Mark an object un-AutoRelease in ARC - ios

As we all know, object will not dealloc immediately in ARC when no variable refer it. eg,
NSObject* obj = [[NSObject alloc] init];
obj = nil;
obj will dealloc after a time.(auto release pool drain).
Now, I want the obj dealloc right after it's been set to nil, which means the obj is not in auto-release-pool. But all other obj should work well as before, which means the program is still in ARC mode.
Is there a way, maybe macro or compiler flag, to do this?

First of all: You should not care about early deallocation. This is a strong code smell.
Second: Are you really, really sure, because -init does not put an object into ARP. Maybe the expression causes a retain autorelease combination, but compiling in release mode should optimize that away.
However, if it is in ARP you can close the ARP as mentioned by Hermann Klecker or – I think this is better – find the reason for being that object in ARP. There is no need for that.

Amin is right: the object is not in an autorelease pool. alloc, which created the object, does not engage a pool. On the other hand, you're right: ARC may not release the object immediately.
There is indeed an annotation you can use to force the release: objc_precise_lifetime. Adding that to the variable declaration will cause ARC to send release as soon as the object is no longer valid in the current scope.
However, Amin is also right that this is not very likely to be what you want. ARC knows what it's doing -- there are optimizations it can't make when you use this annotation -- and unless you know what it's doing too, you should strongly consider just letting it do its job.


Why __weak variable not registered in autorelease pool?

id obj = [[NSObject alloc] init];
id __weak weakObj = obj;
NSLog(#"%#",[weakObj class]);
After running the code above, I get unexpected results when printing the pool:
objc[22671]: [0x7ff544817858] ################ POOL 0x7ff544817858
objc[22671]: ##############
I can't find the object registered in autoreleasepool. Why?
I think you've misunderstood what the autorelease pool is. It's a collection of objects that will receive a release messages to when the pool drains (most commonly at the end of an event loop). It's not a list of objects that will be "automatically released by some means." It's specifically the objects that will be sent a release message by this autorelease pool (and there may be multiple pools at any given time).
It has nothing at all to do with weak. "weak" is an attribute of a variable (pointer). "autoreleased" is something that has happened to an object. Objects may be autoreleased multiple times (and this is normal).
In manual memory management, this was done very commonly by sending -autorelease to the object. That means "don't release it now; I still need it, but when the current autorelease pool drains, release it." Note that this doesn't mean "destroy it." It just means "reduce the retain count by one." This is how you say "I only care about this object until the end of the event loop" (which is a very, very common thing to want to say).
In ARC you can't directly call -autorelease, but ARC still uses the autorelease pool in some cases. A very common way is by calling objc_autoreleaseReturnValue() on something before returning it. (This isn't something you call directly. It's something ARC injects automatically when needed.) In some cases, objc_autoreleaseReturnValue() still may not actually put the object on the autorelease pool. The compiler is smart enough to detect many cases where it can avoid the pool and improve performance. There are other cases where ARC may inject autorelease, and those cases also have optimizations where it may bypass the pool.
Note that there is generally no situation where this is something your app should rely on. _objc_autoreleasePoolPrint() is an Apple-internal function, and exists for low-level debugging. Whether something is in the autorelease pool or not is highly dependent on ARC implementation details and current compiler optimizations.
obj is never autoreleased, so it isn't placed in an autorelease pool. If you'd like obj to be autoreleased, you must call -autorelease on it, e.g.
#autoreleasepool {
id obj = [[[NSObject alloc] init] autorelease];
// ...
Note that -autorelease isn't available in ARC code.
I get the answer from this link .
The new implmenetation of __weak of Apple LLVM version 8.0.0 (clang-800.0.42.1) do not postpond the release to autoreleasepool, but use objc_release directly.

Are objects immediately released when a property is allocated a second time?

