iOS Drawer and Header Image within SWRevealViewControllerSeguePushController - ios

Ho can I add header image to SWRevealViewControllerSeguePushController menu in iOS?
For example like material drawer have it for Android:
Can I modify somehow that UI Table View controller to put some custom UI above the menu rows or any other workaround?

Make a seperate UIViewController.
Add your custom views and a tableView to it.
Make the Delegate and Datasource for the tableView your viewController class.
Also i'd recommend making an IBOutlet for your tableView so it acts just like a UITableViewController (which behind the scenes is a just a normal UIViewController with its view being a UITableView and the delegate and datasource for the tableView being the view controller itself.

Yes you can definitely modify. Use any viewcontroller in place of tableviewcontroller.You will be able to add anything on it's view and do whatever you want. Good luck.


Is there a right way to implement TableView

I'm learning swift and I have gone through tutorials where some developers delete the View Controller entirely and just drag in a TableViewController and start using that. While other developers in tutorials create a TableView from within the View Controller.
Is it better to delete the View Controller and add a Table View Controller or just work with a TableView within the View Controller?
It is all about the requirement. Both are correct way. Don't be confuse.
When you using TableViewController then it only behaves with the UITableview. i mean controller totally dedicated itself as tableview.
When you using TableView inside UIViewController then you can create whole UI deign in your own way.
Note: As you'r new so I suggest you to go with TableView Inside UIViewController because you can achieve any type of UI with this even you can create ditto functionality(UITableViewController) with this but vice versa not true.
For eg.
tableView inside UIviewController
You can do it in either way. If your viewcontroller is going to have a tableview alone, then u can use a UITableViewController or else use UIViewController and set the delegates and datasource

How to segue from xib file uiview to storyboard ViewController

My program does not have an explicit table. It’s only table comes from “Search Bar and Search Display Controller” view as searchDisplayController.searchResultsTableView. So to create it’s custom TableViewCell, I use a xib file. Now I need to segue from the custom cell defined in the xib file to a ViewController defined in the storyboard? How do I do that?
stated differently: How to segue from a custom TableViewCell of “searchDisplayController.searchResultsTableView” to a ViewController
back story How do I add storyboard-based Header and CustomTableCell to a “Search Bar and Search Display Controller”
There seems to be an answer already but I don't get it: Segue from Storyboard to XIB
As with any table view, you should be able to set the UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDatasource delegates on the searchDisplayControl class. And then handle segue event in the didSelectRowAtIndexPath method. I've never played with search display controllers as I typically break apart search bar and table views when I do anything search related for the sake of flexibility, and how you're saying you want to use prototype table view cells in a tableview within the storyboard.
But, if you're set on using the searchDisplayController, you could possibly get away with something like this..
You can't segue from one XIB -> Storyboard, or between 2 different storyboards.
You can pass a reference to the viewController to each tableViewCell, and access the segue that way if you'd like. However, I'd probably use protocols/delegates personally in this situation for the sake of future flexibility.
As we discussed in comments above, it's better to avoid UISearchDisplayController since it's deprecated in iOS 8.
So it would be better to use something like that
You can use self.navigationItem.titleView = searchBar to embed search bar into navigation bar. If you have any issue just check code sample.

set size of tableview in ios storyboard

I want my ViewController to be shared by a tableView and a TextView, where the TextView would appear beneath the TableView. But the TableView insists on taking over the entire scene/screen. How do I set the height of the TableView in the storyboard so I can make room for my TextView? (Please notice that I am not asking for a footer, which is actually what I am trying to change from)
The problem is that you are using a UITableViewController, which means that you get a scene with a full-screen UITableView.
To avoid this, use a normal UIViewController scene and just insert the UITableView into the interface manually (and configure its delegate and dataSource to point to the view controller).
UITableViewController is just a convenience. It doesn't do anything for you that you can't do yourself with a normal UIViewController. And in your situation, it is an inconvenience instead of a convenience.
Add a container view to your ViewController and link to an "external" UITableView instead of the provided UIView that comes with it when your drop it into your storyboard.
Send data via the segue, get it back via a delegate.
This way you can freely design your View with very little headaches.

Floating button over UItableview using storyboards

I have made a table view using prototype cells on tableviewcontroller from storyboards.
I want a floating button over that uitableview. (button won't scroll with the tableview).
While searching for a solution..I found out that it is possible by adding button to the superview (in that case Uiviewcontroller subclasses Uitableview).
Can any one tell me how to do that using storyboards??
I think best thing you have to do is to create a UIViewController and add it a UITableView. Then you can add also the UIButton you want to the view controller's view. Don't forget to set the view controller to be the delegate and data source for your table view, and to add <UITableViewDataSource,UITableViewDelegate> to your view controller interface.
If you must do it using Storyboards and not in code, then you need to use a UIViewController and not a UITableViewController.
Add the UITableView and make it full screen - link up its Delegate and DataSource to the UIViewController and adhere to the two protocols in the .h file of your UIViewController.
When adding the button, drag it into the view hierarchy in the "Document Outline" sidebar, and not by dragging it onto the UITableView. Be careful if you're ever dragging the button around the view because if you drag and drop it on top of the UITableView then it will become a subview of the UITableView. If you want to move it around you'll need to select it and then use the arrow keys.
Anyway, apart from that it should all be very easy - add your constraints to keep it in the right place and you should be able to use the button as normal.

How to use a TableView inside a UIViewController?

I want to add a simple static TableView to my UIView. So i dragged it into my UIView. Added the TableViewDataSource and Delegate Protocols to my ViewController class. Created an outlet to my tableview and connected the datasource and delegate outlets to the viewcontroller.
But i still get an error message which says that Static table views are only valid when embedded in UITableViewCOntroller Instances ? Any Ideas how to solve this Problem ?
PS: I am using UIStoryboards for designing the UI
Use a containerView (drag one onto your UIView) which will link to a UITableViewController instead. You will use the prepareForSegue method to initialize the table view controller.
Oh, and you might want to accept answers that help you or no one will help you anymore.
If you want static cells, in your Storyboard, click on the tableview, then in the inspector, change the Content from 'Dynamic Prototypes' to Static Cells. You can also segue these cells to a new controller without having to set up data sources and delegates for the table.
