Can I retrieve an Outlook room calendar view with the MS Graph API? - microsoft-graph-api

Using the Graph API we are already successfully retrieving calendar views for a user's calendar (on behalf of the user). Now users would also like to be able to retrieve room calendars. So I tried the following:
Unfortunately all of them return a ErrorServiceUnavailable error.
App permissions and OAuth2 scopes are set to: openid email profile offline_access, so that should not be an issue.
Am I doing something wrong or is this simply not supported? is the approach I've used successfully. I had an issue with permissions and gave my app every permission in Azure, and it worked for me. I can't help with which specific permissions it is, but for testing this is how I resolved an issue I had.

Am I doing something wrong or is this simply not supported?
For your current question: Obviously you did wrong or the Service - side temporary exception. The api is supported.
You should provide the code you have used, and based on the code, we can check what is wrong on your side.


MS Graph API call getOffice365ActiveUserDetail() fails with HTTP 403 for Delegated permissions

Earlier i asked this question, where #Dev helped me. Now when i tried doing to Delegated permissions, its again throwing HTTP error 403. Application permission works for me. Only looks like issue with delegated permission. Strange? Any inputs will be of help.
#Alice, I see that you're using delegated permission scenario. If yes, then you need to allow apps to read service usage reports on behalf of a user. I would suggest you to work with your tenant administrator. They should have assigned the user the appropriate Azure AD limited administrator role - its needed, apart from the permissions that you specify in your code.
I tried the above in past and helped; so give a try. If you still face issues let me know. For more info you can refer the related document.

Graph API /me/joinedTeams unexpected result

I'm having some issues with the List joinedTeams graph api endpoint.
I was expecting that me/joinedTeams would give the same result as users/my-user-id/joinedTeams, however the first one only returns one team and the second returns multiple (haven't checked if it's complete).
So the question is, did I find a bug in the Graph API or is there something else going on?
I'm using delegated permissions
I've checked the token at, the aud is 00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000 and it includes the following scopes:
Update: It seems I can no longer reproduce the issue, so I'm concluding that there was some short issue with syncing between the Azure AD and the responding Graph API server.
My idea is the same as #Ergec, you need to make sure you are using the same user id.
I just tested these two APIs with graph-explorer and they did return the same result to me.
I suggest you first request the /me endpoint to get the id, then paste it to the /users endpoint, making sure they use the same id.

Setting up Google Calendar API

I'm trying to use the Google Calendar API in one of my projects. To do so, I need to set up OAuth access in the Google API console.
But when creating the consent-form (which is required to use OAuth), I get a meaningless error message:
The translation is as follows:
A problem occured. Please check your data and try again . If you have
not given any details, the problem may solve itself . In this case, we
recommend that you wait and try again later.
I have set the E-Mail address and project name. The optional fields were left blank.
So far I have not been able to solve the problem. I tried to wait for hours/days. I tried three different browsers. I also tried to contact Google support. All without success.
After days of trying, this is the solution:
Create another Google account
Using your old account, add the new account as an owner to your Google API project in the console
Log in with your new user account and accept the invitation
Create the OAuth consent form with the new user account
I have no idea WHY this worked, but it did.

Instagram api not returning any followers although response code is 200

I am using instagram to recieve the list of people i follow and although api returns the status code 200 I recieve absolutely no data.I tried using postman client instead of my code and even from there no data is being returned I am hitting the following service.
one thing to be noted is my application is in sandbox mode and this same access token is working and fetching other information about the user including media shared by the user and its basic information etc and user follows and is followed by several users.
Please suggest the solution thanks in advance.
I may have answer to this question since I was facing the same issue on my WinRT project yesterday.
You may need the relationship scope instead of 'follower_list' scope.
I am assuming that you have provided the scope as 'follower_list' in the authorization URL and logged in as yourself or through your own Instagram account(the same account with which you have created your Instagram app). And now if you are hitting the above service it will return nothing in data since you are requesting if the user is following you or not(so obviously you are not following yourself)!! So if you try logging in with someone else's Instagram account and hit the above service with follower_list scope it will return your Instagram account in data if the logged in person is following you.
The above service will return all the users that are following you AND present in your sandbox users list. (Or at least that is my conclusion on this)
For further clarification try for hitting this service there they are using the relationship scope.

Google+ API : Get Profile's currentLocation

I'm currently building a test and trying to get a google+ user location. I'm testing on myself and have set my position to public.
I was originally planning to use Google Latitude, however, since Google is deprecating this API in a few days, my only option is to use the Google+ API.
The parameter currentLocation was added a few months ago
I'm therefore trying to get it. But could not manage to do it.
I've tested on my own server using the PHP API and then the JS API with Oauth2.0, but this damn parameter is never sent back. I can get any other parameter but definitely not that one.
Then I've tested in the google+ explorer, but same thing here, nothing came out
Does anyone have already encounter a similar issue ?
I have a few idea where it could come from :
Does Oauth2.0 does not let me access this information (I've tried
any possible data-scope)
Is there just a bug on this functionality ?
Is it restricted to verified users ?
Or maybe it's just not possible ?
Thanks !
Access to location data is restricted to users who have granted you access to their location data at the time that the OAuth token was generated.
You have to specifically request access to location data in the scope parameter.
What I think is that r.placesLived would only give his location but the location of the user nor the location of the exact machine. It could be remembered that you need to have the address. However, it needs to look for another token for verifying a user's exact location. Going into it might only need more of a tracker and not only a location.
This is an old one but still valid question. Even field "currentLocation" is listed as valid reponse People object field, there´s no way to access field´s data.
Was reported as issue in G+ repository but there is no answer so far.
If you are still trying to get user´s current location try the following snippet, not sure if this is the best option but it works :):
Note: "r" holds the client.request() response data (API call)
r.placesLived.forEach(function(l) {
if (l.primary)
Hope this helps.
