Transform UIApplicationDelegate methods into RxSwift Observables - ios

In RxSwift / RxCocoa you can create a reactive wrapper for a delegate (e.g. UIScrollViewDelegate or CLLocationManagerDelegate) to enable Rx observable sequences for certain delegate methods.
I am trying to implement this for the UIApplicationDelegate method applicationDidBecomeActive:
What I tried so far is pretty straightforward and similar to the DelegateProxy subclasses that are included in RxCocoa.
I created my DelegateProxy subclass:
class RxUIApplicationDelegateProxy: DelegateProxy, UIApplicationDelegate, DelegateProxyType {
static func currentDelegateFor(object: AnyObject) -> AnyObject? {
let application: UIApplication = object as! UIApplication
return application.delegate
static func setCurrentDelegate(delegate: AnyObject?, toObject object: AnyObject) {
let application: UIApplication = object as! UIApplication
application.delegate = delegate as? UIApplicationDelegate
And an Rx extension for UIApplication:
extension UIApplication {
public var rx_delegate: DelegateProxy {
return proxyForObject(RxUIApplicationDelegateProxy.self, self)
public var rx_applicationDidBecomeActive: Observable<Void> {
return rx_delegate.observe("applicationDidBecomeActive:")
.map { _ in
In my AppDelegate I subscribe to the observable:
func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {
// the usual setup
// and then:
.subscribeNext { _ in
return true
When I start my app "Active!" gets printed and then I get the following crash in RxCocoa's _RXDelegateProxy_ class:
Does anybody have an idea what the problem might be? Or has anybody successfully implemented something like rx_applicationDidBecomeActive?

It looks like a really tricky issue with RxSwift and memory management.
The default implementation of DelegateProxyType sets an instance of a delegate proxy (in this case, RxUIApplicationDelegateProxy) to the delegate of UIApplication.
It also stores the original AppDelegate as a property called forwardToDelegate so all the delegate methods can still be passed to it.
The problem is that, when the new app delegate is set:
application.delegate = delegate as? UIApplicationDelegate
the original one is deallocated! You can check it by overriding deinit in AppDelegate. The reasons are explained in this answer. And because the property forwardToDelegate is of type assign, your app crashes as the property points to a deallocated object.
I have found a workaround for that. I'm not really sure if it is a recommended way, so be warned. You can override a method from DelegateProxyType in RxUIApplicationDelegateProxy:
override func setForwardToDelegate(delegate: AnyObject?, retainDelegate: Bool) {
super.setForwardToDelegate(delegate, retainDelegate: true)
In normal circumstances, you don't want to retain the delegate as it leads to a retain cycle. But in this special case, this is not a problem: your UIApplication object will exist the entire time while your application is alive anyway.


How to track changes in currently visible ViewController as user navigating the screens in iOS?

I'm trying to replicate Firebase Analytics behaviour, which automatically fire screen events whenever ViewController screen get's changed with another.
Though I'm able to find currently visible ViewController using :
But I need some way to get notified for any change in rootViewController. I tried to observe this rootViewController using KVO, but I don't get any callback. I found that KVO only works on NSObject with dynamic properties.
Is there any way I could receive callback for change in ViewController? Since this will be a library project, I couldn't make changes in main code to support the feature.
Following solution worked for me:-
import Foundation
import UIKit
public extension UIViewController {
#objc dynamic func _tracked_viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
UserActivityTracker.startTracking(viewController: self)
static func swizzle() {
//Make sure This isn't a subclass of UIViewController,
//So that It applies to all UIViewController childs
if self != UIViewController.self {
let _: () = {
let originalSelector =
let swizzledSelector =
let originalMethod =
class_getInstanceMethod(self, originalSelector)
let swizzledMethod =
class_getInstanceMethod(self, swizzledSelector)
method_exchangeImplementations(originalMethod!, swizzledMethod!);
In above code _tracked_viewWillAppear() is my custom function which I want to call my implementation before actual implementation called.
Then in AppDeligate class, call UIViewController.swizzle() method, as follows:-
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
// Override point for customization after application launch.
return true