I am working on an app where I am presenting 100 sentences using AVAudioplayer. Rather than have 100 AVAudioplayer objects I wanted to just have one property and change the object associated with it on the fly. My code boils down to the following (though the lines arent immediately following each other in the actual code):
self.thePlayer = [[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:url1 error:&error];
self.thePlayer = [[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:url2 error:&error];
Does the object initialized with url1 get released when thePlayer is allocated and initialized a second time with url2, or are both objects only released when the view is dismissed? As I am dealing with 100 sound files I don't want them all hanging around in memory. I'm using ARC
Thanks in advance
In your specific case, guessing at what your code likely includes, the objects will probably be deallocated when you want them to be. That's a lot of "guessing," "likely," and "probably." You really need to understand how the memory management works in order to reason about it.
If the AVAudioPlayer is strongly referenced by anything else, then it won't be released until those strong references are gone. In other words, setting thePlayer won't deallocate the player if something else has a strong reference to it. (That "something" may be some part of the system frameworks, or even itself in some rare cases. It doesn't have to be your code.)
If the AVAudioPlayer has pending autorelease calls on it, then it won't be released until the autorelease pool drains (usually at the end of event loop, which basically means "when your method that UIKit called returns.") For example, if you create a large number of objects in a loop and immediately throw them away, they may or may not be deallocated until the autorelease pool drains. Again, autoreleases may be injected by system frameworks. In practice, this means that the object will usually be deallocated "soon" (in a small fraction of a second), but not necessarily immediately. You can clean up autoreleased objects sooner by using #autoreleasepool blocks, which is sometimes necessary if you create many temporary objects in a loop. This is not needed very often.
But to a first-order approximation, in many of the most common cases, yes, replacing the property will automatically and immediately deallocate the previous object.
It would be useful to show how you declared thePlayer. If they are synthesized properly the memory management would be handled automatically. It appears that you are using "self" to access thePlayer and if so you'd be setting the value through a setter/getter and that would handle the memory management for you. But I also notice that "Self" is capitalized and should not be in order to properly use the setter/getter. For more info on synthesized variables check out: What exactly does #synthesize do?. Note there are some places where you should NOT use self and this link discusses that: How does an underscore in front of a variable in a cocoa objective-c class work?.

Confusion about ARC , AutoRelease

I am new to IOS development and I have started to learn objective c to program towards IOS 7. and as I know, it is way easier to code now than it has been before because of the Automatic reference counting.
there are a couple of things I do not understand . in MAIN method we have the autoreleasepool block, so my first question is that in order to enable ARC , the code has to be inside this block? if no, then what is the difference between the code that is inside autoreleasepool and the rest those aren't?
my second question is that when I am writing my IPHONE programs , I have bunch of classes and non of those codes are inside "autoreleasepool" , only the code inside the MAIN method.
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
#autoreleasepool {
return UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil,
NSStringFromClass([HomepwnerAppDelegate class]));
so , does this mean that this block somehow magically gets applied to all lines of code inside any other classes of the same program?
My last question is that whether with ARC or without it, if we had a declared pointer variable inside a method, does the object gets released/destroyed when the method returns/exit?
assume we have a method like this :
- (void)doSomething {
NSMutableArray *allItems = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSString *myString = #"sample string";
[allItems addObject:myString]
then when we call this method and it exits, what would happen to those local variables defined inside the method ? is there any difference in the outcome if we are using ARC or not ? (Object are still in the memory or not)
Autorelease pools predate ARC by about 15 years. Cocoa uses a reference-counting memory management scheme, where (conceptually, at least) objects are created with a reference count of 1, retain increases it by 1 and release decreases the count by 1, and the object is destroyed when the count gets to 0.
A problem with this scheme is that it makes returning an object kind of awkward, because you can't release the object before you return it — if you did, it might be destroyed before the other method got to use it — but you don't want to require the other method to release the object either. This is where autorelease pools come in. An autorelease pool lets you hand an object to it, and it promises to release the object for you later. Under manual retain/release (the way we used to do things before ARC), you did this by sending autorelease to an object.
OK, so then ARC comes into the picture. The only thing that really changes with ARC is that you aren't the one writing retain, release and autorelease anymore — the compiler inserts them for you. But you still need an autorelease pool for autoreleased object to go into.
As for your second question:
My last question is that whether with ARC or without it, if we had a declared pointer variable inside a method, does the object gets released/destroyed when the method returns/exit?
assume we have a method like this :
- (void)doSomething {
NSMutableArray *allItems = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSString *myString = #"sample string";
[allItems addObject:myString]
then when we call this method and it exits, what would happen to those local variables defined inside the method ? is there any difference in the outcome if we are using ARC or not ?
If you're using ARC, the compiler will release any objects referenced by local variables. If you're not using ARC, you'd need write [allItems release] yourself, because the variable going out of scope does not magically cause the object it references to be released.
new to IOS development
Best not to worry, Automatic means that you mostly concentrate on other things ^)
does this mean that this block somehow magically gets applied to all lines of code inside any other classes of the same program
Yes. You're in main function, so all the code that is executed has to be inside this function - your app will terminate once it ends. Unless you create a separate thread, but it's hard to do that by accident.
the code has to be inside this block
As said above, all of your code on main thread will execute within this block.
what would happen to those local variables defined inside the method
You're guaranteed that they will be destroyed before returning.
in MAIN method we have the autoreleasepool block, so my first question is that in order to enable ARC, the code has to be inside this block? if no, then what is the difference between the code that is inside autoreleasepool and the rest those aren't?
ARC is enabled by corresponding Objective-C compiler setting. If you create a new project in the latest version of Xcode it will be enabled by default.
The #autorelease keyword places code inside the curly brackets into autorelease pool scope. Autorelease pools are used both with ARC and manual memory management.
my second question is that when I am writing my IPHONE programs , I have bunch of classes and non of those codes are inside "autoreleasepool" , only the code inside the MAIN method.
iOS applications are event based. Main thread starts event loop when you call UIApplicationMain function processing touch events, notifications etc. This event loop has its own autorelease pool that autoreleases objects at the end of the loop iteration. This autorelease pool has nothing to do with the autorelease pool you see in main function.
My last question is that whether with ARC or without it, if we had a declared pointer variable inside a method, does the object gets released/destroyed when the method returns/exit?
If you use ARC the objects will be released (unless you return a reference to an object from the method). In MMR you would need to manually send release message to destroy the objects.

