How to segue from xib file uiview to storyboard ViewController - ios

My program does not have an explicit table. It’s only table comes from “Search Bar and Search Display Controller” view as searchDisplayController.searchResultsTableView. So to create it’s custom TableViewCell, I use a xib file. Now I need to segue from the custom cell defined in the xib file to a ViewController defined in the storyboard? How do I do that?
stated differently: How to segue from a custom TableViewCell of “searchDisplayController.searchResultsTableView” to a ViewController
back story How do I add storyboard-based Header and CustomTableCell to a “Search Bar and Search Display Controller”
There seems to be an answer already but I don't get it: Segue from Storyboard to XIB

As with any table view, you should be able to set the UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDatasource delegates on the searchDisplayControl class. And then handle segue event in the didSelectRowAtIndexPath method. I've never played with search display controllers as I typically break apart search bar and table views when I do anything search related for the sake of flexibility, and how you're saying you want to use prototype table view cells in a tableview within the storyboard.
But, if you're set on using the searchDisplayController, you could possibly get away with something like this..
You can't segue from one XIB -> Storyboard, or between 2 different storyboards.
You can pass a reference to the viewController to each tableViewCell, and access the segue that way if you'd like. However, I'd probably use protocols/delegates personally in this situation for the sake of future flexibility.

As we discussed in comments above, it's better to avoid UISearchDisplayController since it's deprecated in iOS 8.
So it would be better to use something like that
You can use self.navigationItem.titleView = searchBar to embed search bar into navigation bar. If you have any issue just check code sample.


iOS Drawer and Header Image within SWRevealViewControllerSeguePushController

Ho can I add header image to SWRevealViewControllerSeguePushController menu in iOS?
For example like material drawer have it for Android:
Can I modify somehow that UI Table View controller to put some custom UI above the menu rows or any other workaround?
Make a seperate UIViewController.
Add your custom views and a tableView to it.
Make the Delegate and Datasource for the tableView your viewController class.
Also i'd recommend making an IBOutlet for your tableView so it acts just like a UITableViewController (which behind the scenes is a just a normal UIViewController with its view being a UITableView and the delegate and datasource for the tableView being the view controller itself.
Yes you can definitely modify. Use any viewcontroller in place of tableviewcontroller.You will be able to add anything on it's view and do whatever you want. Good luck.

set size of tableview in ios storyboard

I want my ViewController to be shared by a tableView and a TextView, where the TextView would appear beneath the TableView. But the TableView insists on taking over the entire scene/screen. How do I set the height of the TableView in the storyboard so I can make room for my TextView? (Please notice that I am not asking for a footer, which is actually what I am trying to change from)
The problem is that you are using a UITableViewController, which means that you get a scene with a full-screen UITableView.
To avoid this, use a normal UIViewController scene and just insert the UITableView into the interface manually (and configure its delegate and dataSource to point to the view controller).
UITableViewController is just a convenience. It doesn't do anything for you that you can't do yourself with a normal UIViewController. And in your situation, it is an inconvenience instead of a convenience.
Add a container view to your ViewController and link to an "external" UITableView instead of the provided UIView that comes with it when your drop it into your storyboard.
Send data via the segue, get it back via a delegate.
This way you can freely design your View with very little headaches.

Component reuse within Storyboard

I am new to iOS development, with a couple of years of Android experience. I started directly with XCode 5 and the Storyboard paradigm. I like the visual approach to sketching out the flow of an app, but IMHO, it does not really force component reuse, or maybe I do not know how to do it.
I have an actual problem, which is the following: Instead of the typical master-detail approach, I have a situation, in which clicking on a TableView cell forces a push to another TableView, which looks the same and behaves the same way. There are two specific types of a TableViewCell that I want to reuse across the whole application, so I can't just duplicate the first TableViewController several times. I need changes in one type of TableViewCell to be affected everywhere, same for the look and behaviour of the Tableview. Sort of like reusing a component, you get the picture I hope.
I tried creating a custom TableView and TableViewCell in a separate xib file, connecting it to a custom controller class. Yet, when I want to reuse that controller class in the storyboard, I can't make a segue from the cell to the next one, because only view controllers are displayed, but no views inside.
Maybe, I am doing it all wrong. Perhaps, I should make a single controller, and force it to seque to itself if possible, no idea.
What would you do?
You can do programatic Segue from the didselected.....
#import "someVC.h"
Then when you want to Segue to the new VC
// Create a VC and remember to set the Storyboard ID of someVC (example someVCID)
someVC *newView = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"someVCID"];
// Can't remember how this works but you can change the Transition method
// newView.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransition;
// If you want to pass data, setup someArray in the someVC .h with #property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray *someArray;
newView.someArray = MyLocalArray;
// Animated or not
[self presentViewController:newView animated:NO completion:nil];
If what you're trying to do is performing a segue on the same UITableView you can check this answer by Rob
I'll report what it contains for completeness:
If you're using dynamic cell prototypes, you obviously can do a segue
from the table view cell to the controller without any problem.
When you make your segue, you end up with:
But let's imagine for a second that there's some reason that doesn't
work for you, e.g. you could not have a segue from the cell (for
example, you need to invoke segue from didSelectRowAtIndexPath, not
upon selecting the cell). In this case, you couldn't use that previous
There are a couple of options in this case:
As pointed out by Chris, if only supporting iOS 6 and above, use the above technique, but (a) make sure your
didSelectRowAtIndexPath uses self for the sender and then have
shouldPerformSegueWithIdentifier only allow the segue if the sender
== self (thus when the sender is the table view cell, it will be canceled);
Perhaps even easier, just don't define a segue at all and have your didSelectRowAtIndexPath manually
instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier and then push/present
that view controller as appropriate; or
You can use the following, kludgy work-around: In short, add a button to your view controller (drag it down to the bar at the
bottom), where it won't show up on the view, but you can use its
segues. So first, drag the rounded button to the controller's bar at
the bottom of the scene:
Now you can make a segue from that button to your view controller:
And thus, you end up with the self-referential segue again:
You must give that segue an identifier, so you can invoke it
programmatically via performSegueWithIdentifier, but it works. Not
the most elegant of solutions, but I think it's better than having an
extra scene on your storyboard.
None of these are ideal, but you have lots of options.
well.. in iOs think about it differently, if i were you i would create multiple ViewController, even if they're almost the same, and create a custom cell class, and make this cell take a configuration block.
Now for each ViewController (( or TableViewController )), you reuse your same custom UITableViewCell and just pass it what's slightly different for each case, and moreover you can also create a BaseTableViewController that will have the general configuration, and in each ViewController pass the custom changes you need.
Think about it, when you look at your storyboard you'll be able to see all your workflow, and when something goes wrong you'll be able to debug, if you have are gonna use what you suggested, debugging will be a real pain i imagine.
Anyway, try it out, and ask more if you need further clarification.