Chartboost Delegate not working in swift

Desired : I want to do something when Delegates method call Observed :Delegates method not calling Ad's show on the screen successfully
Error: Type 'Chartboost' has no member 'delegate'
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
Chartboost.start(withAppId: "4f21c409cd1cb2fb7000001b", appSignature: "92e2de2fd7070327bdeb54c15a5295309c6fcd2d", delegate: nil)
return true
ViewController Code
class ViewController: UIViewController,GADBannerViewDelegate, GADInterstitialDelegate,GADRewardBasedVideoAdDelegate,IMBannerDelegate, IMInterstitialDelegate ,ChartboostDelegate{
#IBAction func Vedio(_ sender: Any) {
#IBAction func LoadFullAd(_ sender: Any) {
private func shouldDisplayRewardedVideo(_ location: CBLocation) -> Bool {
return true
private func shouldRequestInterstitial(_ location: CBLocation) -> Bool {
return true
A had to set the delegate as self with Chartboost.setDelegate(self)
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
// Override point for customization after application launch.
Chartboost.start(withAppId: "4f21c409cd1cb2fb7000001b", appSignature: "92e2de2fd7070327bdeb54c15a5295309c6fcd2d", delegate:self as ChartboostDelegate)
Chartboost.setDelegate(self as ChartboostDelegate)
return true
After looking at how to properly convert Objective-C methods in Swift, I added the underscore (_), which changed the function to:
func shouldDisplayRewardedVideo(_ location: CBLocation) -> Bool
return true
func shouldRequestInterstitial(_ location: CBLocation) -> Bool {
return true
XCode then gave me a hint that I was close to the delegate method, but needed to change the type of location and I ended up with
func shouldDisplayRewardedVideo(_ location: String) -> Bool
return true
func shouldRequestInterstitial(_ location: String) -> Bool {
return true
If the delegate is set to nil, the class that calls the delegate's methods (in this case Chartboost) will not be able to make the delegate's method calls. You should set the delegate to the 'self' of the class where you have implemented the delegate methods expected by Chartboost.
In the example above, you could set the Chartboost delegate to the 'self' of the ViewController.
For example, inside of ViewController, you have already declared the 'ChartboostDelegate' in the class signature. When you want to turn on the Chartboost delegate methods, assign the ViewController's 'self' to the Chartboost delegate using something like:
Chartboost.delegate = self
In the case of Chartboost, it looks like the author made the delegate private, so it can be set in the ViewController using:
Chartboost.start(withAppId: "some uid", appSignature: "some other uid", delegate: self)
or, as later found out:
(It can also be set in the AppDelegate class by locating the ViewController instance in the storyboard. Not a great fit in this case.)
If you're having problems generating the delegate method's call signature stubs (the method calls expected by the delegate), XCode will autogenerate them for you. Just click on the error message found next to your class declaration:
Type '<your class implementing the delegate methods>' does not conform to protocol '<the delegate protocol to implement>'
More detail about the error will appear. Click the 'Fix' button and XCode will autogenerate the method stubs for you.

Calling custom delegate from AppDelegate in Swift

I have this delegate in AppDelegate.swift that fires once another app opens my app with a url scheme.
func application(application: UIApplication, openURL url: NSURL, sourceApplication: String?, annotation: AnyObject) -> Bool {
return true
It fires just fine when another app opens my app with the url scheme, but when this function fires, I want to notify a certain ViewController. I thought I could do this with a custom made delegate, and let the AppDelegate notify who ever implements my delegate that someone has opened the app.
protocol MyDelegate {
func opened(hasBeenOpened: Bool!)
Then my ViewController implements this Delegate
import UIKit
/* Obviously this class has more code and other functions,
but for the illustration of the problem, I removed all the other unrelated things.*/
class LoginViewController: UIViewController, MyDelegate {
func opened(hasBeenOpened: Bool!) {
So far so good, but let's return to the openURL() function in AppDelegate.swift and try to call the MyDelegate.opened(). This is where I am completely lost.
func application(application: UIApplication, openURL url: NSURL, sourceApplication: String?, annotation: AnyObject) -> Bool {
print("openURL delegate running")
if var delegate = MyDelegate?() {
return true
The console prints "openUrl delegate running", so it's running, but my delegate variable becomes nil. Is there some initialization I'm missing?
I can't seem to figure out how I call my own custom Delegate from the AppDelegate. Is there another way to notify ViewControllers that this has happened? Or is this a bad idea overall, is there another way that's considered better?
Thank you all in advance, I really appreciate the help.
Without going into details if this is a good or bad idea, the problem is your delegate property in AppDelegate is never initialized. In the initializer method of your UIViewController you need to get access to the AppDelegate and set the delegate property to self.
You are trying to initialise a protocol (var delegate = MyDelegate?()) which is not possible.
The way you use delegates is by registering conformance on a class, which you are doing in LoginViewController, and calling a method defined in the protocol directly on an instance of that class.
For example:
var loginViewController = // get an instance of LoginViewController
In this case you don't have access to an instance, nor would it be considered good practice to keep a reference to a view controller in the App Delegate. So I think the paradigm you are looking for is notifications. Have a look at the documentation for NSNotificationCenter or the NSHipster article on notifications.
Try NSNotification,I don't think it is a good idea to hold specific view controller in AppDelegate.

