Continuous Delivery with TFS 2010 and Jenkins? - jenkins

Our development team uses Visual studio 2013 Pro along with TFS 2010. We need the following abilities for our continous integration / delivery initiative:
1. Automatically build our web project on every checkin.
2. Automatically deploy green builds to development and/or test environments.
3. Provide build/deployment notifications via email.
Extra Credit: Run unit tests with each build.
We don't have a budget, the reason Jenkins is appealing. The setup is new to me and not sure how the pieces fit and what other tools are needed to preform the tasks above?

If you have MSDN subscriptions, you can use TFS for free. TFS 2015 can provide all these features. TFS 2010 can provide most of this as well.
Use a gated checkin or CI build definition in TFS (2010 and 2015) to automatically build on checkin and run tests. The build definition has the option to run tests as part of the build.
Use MSDeploy to package up your components into an automated package. Most people don't know you can use it for more than web applications. (For example, databases)
TFS also provides email alerts on many events.
Regarding automating the deployments, we used separate TFS (in 2010) build definitions to trigger deployments to each environment. Now we use TFS 2015 which supports release definitions that adds many more options.


Can I get TFS to deploy and execute tests on a different server?

I'm looking to get TFS to build and deploy to our manual and auto TEST environments.
manual TEST - overnight updates
auto TEST - continuous integration
Once deployed, I want TFS to deploy and run a set of web-integration tests (SpecFlow / Selenium / nUnit) on another server (acting pseudo client of the website).
I then want TFS to collate the results of these tests and report back.
What's the best approach to get this working?
You'd normally change the build process template to do what you want. Adding steps to deploy could be one of these customozations. Have a look at the Build Release Deploy build template from the Microsoft ALM Rangers which includes steps to publish the build to another machine.
You can also make use of WebDeploy and add a set of publish profiles to your solution. Team Build will happily execute those steps during build, if told to do so.
In TFS you can use a Test Agent to then execute tests from a remote machine and have the results added to the test results for your build.
Seeing that you'd like to use NUnit ad SpecFlow I suggest using TFS 2012 in combination with Visual Studio 2012, which have built-in support for executing 3rd party based tests. You'll need to install the NUnit adapter and put the assemblies for it in source control so that Team Build will pick them up.

TFS 2012, TFSBuild.proj, UpgradeTemplate.xaml process definition and Coded UI Tests

Another few TFS questions if anyone can help even remotely :-)
We currently have TFS 2012 installed. We have 2 servers (both VMs running Windows Server 2008 R2 x64). One server is TFS with the application layer and database (running SQL Server 2008 R2) installed. The other server is our BUILD server with the build controller and build agent installed on it.
We can connect to TFS 2012 OK from our local developer PCs using Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate.
We then have various complex build definitions that compiles our code, runs unit tests, generates real-time sandcastle documentation and installs to our multi tiered, multi server TEST or LIVE environments using InstallShield (takes SSL and performs pre-install conditions etc)
We are using the UpgradeTemplate.xaml build process definition along with TFSBuild.proj file. FYI it was originally developed in TFS 2008 and has served us well hence why we don't WANT to upgrade to a modified defaulttemplate.xaml
We now want to include "post deployment tests" (aka smoking testing or system testing or end-to-end testing I believe) in the form of Coded UI tests.
We can record these tests locally, add asserts etc and check them into TFS etc but my problem is how to invoke them from TFS Build at the end of our build sequence without upgrading to a defaulttemplate.xaml? We use the true build property to invoke our unit tests but this is run prior to deployment. What other property(s) do i need to set? is this at all possible?
I have googled/MSDN'd an believie we may need a third server with a test controller and test agent on it (that isnt locked with a screen saver, build service account has permissions and the build service is configured to run as an internative process and not a service). Is this correct?
If we want to video record the tests as they are run have people found this useful? Does it function/configure as easy as articles seem to imply?
Can visual studio 2012 Ultimate do everything that Microsoft Test Manager 2012 does? and vice-versus? I haven't used this and wonder if this a testers tool only really?
We can record these tests locally, add asserts etc and check them into TFS etc but my problem is how to invoke them from TFS Build at the end of our build sequence without upgrading to a defaulttemplate.xaml? We use the true build property to invoke our unit tests but this is run prior to deployment. What other property(s) do i need to set? is this at all possible?
If the coded ui test is used as a stand alone unittest in the unittest dll, mstest should pick up the coded ui tests. If the coded ui test is however an automation of a test case, an alternative is to use the TCM command line tooling to kick of the test case and thereby executing the coded ui test.
I have googled/MSDN'd an believie we may need a third server with a test controller and test agent on it (that isnt locked with a screen saver, build service account has permissions and the build service is configured to run as an interactive process and not a service). Is this correct?
Yes: You would need an interactive build agent.
No: the current build agent could also be set to interactive.
If we want to video record the tests as they are run have people found this useful? Does it function/configure as easy as articles seem to imply?
Yes: It works as the articles imply
No: The intellitrace collectors and logs are usually more useful than a video recording. The articles also forget to mention that your TFS server might grow out of proportions if not handled with care.
Can visual studio 2012 Ultimate do everything that Microsoft Test Manager 2012 does? and vice-versus? I haven't used this and wonder if this a testers tool only really?
No, there not the same and don't try to pretend that (like blend). The focus of the tools are different; MTM is focused on testing by a tester (functional, manual, exploratory), testing in visual studio is focused on testing as a developer (unittest, webtesting, automating tests). Visual Studio ultimate therefore can't edit and create test cases and suites. MTM can't create develop (coded) unittest tests. Installing visual studio ultimate also installs MTM, so you can use both if needed.

