Swift: How do I arrange programatically added checkboxes? - ios

I'm creating an iOS app using Swift, one with checkboxes. Currently, I've placed them inside a view (constrained and all), in the hopes that they would stay there and not mess up the rest of my app. Here's my code so far:
// UI
let lCheckboxHeight: CGFloat = 44.0;
let lCheckboxWidth: CGFloat = 180.0;
let waterSampleTreatmentTitles = ["i - Untreated", "ii - Acidified", "iii - Airfree", "iv - Filtered, Untreated","v - Filtered, Acidified","Stable Isotopes","Others"];
let lNumberOfCheckboxes = waterSampleTreatmentTitles.count
var lFrame = CGRectMake(0, 0, self.view.frame.size.width, lCheckboxHeight);
for (var counter = 0; counter < lNumberOfCheckboxes; counter++) {
let lCheckbox = Checkbox(frame: lFrame, title: waterSampleTreatmentTitles[counter], selected: false);
lCheckbox.mDelegate = self;
lCheckbox.tag = counter;
if (waterSampleTreatmentTitles[counter] == "i - Untreated" && self.flagUntreated == true){
lCheckbox.selected = true
else if (waterSampleTreatmentTitles[counter] == "ii - Acidified" && self.flagAcidified == true){
lCheckbox.selected = true
else if (waterSampleTreatmentTitles[counter] == "iii - Airfree" && self.flagAirfree == true){
lCheckbox.selected = true
else if (waterSampleTreatmentTitles[counter] == "iv - Filtered, Untreated" && self.flagFilterUntreat == true){
lCheckbox.selected = true
else if (waterSampleTreatmentTitles[counter] == "v - Filtered, Acidified" && self.flagFilterAcid == true){
lCheckbox.selected = true
else if (waterSampleTreatmentTitles[counter] == "Stable Isotopes" && self.flagStabIso == true){
lCheckbox.selected = true
else if (waterSampleTreatmentTitles[counter] == "Others" && self.flagOthers == true){
lCheckbox.selected = true
lFrame.origin.y += lFrame.size.height;
Currently, this creates a list of checkboxes, which spills past the view I made, and just generally makes a mess of the app. The view is long enough for maybe two checkboxes vertically, but not eight.
How do I make it such that the checkboxes are arranged horizontally? I've tried replacing the following code:
lFrame.origin.y += lFrame.size.height;
With this:
lFrame.origin.x += lCheckboxWidth
But that doesn't take into account that the text for the checkboxes aren't the same length, and of course ignores the width restriction as well.
How do I make it such that if the checkbox length exceeds the view, it would drop down to the next line?

If the checkbox has no way to determine its own intrinsic size, you'll have to determine the width that each title would take, then factor that value into that checkbox's frame width.
However, wrapping a row of checkboxes will lead to a couple issues. First, the layout would need to be updated upon autorotation. Second, each row's checkboxes would not be vertically aligned with the previous row's checkboxes.
What you preferably want is a checkbox that can determine its own intrinsic size. Now you'd be able to take advantage of the Auto Layout system, and both the checkboxes, and their containing view could size themselves. This would have avoided the problem where the checkboxes are located outside their container's bounds (as well as having to hard code frames).
At that point, you could benefit from an easier solution like UIStackView, instead of having to code their layout on your own.
If you are using Storyboard, the ideal option would be be a checkbox that could not only self-size, but supported IBDesignable. You could then just setup outlets to IB checkboxes, instead of doing any of this in code.
If you aren't able to find a better control, then the easiest way to do what you ask would be as follows.
let lCheckboxHeight: CGFloat = 44.0
// Make the width as wide as necessary to accommodate the largest title
let lCheckboxWidth: CGFloat = 180.0
// Spacing between checkboxes or rows
let xSpacing: CGFloat = 10
let ySpacing: CGFloat = 10
// Current offset for next checkbox
var xOffset: CGFloat = 0
var yOffset: CGFloat = 0
for counter in 0..<lNumberOfCheckboxes {
var lFrame = CGRect(x: xOffset, y: yOffset, width: lCheckboxWidth, height: lCheckboxHeight);
// Advance offset for upcoming checkbox
xOffset += lCheckboxWidth + xSpacing
// Determine if there is enough room for another horizontal checkbox
let maxX = xOffset + lCheckboxWidth + xSpacing
if maxX >= chemistryProductionWell.viewSampTreat.bounds.maxX {
// Move to start of next row
xOffset = 0
yOffset += lCheckboxHeight + ySpacing
// ... Other code here
This still doesn't do anything to support autorotation, which is why you should look into an Auto Layout/Adaptive UI approach, and not directly work with frames.
As an aside, although you placed them in a viewSampTreat container, you had based their width on something other than their container, i.e. self.view.frame.size.width. This would have led to a clipping problem.


ScrollView inertia effect manually, iOS, Swift

I have UICollectionView which I'm dragging from code (don't ask me why it's very long story:)).
And my code is working pretty well:
func move(prevPoint: CGPoint, curPoint: CGPoint) {
let xDiff = curPoint.x - prevPoint.x
let yDiff = curPoint.y - prevPoint.y
let xSign = xDiff == 0 ? 1 : (xDiff / abs(xDiff))
let ySign = yDiff == 0 ? 1 : (yDiff / abs(yDiff))
let x = max(min(abs(xDiff), maxPickerStep), minPickerStep) * -xSign * xMultiplier
let y = max(min(abs(yDiff), maxPickerStep), minPickerStep) * -ySign
let offset = CGPoint(x: collectionView.contentOffset.x + x, y: collectionView.contentOffset.y)
let cell = (collectionView.visibleCells.first as? ColorsCollectionViewCell)
let innerOffset = cell?.colorCollectionView.contentOffset ?? .zero
let inset = (cell?.colorCollectionView.contentInset.top ?? 0) * 2
let innerYContentOffset = min(max(innerOffset.y + y, -inset), (cell?.colorCollectionView.contentSize.height ?? 0) - inset)
cell?.colorCollectionView.contentOffset = CGPoint(x: innerOffset.x, y: innerYContentOffset)
collectionView.contentOffset = offset
But in addition to scrolling, I want to achieve the same effect as in UICollectionView when scrollView moves by inertia after user takes away finger. Thanks.
First thing first, I think that moving the scroll view manually is most certainly a thing I would avoid.
Probably there is something much simpler to fulfill the behavior you need.
So I highly suggest you, and any other reader, to not go further in the reading of this post and, instead, go ahead and try to solve the problem that guided you here in the first place.
You could also ask another question here on Stack Overflow to maybe get help to try to avoid you to manually update the scrollView position.
So if you are still reading, this article is probably the way to go with implementing something that really feels like a UIScrollView. Doing anything else will probably really look and feel awful.
Basically it consists of using UIKit Dynamics to control the inertia.
So you can create an object that conforms to UIDynamicItem (with a non-zero CGRect), and change its center instead of the scrollView contentOffset, than use a UIDynamicAnimator and its UIDynamicBehavior to set up the inertia and to connect the changes during the animation to the corresponding contentOffset in the scrollView using the UIDynamicBehavior's action block.
Assuming that you have an item that is a UIDynamicItem, and an animator that is a UIDynamicAnimator, the handling of the panGesture recognizer would look something like this:
func handlGestureRecognizer(panGesture: UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
switch panGesture.state {
case .began:
case .changed:
// Update scroll view position
case .ended:
var velocity = panGesture.velocity(in: panGesture.view!)
velocity.x = -velocity.x
velocity.y = -velocity.y
// You probably need to check for out of bound velocity too, and also put velocity.x to 0 if the scroll is only scrolling vertically
// This is done to just save the current content offset and then change it alongside the animation from this starting point
item.center = scrollView.contentOffset
let decelerationBehavior = UIDynamicItemBehavior(items: [item])
decelerationBehavior.addLinearVelocity(velocity, for: item)
decelerationBehavior.resistance = 2.0
decelerationBehavior.action = {
// Connect the item center to the scroll contentOffset. Probably something like this:
scrollView.contentOffset = item.center
You than just need to play up with the values of the behavior and be careful with the velocity you put into the behavior having extra care in looking at the edge cases (if you scroll over the min/max for example)
PS: After all I've written, I still believe you should strongly consider not doing this and, instead, go with the standard scrollView scrolling, avoiding manual updates.
You can try to play with decelerationRate and see if it satisfies your needs.
collectionView.decelerationRate = UIScrollView.DecelerationRate(rawValue: 1)

Add subviews with a for loop is not showing images until loop ends

I was trying to add subviews but all the added subviews only shows when the for loop ends, I want to know if there is a way to make appear each subview when is already added, this is my code
for colum in 0 ... colums-1 {
xPos = colum * seatWidth
for row in 0 ... rows-1 {
yPos = row * seatWidth
let seatImageView = dataSource?.seatsView(sender: self, seatImageViewForRow: row, andColum: colum)
if seatImageView?.state != .empty {
seatImageView?.delegate = self
seatImageView!.frame = CGRect(x: xPos, y: yPos, width: seatWidth, height: seatWidth)
xPos = 0
if you add Runloop.main.run(until: Date.distantPast) directly after adding the view. The UI won't be updated until the next runloop normally, and adding this code will make sure it runs once, so it's updated.

UIDynamicAnimator interfering with addTarget and beginTouches?

I wish I had more reputation so I could attach a screenshot of what I'm working on but you can see an example in the second link down below.
Basically there is a middle button in the tab bar which brings out option buttons (apple images in this case).
These apple icons are animated to their positions using UIDynamicAnimator and UIAttachmentBehavior.
Here is the code which adds the option buttons
func showOptions() {
var numberOfItems = self.delegate.brOptionsButtonNumberOfItems(self)
//NSAssert(numberOfItems > 0 , "number of items should be more than 0")
var angle = 0.0
var radius:Int = 20 * numberOfItems
angle = (180.0 / Double(numberOfItems))
// convert to radians
angle = angle/180.0 * M_PI
for(var i = 0; i<numberOfItems; i++) {
var csCalc = Float((angle * Double(i)) + (angle/2))
var buttonX = Float(radius) * cosf(csCalc)
var buttonY = Float(radius) * sinf(csCalc)
var wut = (angle * Double(i)) + (angle/2)
var brOptionItem = self.createButtonItemAtIndex(i)
var mypoint = self.tabBar.convertPoint(self.center, fromView:self.superview)
var x = mypoint.x + CGFloat(buttonX)
var y = self.frame.origin.y - CGFloat(buttonY)
var buttonPoint = CGPointMake(x, y)
//println("Button Point of Button Item x:\(x) y: \(y)")
brOptionItem.layer.anchorPoint = self.layer.anchorPoint
brOptionItem.center = mypoint
var attachment = UIAttachmentBehavior(item:brOptionItem, attachedToAnchor:buttonPoint)
attachment.damping = self.damping
attachment.frequency = self.frequency
attachment.length = 1
// set the attachment for dragging behavior
brOptionItem.attachment = attachment
//if(self.delegate.respondsToSelector("willDisplayButtonItem")) { //Fix me
//self.delegate.brOptionsButton(self, willDisplayButtonItem:brOptionItem)
self.tabBar.insertSubview(brOptionItem, belowSubview: self.tabBar)
func createButtonItemAtIndex(indexz:NSInteger) -> BROptionsItem {
println("Create button item at index")
var brOptionItem = BROptionsItem(initWithIndex:indexz)
brOptionItem.addTarget(self, action:"buttonItemPressed:", forControlEvents:.TouchUpInside)
brOptionItem.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.None
var image = self.delegate.brOptionsButton(self, imageForItemAtIndex:indexz)
//if((image) != nil) {
brOptionItem.setImage(image, forState: UIControlState.Normal)
var buttonTitle = self.delegate.brOptionsButton(self, titleForItemAtIndex:indexz)
if(buttonTitle.utf16Count > 0) {
brOptionItem.setTitle(buttonTitle, forState:UIControlState.Normal)
return brOptionItem;
In showOptions the animator is assigned an attachment behavior for a brOptionItem that was just created when createButtomItemAtIndex was called.
In createButtonItemAtIndex, the brOptionItem is created and a target was added to execute a function when the button was tapped.
The option buttons work without the animation. I can click them and the target function is executed.
However, when the animation is added and the option buttons are placed where they are, nothing happens when the buttons are tapped.
I am extremely stuck on this. I have no idea why the animation stops the tapping actions. The buttons are supposed to be draggable as well.
Here is my source code. The code I reference can be see in the BROptiosnButton file.
Here is the reference code I used

iOS : Adaptive Collection View cell width

I'm trying to make a grid view on iOS with adaptive column width.
On Android it's possible to do this by setting stretchMode attribute to spacingWidth .
This attribute take the cell width as minimum width and grow cell automatically if there is free space available but no enough to add another column keeping the same space between column everywhere.
I didn't found any way to do that on iOS.
It look like that (left image) on iPhone 6, but on iPhone 5 (right image) the space is very big and ugly. I wan't to auto resize cells to avoid this big space.
How can i do that on iOS ?
(I'm using Xcode 6.1)
This i why i wan't (black space is approximatively desired additional cell width, sorry my draw is ugly I did it quickly)
I tried to calculate new size with this code, but the result is "strange" (wrong size, position) , i think i missed something
let CELL_SIZE : Float = 92
let CELL_MARGIN : Float = 10
let COLLECTION_VIEW_MARGIN : Float = 20 //Left right margin
let screenWidth = Float(UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.width)
let numberOfCell = Float(Int(screenWidth / (CELL_SIZE + CELL_MARGIN + COLLECTION_VIEW_MARGIN)))
let oldCellSize = Float(cell.frame.width)
var newCellSize : Float
if(numberOfCell >= 2){
newCellSize = (screenWidth / numberOfCell) - (CELL_MARGIN * (numberOfCell-1))
} else {
newCellSize = (screenWidth / numberOfCell) }
let indexPathRow = Float(indexPath.row)
var xOffsetMultiplier = indexPathRow % numberOfCell
if(xOffsetMultiplier == 0){
xOffsetMultiplier = numberOfCell
var newX : Float = 0
if(xOffsetMultiplier == 1){
} else {
newX = (newCellSize + CELL_MARGIN) * (xOffsetMultiplier-1) + (COLLECTION_VIEW_MARGIN / 2)
var frame = CGRectMake(CGFloat(newX), cell.frame.minY, CGFloat(newCellSize), cell.frame.height)
cell.frame = frame
This code is written in func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell in my ViewController
You should use UICollectionViewFlowLayout to adopt cell size according to collection view size.

Get frame from certain UISegmentedControl index?

In my app, I use a UIPopoverController and I use the presentPopoverFromRect API. What I am doing now is just setting it to the frame of my whole UISegmentedControl. However I want to be more precise than this. Is there any way to get the frame of a specific index in the UISegmentedControl?
For our project we needed the actual frames of each segment, frame division wasn't enough. Here's a function I wrote that calculates the exact frame for every segment. Be aware that it accesses the segmented control actual subviews, so it might break in any iOS update.
- (CGRect)segmentFrameForIndex:(NSInteger)index inSegmentedControl:(UISegmentedControl *)control
// WARNING: This function gets frame from UISegment objects, undocumented subviews of UISegmentedControl.
// May break in iOS updates.
NSMutableArray *segments = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:self.numberOfSegments];
for (UIView *view in control.subviews) {
if ([NSStringFromClass([view class]) isEqualToString:#"UISegment"]) {
[segments addObject:view];
NSArray *sorted = [segments sortedArrayUsingComparator:^NSComparisonResult(UIView *a, UIView *b) {
if (a.frame.origin.x < b.frame.origin.x) {
return NSOrderedAscending;
} else if (a.frame.origin.x > b.frame.origin.x) {
return NSOrderedDescending;
return NSOrderedSame;
return [[sorted objectAtIndex:index] frame];
If the segments are equal, why not just divide the width of the control by the number of the selected segment (+1 because numbering starts at 0)?
EDIT: Like this
-(void)showPopover:(id)sender {
if ((UISegmentedControl*)sender.selectedSegmentIndex == 0)
[self.popover presentPopoverFromRect:CGRectMake(self.segmentedControl.frame.size.width/6, self.segmentedControl.frame.origin.y, aWidth, aHeight)]
It's over 6 (I'm assuming a 3 segment implementation), because you have to get the center of the segment, and 3 would put it on the lines. And if you do some simple math here (let's assume the whole control is 60 px wide), then 60/3 yeilds 20. Because each segment is 20 px wide, the width of 60 over six yields the correct answer 10.
This can be done much easier without matching class names, providing that you use no custom segmented control (Swift version)
extension NSSegmentedControl {
func frameForSegment(segment: Int) -> NSRect {
var left : CGFloat = 0
for i in 0..<segmentCount {
let w = widthForSegment(i)
if i == segment {
let off = CGFloat(i) + 2 // Account for separators and border.
return NSRect(x: left + off, y: bounds.minY, width: w, height: bounds.height)
left += w
return NSZeroRect
If somebody is searching for a solution for NSSegmentedControl, I've slightly modified #erik-aigner's answer. For UISegmentedControl it should work similarly.
This version improves the geometry computation for spacing and the code in general. Disclaimer: It was tested only for a segmented control placed in a toolbar.
import AppKit
public extension NSSegmentedControl {
/// The width of a single horizontal border.
public static let horizontalBorderWidth: CGFloat = 3
/// The height of a single vertical border.
public static let verticalBorderWidth: CGFloat = 2
/// The horizontal spacing between segments.
public static let horizontalSegmentSpacing: CGFloat = 1
/// Returns the frame of the specified segment.
/// - Parameter segment: The index of the segment whose frame should be computed.
/// - Returns: The frame of the segment or `.zero` if an invalid segment index is passed in.
public func frame(forSegment segment: Int) -> NSRect {
let y = bounds.minY - NSSegmentedControl.verticalBorderWidth
let height = bounds.height
var left = NSSegmentedControl.horizontalBorderWidth
for index in 0..<segmentCount {
let width = self.width(forSegment: index)
if index == segment {
return NSRect(x: left, y: y, width: width, height: height)
left += NSSegmentedControl.horizontalSegmentSpacing
left += width
return .zero
Swift 5.3 version of #CodaFi's answer:
func showPopover(_ sender: Any?) {
if sender?.selectedSegmentIndex as? UISegmentedControl == 0 {
popover.presentPopover(fromRect: CGRect(x: segmentedControl.frame.size.width / 6, y: segmentedControl.frame.origin.y, width: aWidth, height: aHeight))
For me widthForSegment returns 0, so the other answers always fail to produce frame. I think a better solution is to just get the frame of a subview:
public extension UISegmentedControl {
func frame(forSegment segment: Int) -> CGRect {
