Blink the iPhone LED Flash with Serial Data - iOS - ios

Would it be possible to set the iPhone LED flash control line as a UART TX line in order to optically transmit serial data? If so, is there a way to do it through Xamarin? Maybe this?

I highly doubt it. First, you don't have any control over the latency of the flash - different devices under different loads may be able to toggle it quicker than others. And I don't think you could toggle the flash fast enough for a reasonable data transfer rate. You might be able to get this working in a test environment with a specific hardware setup, but I don't think it would be of any practical use.


Xilinx - Vivado Project: VGA IO not working

I'm new to Xilinx-Vivado. So at the moment we just need to look and see how Vivado and SDK work using Zybo Zynq-7000 Board. I searched on the internet, and found a project with VGA IO. The mysterious thing is that I actually made it to work when I was at school, but due to the current situation, we are not able to get much help, I am now alone with it at home.
This is the project.
Firstly I'd like to ask what does the console below tell me?
I generated the bitstream, and then exported the hardware included the bitstream, lastly I launch SDK. On SDK i programmed the FPGA and then ran the project as Launch as Hardware (System debugger and GDB).
That's how I did it:
And the configuartions:
And the output I am getting through the console is:
To my main problem, it is that I have connected all the cables to the Zybo Board that is required; USB cable from my laptop to the FPGA and VGA cable from the FPGA up to my monitor screen. The problem is that I am not getting any output on my monitor, do I have to enable something so that my VGA cable from FPGA to monitor is working?
This ultimately boils down to standard debugging. I can only give a couple suggestions.
First, confirm that your design is working in simulation; check that your outputs, especially your sync signals, are working as expected.
Next confirm that your IO constraints are set up correctly and that you are using the right IO pins on the board.
If those all seem correct, ideally you'd have access to a signal analyzer, but that sounds unlikely in current circumstances. As an alternative, you can look at using an ILA, like chipscope, to probe the signals and see monitor them in hardware.
Last, and obviously, make sure all of the cables are connected correctly.
Good luck with the design.

Reaching clock regions using BUFIO and BUFG

I need to realize a source-synchronous receiver in a Virtex 6 that receives data and a clock from a high speed ADC.
For the SERDES Module I need two clocks, that are basically the incoming clock, buffered by BUFIO and BUFR (recommended). I hope my picture makes the situation clear.
Clock distribution
My problem is, that I have some IOBs, that cannot be reached by the BUFIO because they are in a different, not adjacent clock region.
A friend recommended using the MMCM and connecting the output to a BUFG, which can reach all IOBs.
Is this a good idea? Can't I connect my LVDS clock buffer directly to a BUFG, without using the MMCM before?
My knowledge about FPGA Architecture and clocking regions is still very limited, so it would be nice if anybody has some good ideas, wise words or has maybe worked out a solution to a similar problem in the past.
It is quite common to use a MMCM for external inputs, if only to cleanup the signal and realize some other nice features (like 90/180/270 degree phase shift for quad-data rate sampling).
With the 7-series they introduced the multi-region clock buffer (BUFMR) that might help you here. Xilinx has published a nice answer record on which clock buffer to use when: 7 Series FPGA Design Assistant - Details on using different clocking buffers
I think your friends suggestion is correct.
Also check this application note for some suggestions: LVDS Source Synchronous 7:1
Serialization and Deserialization Using
Clock Multiplication

IR receiver powered by AndroidThings

Is it possible to implement IR receiver on android-things?
1st idea:
Use GPIO as input and try to buffer changes and then parse the buffer to decode a message.
GPIO listener mechanism is too slow to observe IR signal.
Another way is to read GPIO infinite loop. But all IR protocols strongly depend on time and java(dalvik) in this case is to less accurate.
2nd idea
It seems to be possible to adjust baud rate to observe all bits of a message but UART API require to setup quantity of start bits etc. and this is a problem because IR protocols do not fit that schema.
IMHO at the moment, UART is the only path but it would be a huge workaround.
The overarching problem (as you've discovered) is that any non-realtime system will have difficulty parsing this input directly because of the timing constraints. This is a job best suited to a microcontroller where you can access a timer interrupt. Grab an inexpensive tinyAVR or PIC to manage the sensor for you.
You will also want to use a dedicated receiver sensor (you might already be doing this) to simplify parsing the signal. These sensors include a demodulator, which means you don't have to deal with 38kHz pulse signal and the input is converted into a more standard PWM wave.
I believe you can't process the IR signal in Java because the reading pulses would be quicker than the reading resolution-at least in a raspberry pi. To get faster gpio readings I'm confident you can do in c++ with ndk with the raspberry. Though it's not officially supported there's some tricks to enable it. See How to do GPIO on Android Things bypassing Java on how to write to gpio in c. From there it should be trivial to read in a tight loop. Though I would still try to hook the trigger from Java since so far I have no clear easy idea on how to write/install interrupts in c.