Objective-C memory management: when do you use `[variable release]` vs `variable = nil` to clean up memory?

I've people who use [variable release] and some other times variable = nil to clean up memory?
When do you use each one? and what are the differences?
variable = nil; will not release memory. = nil; will release memory if [self setProperty:nil]; would, for example a synthesized property with the retain attribute. Calling [variable release]; will always release one reference of an object.
Depends on what you mean by "clean up memory".
release is the only thing that frees dynamically allocated memory allocated by alloc. alloc should always be paired with a call to release or autorelease somewhere.
Setting a varible to nil does not necessarily free any memory (see drawnonward's answer), and can be a source of memory leaks.
When you see a variable set to nil, it's about preventing it from accidentally being used later after its memory has been freed (this can cause crashes). While you can always set a variable to nil after a call to release, it's somewhat a matter of style when it's actually necessary. For example, you don't often see variables set to nil in the dealloc method of a class, since by that point an object won't be able to accidentally misuse such a variable anymore, since it's being nuked.
If a property is set to retain, then these 3 are equivalent:
[self setProperty:nil]; = nil;
[property release]; property = nil;
In each case, the object will be released, and then set to nil so that all access to the object from then on will not be allowed. "nilling" the instance variable is handy since it ensures you can only ever release the object once in this context because calling = nil twice will do nothing the second time, but calling [property release] will release the object twice even though you likely only retain it once.
Most of the time I find it least bug prone to let retain properties do their thing and try to stay away from explicit retain and release calls most of the time.

Ambiguous scenario for iPhone memory management

I have some difficulties to understand this scenario.
I create an object
I set its retained property to something
I forget to release its property
I release the object
As I didn't release the property in the dealloc method, will the scenario result in a memory leak or will the property be released automatically?
The way Cocoa works is that memory management always looks locally balanced, within any one method*. This is kind of the point. You should be able to tell whether you have a leak or error in a method just by looking at that one method. No global program knowledge required.
It is your responsibility to release an object if you received the object from a -copy, -alloc, -retain, or -new method.
If you do this:
[obj setProp:foo];
is it your responsibility to release foo? No - see rules. If obj retains it (and you're saying you happen to know that it does), then it is the responsibility of obj to release it, in its dealloc method if not sooner.
So if you did this, it's balanced, no matter what kind of property -prop is.
id obj = [[MyObject alloc] init];
[obj setProp:foo];
[obj release];
*except for within the implementations of init, copy, dealloc, and accessor methods.
Yes, it's leak.
Retain, alloc will increase the counter by one.
Release will decrease the counter.
It will free the memory when the counter reaches zero.
Think of setter as this:
[newvalue retain];
[property release];
property = newvalue;
create an object => 0+1=1
assign it to some object as a retain property => 1+1=2
release the object => 2-1=1
You will have to release that object again sometime.
And, trust me autorelease doesn't work quite well in the iphone environment.