Reuse childs from custom UIVIewController using storyboard

I have a storyboard with a navigation controller that leads to an UIVIewController that I want to reuse. That UIVIewController has a ParentUIViewController that has all the basic functionalities for all the UIVIewControllers that I am reusing.
Currently I am copying and pasting (meh) and then I change the class of the UIViewController to the ChildUIVIewController that I want to use (ChildUIViewController extends ParentUIViewController).
But this sounds like a bad solution. Everytime I want to change the ParentViewController visually I need to update, manually, all other ChildViewControllers.
I have tried to create a xib for the ParentViewController but the xib isn't loaded because I need a xib with the name of the ChildViewController. I have created it and then said the class is the ParentViewController but it crashes in the segue.
I have created an example of the status of my problem
Note that the ParentViewController has a set of logic way more complicated that is not illustrated there. Also note that I am also using a TableView. I hope that this can illustrate the problem.
Keep the logic on the parentViewController and the UI Part on the child UIViewControllers. If you need to create a new UIViewController, you will create a child that will have a corresponding XIB (or get rid of XIBs and create the interface by hand).
Have you considered looping back into the same UIViewController via a "phantom button"?
Have a look at this: UIStoryboard Power Drill, Batteries included
Essentially you can drag a Bar Button Item into the little black bar under the View Controller in Storyboard (the 1 with View Controller, First Responder, and Exit icons; sorry, I don't recall what this is called exactly), then you can control+drag from that button back into the UIViewController for a Push segue. This should create a loop segue in your Storyboard. All you need to do next is give that segue an identifier, programmatically call it from your code using [self performSegueWithIdentifier:], then implement -(void)prepareForSegue: and use [segue destinationViewController] to conditionally set the title and perhaps some flags so you can identify when to use different kinds of fetches (or other code variations) in the same Class code.

Visually modifying a UIToolbar from xcode storyboard

I'm using XCode 4 and storyboarding an application I'm creating, however I cannot visually modify the UIToolbar.
I'm attempting to modify a UIToolbar that is inside of a UITableViewController - however I have to place the UIToolbar out of the correct hierarchy in order to be able to modify it visually. I've tried placing it onto the view controller area but that does not make it show up.
At one point I was able to make it appear below, as it's own object however I was not able to recreate that.
Once I was able to get it to look like this
Your UITableViewController is inside a UINavigationController, which already has its own UIToolbar—you don't need to drag a new one into your view hierarchy. Interface Builder can simulate the toolbar for you under "Simulated Metrics" in the inspector panel.
Once the simulated toolbar is visible, simply drag UIBarButtonItems into it. Use a custom item with a custom view if you need anything more complicated than a button or spacer.
If you need your toolbar items need to be dynamic, you can maintain a reference via IBOutlets without necessarily having them in your view. Then set your UITableViewController's toolbarItems property or call -setToolbarItems:animated: at runtime to display the appropriate items.
See Apple's UINavigationController Class Reference: Displaying a Toolbar.
To answer your question, the visual editor simplifies the setup of most controls, view hierarchies, and delegation patterns, but it's still up to the developer to make sure they check out. The implementation of UITableViewController makes certain assumptions and assertions about its view hierarchy that Xcode does not enforce through the visual editor. Given that your desired view hierarchy is unsupported, I have to assume that the editor's behavior is either undefined or irrelevant. For a workaround, see Maxner's suggestion.
UITableViewControllers only allow one view object, which of course is UITableView. UITableViews are not cooperative for subviewing and they usually push everything into footers or headers. Something like this isn't possible:
-Another subview
UITableViewControllers are reduced to this:
So you will need to use a UIViewController and declare a UITableView in there. Heres the Hierarchy you should use then:
- ViewController <Table's Delegate & Data Source>
- View
- Your UIToolbar
In your ViewController.h declare IBOutlet UITableView and connect Data Source and Delegate to the ViewController. Then simply add the UITableView implementations to your .m file and you're good to go.
