Fixed Background Scrolling Effect for UIPageViewController - ios

I've an instance of UIPageViewController in my project with an iPhone picture showing different sceneries as user scrolls.
I want a "fixed-background scrolling layout" i.e when the user scrolls, the iPhone-picture should remain fixed but only the sceneries inside it should change. How could I do that?
For example: In, as you scroll down the Mac-picture is fixed but the picture inside it changes.
Another example can be seen in the 'Numerous' iOS app.

I am assuming that you know how to implement UIPageViewController. I am just explaining how to design your Layout to achieve this.
In your FirstViewController's View add a UIImageView containing iPhone's background in which your images will change on scrolling. Add another UIView as a sibling of your UIImageView and add ContainerView in it. Your PageViewController will be embedded in your Container View.


iOS UIScrollView with UIWebView and UITableView in Storyboard

I have a complex design to create. I want to have something like this
- UIScrollView
I am using a Storyboard and I want the ScrollView to take the height of the Full Webview and the TableView so that there is only one parent scrolling and other scrolls are disabled and the whole page seems like one single view.
Right now, the whole UI looks very messed up and only the Webview and table view scroll indivisually and the parent scrollview not scrolling at all making the labels and textfields have a constant place and the button not showing at all.
Using raki's solution, I used a TableViewController. I have something like below:
But the webView does not cover its full content and just shows in the area shown in the image.
How can I solve this issue?

UIView with container view not scrolling properly when keyboard appears

I have an issue dealing with a UIContainerView inside a UIView. When I try to show the keyboard to edit one of the fields I would expect the whole UIView (with the UIContainerView inside it) to scroll up and out of the way of the keyboard.
Here is what I see at the moment. Does anybody have any suggestions on how to resolve this issue?
The automatic scrolling for input only happens in things like UITableView. For this one, refer to the Apple guide of managing keyboards.
Essentially, you want to manually scroll up the view when the keyboards appear and put it back when the keyboard is hidden.
Edit: I just realised that you have a
UITableViewController. My guess would be because it's on fullscreen, the table view doesn't have enough room to scroll. In this case, you would need to put the all the views inside a scroll view and follow the guide above.

UIScrollView behavior is different in iOS8

I have the following layout
So it's basically a scroll view that occupies whole screen. Content size is set to triple-width and same height. Inside the scroll view - there is container view and three table views - one per page. Only middle table view is visible initially.
This allows me to use scroll view horizontal scrolling to navigate between the tables and vertical scrolling inside the middle table.
I know that Apple doesn't really recommend putting UITableView inside UIScrollView, but in this particular case I don't know how to implement it differently, and until iOS8 everything was working fine.
UIScrollView would not recognize any vertical scrolling (since content height was equal to scroll view height) and these gestures were passed directly to UITableView.
But starting in iOS8 - this getting broken. UIScrollView would allow some vertical scrolling and basically intercept scrolling gestures sent to UITableView.
I created a simple project that works fine in iOS7 but is broken in iOS8. Anybody has any idea how to fix this problem?
Link to the project:
I haven't been able to solve this and as I mentioned in comments had to re-write logic using built-in UIPageViewController class.
If I change the Class of your ScrollView in Interface Builder to UIScrollView, it fixes part of the problem. Now just the UITableView goes up and down, and I go left-and-right, but haven't gotten rid of the space at the top.

How to implement non-scrollable UICollectionView inside UIScrollView?

In shorts, my desired screen layout is basically a user profile (iOS 7 + Xcode 5). I used UIScrollView as the top level view. The reason is that I want all its subviews to scroll (user info view - the view with a profile image and some buttons you see on the screen, and the photos collection view - the one with black background) when it is scrolled.
The region with black background will show user photos. I'm wondering if I could use a UICollectionView here, or there's a better way to implement it. The UICollectionView in this case shouldn't be able to scroll itself, it just shows all cells, while the scrolling work is handled by the outermost UIScrollView.
I read following posts:
UICollectionView inside of UIScrollView
UICollectionView in UIScrollView -> Scroll Order
iOS 7 Collection View inside Scroll View
Some said it's not possible (or at least, weird) implemeting UICollectionView inside UIScrollView because UIScrollView is UICollectionView's superclass which leads to unexpected behaviour. Some said it should be implemented in another way (but I didn't see a clear suggestion).
Yes, you can put a UICollectionView inside a UIScrollView. iOS has fully supported nested scroll views since iOS 3.0, and UICollectionView is a subclass of UIScrollView. For example, check out the App Store app on your iOS device. The screen scrolls vertically - it's either a UIScrollView or a UITableView (which is itself a subclass of UIScrollView). And each row of icons scrolls horizontally - each row is a UICollectionView.
However, it's not clear why you need to put a collection view inside a scroll view. It sounds like you only want the photos view to scroll, so just make the photos view be a collection view. Why do you need to put the collection view inside a scroll view?
Just use a collection view. Set the header of section 0 to the profile info view. You don't need a scroll view.
If you put all the photos in one section, you can set up the header in your storyboard with no code. If you use multiple sections, you'll need to implement collectionView:layout:referenceSizeForHeaderInSection: in your delegate and collectionView:viewForSupplementaryElementOfKind:atIndexPath: in your data source.

How To Show Scrollbar Always On UICollectionView

I have a UICollectionView added to a UIView in an app I am working on. Displayed in the UICollectionView I have a set of images pulled from Core Data. The vertical scrolling works fine but the scrollbar does not display until the user touches the UICollectionView.
How can I make sure the scrollbar at the right is always visible so that an indication is given to the user that it is scrollable?
You can't make them always visible. Instead, you can flash them once, when the user is first presented with the collection view to notify them, that this view can be scrolled.
Since UICollectionView is a subclass of UIScrollView you can do this:
[myCollectionView flashScrollIndicators];
Check out the Settings app for instance. When you go to a settings list that is longer then the screen, the scroll indicator is flashed once.
FYI for Swift:
