Configure Fabric in iOS application - ios

i'm trying to configure fabric in my iOS application
I have idea that we need to enter api key in application and have to download fabric' framework. The problem is i don't know how to get APi key.
I've created account on fabric, but don't know how to proceed. Unable to see Dashboard over there. Kindly help me how to do it. I'm stuck on this screen (screen shot below).
I've added xcode sdk and can see fabric app in my mac. But what about 3rd step. i think it's the main step and may be i will be able to get api key from here. but how to navigate to that.

I don't know what was the issue with project. i cloned it from another one and deleted fabric Api key from info.plist. Something was causing issue.
How i fixed it:
i created a new project. Made account on fabric. Installed its xcode plugin. The plugin gave me the option to choose project, i selected mine. Afterwards, it guided me step by step i.e adding run script etc and added fabric api keys in my info.plist on its own. Now it's working fine.
i was worried that why dashboard is not displayed on, it was no issue at all. Once i configured fabric in my project, the dashboard appeared on as well

The easiest way to add fabric to your app is via the desktop app, Click on "New app" and follow the instructions


Flutter, build for IOS : Cant see the login page on Iphone

Im using Flutter on Windose to create an app for Android & IOS.
I use Codemagic to build and sign my app for Apple. The first version was ok and is live on the App Store.
But I need to implemant Sign In with Apple for the next version.
Im using this package :
it, and it works good on android, a webpage opens and I can login and get back user session..
For Apple, compilation is fine, it is pushed on Apple servers and I get the app on Testflight, but impossible to make it works, the login page is never called.
As I understand, I need to ad the "Sign in with Apple" capability.
But without XCode, I cant figure how to do that!!
Is it possible to edit the info.plist, or another file, to add this capability?
I have build and change already all the certificates, profiles... on apple console, to add the Sign In with Apple, but same result!
Thanks by advance!
with Codemagic you can connect to a build machine and use Xcode to update project settings and push the changes back to the repository.
Install VNC Viewer on your machine
Start a new build (I'd recommend using Mac Pro instance type as Xcode requires more resources)
When the build has started, click Explore build machine above the build steps to see the instructions for setting up VNC access. Use the given Host, Port, Username and Password on your VNC client to establish the connection.
read more here

Google Map don't load in iOS

I’m using GoogleMaps pod in my iOS application and it was working fine, but in my last build, apple reject my application. And the reason behind that is, the map was unable to load at the time of review on iPad running iOS 12.2 on Wi-Fi.
I did try to reproduce that bug on my device but I couldn’t.
Application do ask for location permission
Google Place API key also seems ok.
Is there any way to identify what the actual issue is and how I am supposed to solve this one?
Finally, I've solved that issue and for that, I've done some of the changes in my project.
1 - I've patched the latest Google Plist file in the project (I wasn't sure whether the old one was latest or not)
2 - I was using multi language in my project so before setting the delegate of google map, I've set the language for my project.
3 - instead of set the google map from Storyboard, I've set the google map programmatically in my view controller after setting language.
After surfing for so long to solve this issue, I came to know that this issue occurs when your App supports multi language. These some steps did work for me.

How to use fabric when having multiple target in project

I have an iOS project with 2 targets, I am trying to integrate fabric to the project. After following through their documentation I was able to implement crashlytics for first target and I am able to see the crash log in the dashboard also. Everything is working fine.
In the second target I used same API key and script which was used for first target then I tested the second app, in the dashboard I am able to see two different app reports.
Is it the right way to do it. I mean to use same API key for multiple targets.
Hope you understand the problem.
Mike from Fabric here.
API keys are set per organization within Fabric, so multiple apps or targets within the same Fabric organization would use the same key.

Add Fabric app (Twitter) without Xcode

I have this situation: I need to build my app on the command line, but I need to make changes too. (The tool I would be using is Fastlane).
I could enter the api keys externally, but the question is: How do I create a Fabric app without opening Xcode?
If you already have a Fabric account, all you need is the organisation API key. On the first launch of a new app, the app will automatically be created on Fabric.

Google Analytics integration not working in an iOS App

I am integrating Google analytics in an iOS App. I have a made a separate sample project and its working fine.
But when I am implementing the same in my App its not working.
Are there any frameworks that will restrict the App for not running Google Analytics?
First there are NO FRAMEWORKS that will restrict the app from running Google Analytics. But if you dont add certain frameworks you wont be able to compile the code.
Take a look at these links as these might be helpfull
mainly this one which is below
Apart from this if you are working on Google Analytics for the first time. Let me tell you that you will only find your data on the Google Analytics Dashboard after some time. It may also take a day if its the first time.So be patient if have been able to compile the code and run the app. After the first time its quick. i.e. the data shows up much faster.
Finally, I have been able to do Google Analytics (GA) working as expected.
The problem was not due to any framework incompatibility, neither project build settings, nor plist option. I recreated the same configuration into another project to be sure.
From my point of view, the first problem I had was to try using the GA SDK v3 within an Xcode v4.6.3 while Xcode v5 is expected.
Then Downgrading the GA SDK version to 2 beta4 has not directly solved the problem because perhaps GA SDK's persistent data was kept in my app (by user default or core data).
#BhargaviShamukh, if you still have this issue, the way to solve it should be to clean the project (menu Product > Clean) and to uninstall the app from both simulator and device to be sure any GA SDK's data is deleted.
At least for me, this process has solved the problem.