Integrating FxCop and StyleCop into TFS 2010/VS continuous integration process

I'm setting up a continuous build process on Jenkins, TeamCity and TFS 2010 to compare them. In Jenkins and TeamCity I'm building the project on every check-in, and I've set up FxCop and StyleCop analysis and reporting. Now I want to do this in TFS 2010.
If I want to make sure FxCop (or Visual Studio Code Analysis) and StyleCop is being run on every check-in, how do I do that with TFS 2010/VS? I'm also wondering if there are several ways of doing it (Continuous integration vs gated check-in)?
There's a few different ways to run these as part of the build. For FxCop you can set the PerformCodeAnalysis property on the TFS Build Definition. Personally I prefer to pass in the following values using the MSBuildArguments property on the Build Definition:
/p:RunCodeAnalysis=True /p:CodeAnalysisRuleSet="..\Foo.ruleset
For StyleCop I use the custom activity from the Community TFS Build Extensions project. You can find the binaries and instructions here: StyleCop Custom Activity

TFS 2008/2010 vs Jenkins for Continuous Integration

Does anyone have specific experiences with using TFS 2008/2010 AND Jenkins for Continuous Integration (CI)? We are trying to decide which CI server to use. Our team works exclusively in Microsoft .NET/Visual Studio 2010/C#. We have the following requirements:
Automatically build our web project on every checkin.
Run unit tests with each build.
Automatically deploy green builds to development and/or test environments.
Provide pretty reports.
Provide build/deployment notifications via email.
I realize that installing a tool won't necessarily give us this functionality out-of-the-box and that we will have to integrate with other tools like MSBuild to achieve this.
I'm looking for specific features that Jenkins has that TFS 2008/2010 does not or vice versa. Also which is easier to maintain, use, etc.
I would highly recommend using Jenkins - it will do all of your requirements out of the box apart from possibly #3, but if you can script your deployments then it can do that as well.
Here are some links to help you get your builds up and running:
Blog about doing .NET builds in Jenkins
Jenkins Windows installers
Installing the Jenkins master and slaves as Windows services
Disclaimer: I have no experience with TFS, but I think open solutions are nearly always more flexible and extensible (and cheaper !) than proprietary products.
Late to this game, but I have used both TFS 2010 and Jenkins for CI. TFS 2010 has minimum set of CI tools in it. However, when you want to create a CI pipeline, it's a completely different story while Jenkins can easily create the pipeline.
If you are looking at only CI for one build either one should work. However, when it comes to the entire pipeline, Jenkins is way to go. With TFS it can be done, but Jenkins is better choice.
Here's quick bullet points:
With a build definition you can compile, execute tests, return changeset/workitems, send an email when a build is broken
natural integration with visual studio
extremely hard to create CI pipeline. Requires custom handler and extensive workflow work. Not as intuitive as creating a build definition.
Because of the 3rd bullet, it's not easy to maintain/customize/scale CI pipeline
Need to create a msbuild config file for CI, which is not much pain comparing to creating CI pipeline using TFS. However, TFS gives better/easier tool to create a build definition. however, it is not bad creating config file for msbuild for a project.
Creating a CI pipeline is very easy. Just chain them using upstream/downstream jenkins job trigger and passing an artifact from previous job.
Since Jenkins is very flexible, it is easy to create a jenkins plugin to meet your own needs and provide it to opensource community :)
In summary, if you need complete automated build, test, and deployment system go with Jenkins. If you just need only build and test, TFS might give you an edge over Jenkins.
If you're using Team 2010-2012, there is no reason whatsoever to bring in Jenkins. Team has all the features you listed, and the build process is ridiculously flexible.
Note that if you are stuck on Team 2008 or earlier, you should seriously look at Jenkins -- 2008 and earlier are quite primitive and inflexible compared to 2010 or later.

TeamBuild and Web Deployment Projects

With the new TFS 2008 and the upcoming TFS 2010, are Web Deployment Projects depreciated? We used them in our 2005 projects because we needed the multiple distribution of files across a cluster but now that TeamBuild does that, and we are just now moving out of VSS to TFS 2008, I was wondering if there was an argument to be made on removing the WDPs and just go with a strict TeamBuild solution.
We use CruiseControl.NET to build currently but was looking at moving to one solution instead of just using the CC.NET plugin to build from TFS Source Control.
Typically speaking, in a team environment you want to use Web Application Projects anyway which lends itself to xcopy style deployments. We have dozens of applications that are under active development using this method.
When using Team Build, I highly recommend you get a copy of TFS Deployer which enables you to utilize powershell scripts that are hooked into the Build Quality settings.
Our setup is CI (leveraging TFS 2008) with TFS Deployer. A successful check in causes a build and deployment to our dev servers. When we change the build quality to "In Staging" TFS Deployer moves the projects to our staging servers. When our infrastructure team changes it to "In Production" in deploys to our web farms.
Simple, to the point
