Integrating FxCop and StyleCop into TFS 2010/VS continuous integration process - tfs

I'm setting up a continuous build process on Jenkins, TeamCity and TFS 2010 to compare them. In Jenkins and TeamCity I'm building the project on every check-in, and I've set up FxCop and StyleCop analysis and reporting. Now I want to do this in TFS 2010.
If I want to make sure FxCop (or Visual Studio Code Analysis) and StyleCop is being run on every check-in, how do I do that with TFS 2010/VS? I'm also wondering if there are several ways of doing it (Continuous integration vs gated check-in)?

There's a few different ways to run these as part of the build. For FxCop you can set the PerformCodeAnalysis property on the TFS Build Definition. Personally I prefer to pass in the following values using the MSBuildArguments property on the Build Definition:
/p:RunCodeAnalysis=True /p:CodeAnalysisRuleSet="..\Foo.ruleset
For StyleCop I use the custom activity from the Community TFS Build Extensions project. You can find the binaries and instructions here: StyleCop Custom Activity


StyleCop in TFS Build 2015

I want to be able to run a StyleCop analysis as a build step on our build definition, but am coming across some issues.
I can't use this because our TFS policies forbid external build steps.
I would prefer to not use this method either as it appears that it runs an analysis every time it builds (and we don't want this to happen on development machines).
Ideally I'd like to be able to run the analysis from batch or PowerShell as a build step, but that doesn't appear to be an option.
What methods are available that allow me to run a StyleCop analysis on an existing project (which already has StyleCop installed) as a build step in TFS Build, without it running each time the software is compiled on a development machine, and without adding too much bloat to the software?
You could check StyleCopCmdLine. StyleCopCmdLine is wrapper project to make it possible to easily call StyleCop from a command prompt or a PowerShell script.
For a discussion of its usage within a TFS 2015 vNext build see this blog post.

How to use code coverage tools in continuous build integration of TFS 2013?

I am using the TFS 2013\VS 2013 professional editions for continuous build. Am looking to use an open source tool like OpenCover for code coverage. I have no prior experience in code coverage tools. I installed the OpenCover UI from Nuget but not sure how to include Codecoverage in integrated build in TFS. Getting "No Code Coverage Results" when the build runs.
I enabled code coverage under Automated tests node in build definition.
Any suggestion on how to implement code coverage in TFS\VS 2013 Profession edition would be greatly appreciated.
If you mean Enabled Code Coverage in the build definition just like below screeshot.
This is VS build-in code coverage, according to the Compare VS offerings site, only Visual Studio Enterprise has Code Coverage feature, so if you use TFS for your CI build and want to use the built-in code coverage feature, installing VS Enterprise on your build agent machine is required.
If you want to integrate OpenCover with TFS XAML build, you need to customize your build process template, add a custom activity in the build definition to trigger the opencover command for generating the report.
Created a RunCoverage.cmd at the root of my source folder
Installed / copied in TFS Servers the Opencover binaries and added into Path(must restart TFS Services to enable TFS to see it).
Created a new actitivity in the build definition, that is, editing the build template (before sonar execution activity) to run the cmd:
Running command line statements from TFS custom activity
There is the cmd contents:
#REM #echo suppresses command line. ^ is line continuation character
#ECHO Executing OpenCover...
OpenCover.Console.exe -register:user ^
-target:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\MSTest.exe" ^
-targetargs:"/testcontainer:%~dp0test.dll /usestderr /resultsfile:%~dp0MSTestsResults.trx" ^
More details please refer Naim Raja Díaz's answer in this similar question:Integration of OpenCover with TFS 

Reconcile Workspace for TFS 2015 vNext Builds

We used to get notification from the tray of our windows machine for a finished build while using the xaml build definitions, it also had an option to reconcile workspace. The same functionality is not available for the vNext builds.
The BuildNotification App is available with VS 2015, but it seems that the reconcile workspace is not available with the vNext build. Is there some other app that can give a notification and do the reconcile operation?
We just moved to new builds (vNext) and are missing this feature as well.
Currently, we can do this manually via IDE (VS 2015):
Team Explorer -> Builds
Right click on latest build with you changes -> "Reconcile Workspace..."
The BuildNotificationApp is still a part of the VS 2015 and can be found here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\BuildNotificationApp.exe. However, this app only applied to XAML build.
For now, to workaround the missing feature, you can use a free build status tool Catlight . It also shows status of vNext builds in tray area.
As for reconcile workspace, there is no this build-in feature for vNext build. However, you can manually use tf reconcile command for your workspace. Such as below screenshot:
If you just want a simple app or vs extension to achieve it, there is no these things for now. You may have to customize your own extension to implement it.
I have created a feature request in uservoice:
Reconcile Workspace for vNext Build
You can use AnyStatus to monitor both vNext and XAML builds.
AnyStatus comes with a feature called Triggers which lets you run a program or a batch script in response to status changes. Using Triggers you can configure it to run "tf.exe reconcile" when the build status changes from Running to OK.
Disclaimer: I am the author of Any Status.

Continuous Delivery with TFS 2010 and Jenkins?

Our development team uses Visual studio 2013 Pro along with TFS 2010. We need the following abilities for our continous integration / delivery initiative:
1. Automatically build our web project on every checkin.
2. Automatically deploy green builds to development and/or test environments.
3. Provide build/deployment notifications via email.
Extra Credit: Run unit tests with each build.
We don't have a budget, the reason Jenkins is appealing. The setup is new to me and not sure how the pieces fit and what other tools are needed to preform the tasks above?
If you have MSDN subscriptions, you can use TFS for free. TFS 2015 can provide all these features. TFS 2010 can provide most of this as well.
Use a gated checkin or CI build definition in TFS (2010 and 2015) to automatically build on checkin and run tests. The build definition has the option to run tests as part of the build.
Use MSDeploy to package up your components into an automated package. Most people don't know you can use it for more than web applications. (For example, databases)
TFS also provides email alerts on many events.
Regarding automating the deployments, we used separate TFS (in 2010) build definitions to trigger deployments to each environment. Now we use TFS 2015 which supports release definitions that adds many more options.

Can I get TFS to deploy and execute tests on a different server?

I'm looking to get TFS to build and deploy to our manual and auto TEST environments.
manual TEST - overnight updates
auto TEST - continuous integration
Once deployed, I want TFS to deploy and run a set of web-integration tests (SpecFlow / Selenium / nUnit) on another server (acting pseudo client of the website).
I then want TFS to collate the results of these tests and report back.
What's the best approach to get this working?
You'd normally change the build process template to do what you want. Adding steps to deploy could be one of these customozations. Have a look at the Build Release Deploy build template from the Microsoft ALM Rangers which includes steps to publish the build to another machine.
You can also make use of WebDeploy and add a set of publish profiles to your solution. Team Build will happily execute those steps during build, if told to do so.
In TFS you can use a Test Agent to then execute tests from a remote machine and have the results added to the test results for your build.
Seeing that you'd like to use NUnit ad SpecFlow I suggest using TFS 2012 in combination with Visual Studio 2012, which have built-in support for executing 3rd party based tests. You'll need to install the NUnit adapter and put the assemblies for it in source control so that Team Build will pick them up.