Swift Passing data from appDelegate to another class

I need to pass a variable from the AppDelegate to another class that I have created to hold global variables of the project and I'm not able to find a way to make it work.
This is the code in the AppDelegate:
func application(application: UIApplication!, didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken deviceToken: NSData!) {
println("Device's token is: \(deviceToken)")
//Global Variables Class Instance
let globals:Globals = Globals()
globals.setDeviceToken("test1") //method1 not working
globals.deviceToken = "test2" //method2 not working
This is my Globals Class:
public class Globals {
var deviceToken = String()
init() {
func setDeviceToken(s:String){
deviceToken = s
func getDeviceToken() -> String {
return deviceToken
If i try to print the value, from other files of the project, I'm not able to get anything, just an empty string.
class ViewController: UIViewController {
//Global Variables Class Instance
let globals:Globals = Globals()
override func viewDidLoad() {
println(globals.getDeviceToken()) //return empty string
println(globals.deviceToken) //return empty string
There are several patterns you can use to achieve what you want
You could access the AppDelegate through the UIApplication:
let delegate = UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate as AppDelegate
let deviceToken = delegate.deviceToken
Look into singletons. A quick google search for 'Swift singleton' will get you a long way. The first result:
class SingletonB {
class var sharedInstance : SingletonB {
struct Static {
static let instance : SingletonB = SingletonB()
return Static.instance
Then use sharedInstance to instantiate the singleton anywhere and access the same variables.
The first one is quick and dirty, so for more serious projects I would recommend the singleton pattern.
There are probably a million ways to do this, but this should get you started
(More at this link, which explores a few ways to implement singletons: )
I simply solved my problem using NSUserDefaults
in the AppDelegate:
NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().setObject(deviceToken, forKey: "deviceToken")
From other classes:
Honestly I don't know if this is a good way to do it but it's working

dealloc/deinit called early when using objc_setAssociatedObject in swift

It appears that objc_setAssociatedObject causes objects to be released early.
I followed the method mentioned here to set the association.
import ObjectiveC
// Define a variable whose address we'll use as key.
// "let" doesn't work here.
var kSomeKey = "s"
func someFunc() {
var value = MyOtherClass()
objc_setAssociatedObject(target, &kSomeKey, value, UInt(OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN))
let assocValue : AnyObject! = objc_getAssociatedObject(target, &kSomeKey)
This results in the object being released during the objc_setAssociatedObject call. As you can see by this stacktrace.
[MyOtherClass dealloc]
I originally thought it might have had something to do with swift classes so I also tried standard Objective-C classes and deinit or dealloc are called during the objc_setAssociatedObject call.
Further adding to my confusion is that objc_getAssociatedObject appears to return a valid object and I can access it variables without error.
Is this a swift bug or have I used objc_setAssociatedObject incorrectly?
I am using Xcode6 beta5 in case that is relevant.
I guess your code would not even compile, because you are using "value" twice as a constant name.
This works fine as an AppDelegate in beta 6:
import ObjectiveC
var kSomeKey = "this_is_a_key"
class MyOtherClass {
var foo = "bar"
deinit {
class AppDelegateTest: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
func someFunc() {
var value = MyOtherClass()
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &kSomeKey, value, UInt(OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN))
let value2: AnyObject! = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &kSomeKey)
println("type of is \(_stdlib_getTypeName(value2))")
let value3 = value2 as MyOtherClass
println("other is " +
println("end of someFunc()")
func application(application: UIApplication!, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: NSDictionary!) -> Bool {
return true
I barely changed anything and the deinit method is never called.
