply move all the changesets after a certain changeset into a new branch and keep the history?
EDIT: Basically I want to turn this:
DEV ---(1)--(2)--(3)--(4)--(5)--(6)--
into this:
DEV ---(1)--(2)--(3)----------------
NEW (4)--(5)--(6)--
This is not supported in TFVC ( nor any other SVCS). If you were using Git is TFS there would be hope, but not here. Your suggested solution is your only avenue.

TFS - What is the best branching strategy for this scenario?

My goal is to have a structure like this:
Project X
-- Main
-- QA
-- Dev
-- Feature X
Ideally, when working on a new feature, I would like to branch off the "Main" trunk and create a new "Dev/Feature X" branch. Once I have the feature ready for testing, I would like to move the "Feature X" to "QA" with the merging tool. Then go from the "QA" branch once it is done and tested. Once that is true, I would like to merge from "QA" into "Main".
Is this possible? Id like to do this without doing a baseless merge. I am unsure how to structure the branches to achieve this solution.
Yes, this is possible.
You'd branch Main to QA, then branch QA to Feature X, Feature Y, etc.
Then, devs code in the Feature branches, and when the feature is complete, merge the code from the feature branch to the QA branch. It's important to also have devs periodically reverse-integrate from QA back up to their feature branches, to make sure that all of the latest changes are present and working in their dev branch.
When the release is done and tested in the QA branch, you merge it back to Main, and then (if you desire) branch Main to a Release branch.
In this scenario, Main should always represent absolutely vetted, shippable code -- either the code you just shipped, or the code you're about to ship. No one should ever modify Main without it going through (at the very least) the QA branch.
Basically, the part you're missing is that your code should always travel through the QA branch. I usually call this an "Integration" branch instead of "QA", but the purpose is the same.
The ALM Rangers have an awesome branching/merging guide -- I strongly recommend reading it!

In TFS, should I label or create a branch for a production release?

When making a deployment to production, should I mark my code with a label or create a branch for the code that's in production?
In TFS, I would have a Release branch with a label identifying the specific version being released to production.
Which would imply you have other branches may I suggest the following
Three major branches: Main, Develop, & Release.
One Hotfix branch for your current fire.
0 to N Major-Feature branches to contain the disruption of development.
Main Branch
Contains the latest stable builds
Tag/Label each release
Develop Branch
Branched from the Main
Where most of the work is done
Merge back to Main before release
Release Branch
Branched from one of the following:
The Develop branch
OR the Main branch (this may be better since it is "stable")
Bug fixes are done here
After fixes are tested and released,
merge to Develop branch
OR merge to Main branch and then forward integrate (FI - which is a merge from parent to child) to Develop
Tag/Label each release or bug fix
Hotfix Branch
Branched from Main
Merged back into Main
Forward integrate merge to Develop
Used to allow Main to remain "stable"
Major Feature Branches
Branched from Develop
Merged back into Develop
Used for major features that would possibly disrupt the regular development path
another stack overflow question: when-to-use-a-tag-label-and-when-to-branch especially Martin Woodward's answer
Source Control How To by Eric Sink
A successful Git branching model by Vincent Driessen
This contains a very good graphic of a branching model
Ideally, both.
You probably want to have a label so that you know exactly what you delivered for a specific release. However, you probably also want to create a branch so that you can perform minor bug fixing to what was released and create a new release.
In practice, you could approach it in one of two ways:
Have a continuous developmental timeline that gets branched for each of your production releases:
| | |
| | |
| | |
v1.0 v2.0 v3.0
Have your production releases "cascade" off of one another:
Ultimately, up to you in deciding what architecture to adopt, as long as it's consistent and makes sense to you.
You can use a combination of both. Here is how we do this internally for all projects.
We have structure with folder Branches and sub folder for each minor and major version. We also use labels that we set on individual sub folders so we can easily rebuild any specific version any time in the future.
\2012.02 (branched from 2012.01)
\2012.03 (branched from 2012.02)
\2013.01 (branched from 2012.03)
You can also check out Visual Studio Team Foundation Server Branching and Merging Guide for more details.
I have seen both done, Labeling is more lightweight and to me easier. But, it has been pointed out that labels can be deleted rather easily. A branch protects against this by not actually being deleted unless "destroyed". The reason I prefer not use branches is I hate having to cloak them as I tend to do get latest from the root and don't want all those branches filling up my hard drive
For the record, since it was pointed out to me about label's being deleted I have removed permissions for Labeling from everyone but Admins and the build service accounts to help mitigate this.

Rename a branch and then reuse the name for a new branch?

Currently we have a branch structure like this: Develop --> Release. I want to change it so that it looks like what the TFS Branching Guidance document calls "Basic Branch Plan". It looks like this Develop <-- Main --> Release.
I was going to do this:
Rename Develop to Main (creating Main --> Release)
Creating a branch from this Main reusing the "Develop" name (creating Develop <-- Main --> Release)
Will I have problems with TFS reusing an old branch name for a new branch? Know any gotchas or things to look out for?
Additional Info
I did this in a test instance creating test branches without any files, pending changes, history, etc. (not a good real test) and TFS let me do the rename and branch without difficulty. However, I won't feel comfortable with this unless I can take our production TFS project collection, restore it in the test instance, and test the rename/branch on real data. There is a lot of history and branches there and I don't know what will happen. As noted in the answer, there are other considerations before doing this.
I'm preparing to do similar steps (except I'm moving subfolder locations of both parent and a child while grandchildren stay put.)
When are you planning the rename?
Are there any child branches under Develop branch that you didn't mention?
Do you have any shelvesets against Develop that might be impacted by the rename?
General answer: Proceed with caution. From my reading branch renaming in TFS2010 can cause a few unexpected side effects. TFS will be doing the following steps (under the hood) for your scenario:
Rename Develop to Main ==> Branch Main branch from Develop, then delete Develop branch
Create new "Develop" branch from Main
I recommend reading the following posts:
Renaming Branches in TFS 2010 (ChandruR’s Blog)
"MSDN Blogs > ChandruR's Blog > Renaming branches in TFS 2010
So my recommendations for this case:
Avoid renaming branches - a cleaner solution would be to, at the right point in your release merge all changes to a parent branch and then re-branch to create a new branch hierarchy.
Or for the brave of heart :)
You will need to time the rename of your branch, to a point in your release where you can merge to all related branches. The steps to follow are:
Renaming branches in TFS2010 - But it works on my PC!
“In TFS 2010 behind the scenes a rename is actually a branch and delete process, this meant we ended up with the new branch, but also a deleted branch of the old name. This is not obvious unless you have ‘show deleted items in source control explorer’ enabled…”
"Now implemented as a branch + delete behind the scenes (new name is branched from the old, then the old name is deleted). This allows traceability in History, but allows us to get around the problems with merging renames (see Add, Rename, Add scenario). "
Get all devs to merge (or abandon) all safe changes in child branches of Dev. Also prune any inactive branches before the rename.
Read above articles.
Search to find the page (that I haven't found yet) that describes exactly what will happen in simpler terms based on real experience.
Specifically I'd like to know what happens to shelvesets on the Develop branch after it is renamed to Main. (Next step can answer this.)
You might consider making a "Sandbox" Team Project (or Team Project Collection) then try out your scenario to see if there are major issues.
Pick right timing (see link#1) and go for it.
Check history, do a merge between the renamed branches, check history again.
Allow developers back in.
Good luck, and post back with any new information (including your end results)! -zs