How can I investigate failing calibration on Spartan 6 MIG DDR

I’m having problems with a Spartan 6 (XC6SLX16-2CSG225I) and DDR (IS43R86400D) memory interface on some custom hardware. I've tried on a SP601 dev board and all works as expected.
Using the example project, when I enable soft_calibration, it never completes and calib_done stays low.
If I disable calibration I can write to the memory perfectly as far as I can see. But when I try to read from it, I get a variable number of successful read commands before the Xilinx memory controller stops implementing the commands. Once this happens, the command fifo fills up and stays full. The number of successful commands varies from 8 to 300.
I'm fairly convinced it's a timing issue, probably related to DQS centering. But because I can't get calibration to complete when enabled, I don't have continuous DQS Tuning. So I'm assuming it works with calibration disabled until the timing drifts.
Is there any obvious places I should be looking for why calibration fails?
I know this isn't a typical stack overflow question, so if it's an inappropriate place then I'll withdraw.
Unfortunately, the calibration process just tries to write and read content successively while adjusting taps internally. It finds one end of success then goes the other direction and identifies that successful tap and then final settles on some where in the middle.
This is probably more HW centric as well, so I post what I think and let someone else move the thread.
Is it just this board? Or is it all of them that are doing it? Have you checked? If it's one board, and the RAM is BGA style, it could be a bad solider job. Push you finger down slightly on the chip and see if you get different results... After this is gets more HW centric
Does the FPGA image you are running on your custom board, have the ability to work on your devkit? A lot of times, that isn't practical I know, but I thought I would ask as it rules out that the image you are using on the devkit has FPGA constraints you aren't getting in your custom image.
Check your length tolerances on the traces. There should have been a length constraint. Plus or minus 50 mils something like that. No one likes to hear they need a board re-spin, but if those are out, it explains a lot.
Signal integrity. Did you get your termination resistors in there and are they the right values? Don't supposed you have an active probe?
Did you get the right DDR memory. Sometimes they use a different speed grade and that can cause all sorts of issue.
Slowing down the interface will usually help items 4 and 5. so if you are just trying to work done, you might ask for a new FPGA image with a slower clock.

Antenna usage when sending a batch of http requests

I'm trying to optimize battery usage when networking. If I hold all my http requests in an array for example, then I send them all (just empty out the array at once (for loop)), will the antenna turn on once to perform the 10 requests, or will it turn on and off n times? (I'm using NSURLRequest)
Is there a way to batch send requests at once? Or is this basically "batch" sending requests.
The documentation says nothing about how iDevice's hardware handles multiple NSURLRequests. It can be that handling on one model or OS version is different than on another one (e.g. iPhone 4 vs iPhone 5).
You will have to use Instruments and research it on your own using Energy Diagnostics. However, this is rather simple. Here is a short plan how to do it:
Connect the device to your development system.
Launch Xcode or Instruments.
On the device, choose Settings > Developer and turn on power logging.
Disconnect the device and perform the desired tests.
Reconnect the device.
In Instruments, open the Energy Diagnostics template.
Choose File > Import Energy Diagnostics from Device.
Moreover, have a look at Analyzing CPU Usage in Your App
The energy optimisation performed by the OS is not publicly known.
The exact handling for a particular interface depends on the interface, so some interfaces have very low set up/tear down costs ( e.g. Bluetooth LE), and others are quite cheap to run, but take time to set up and tear down ( e.g. 2G).
You generally have to take a course that gives the OS the best options possible, and then let it do what it can.
We can say a few things. It is unlikely that the connection is being powered up/down for individual packets, so the connection will be powered up when there is data to send, and kept up as long as you're trying to receive. The OS may be able to run at a lower power when it is just waiting, as it doesn't need to ACK packets, but it won't be able to power off completely.
Bottom line, if you send your requests sequentially, I believe that the OS is unlikely to cycle power in between requests, if you send them in parallel, it almost certainly won't.
Is this a worthwhile optimisation? Depends how much of it you're doing.
Possibly of interest: background downloads whereby the OS times your fetch when it knows it is going to do some other network activity anyway.
