Applying animation on a circular chart - ios

I have built a circular graph very similar to this example in paintcode:
I have successfully drawn out the control on my iOS view with ease, but now I would like to animate the graph so that it begins at 0 and eases towards the specified angle. Basically the animation should look like the first two seconds of the video in the URL above.
What is the best way to go about this type of animation?
FYI: I am working in C#/Xamarin but I am not fussy on syntax at all, so an Objective C or Swift example will do just fine.

I wrote a UIView subclass which does exactly what you're asking for. You just provide an array of rings along with a few other parameters, and it handles all of the setup and management for you.
At the top of your UIViewController, import the module:
import ConcentricProgressRingView
Then, in your viewDidLoad:
let rings = [
ProgressRing(color: UIColor.redColor()),
ProgressRing(color: UIColor.blueColor()),
let margin: CGFloat = 2
let radius: CGFloat = 80
let progressRingView = ConcentricProgressRingView(center:, radius: radius, margin: margin, rings: rings, defaultWidth: 20)
Once you've instantiated your ConcentricProgressRingView instance, animate a specific ring to a percentage with setProgress.
ring.arcs[1].setProgress(0.5, duration: 2)
Under the hood, this just uses CABasicAnimation and sets a few parameters which make it look "right". I know you're not using Swift, but if you want specific pointers, just check out the source code to see how I've solved it. Hope this helps!

You want to use CAShapeLayers, one for each arc, with a full-circle arc installed in each one, and the line cap style set to rounded.
Then you want to set the strokeEnd property to a small value (try .05). That will cause the shape to only draw 5% of it's arc.
Finally you want to submit CAAnimations to each shape layer that animate the strokeEnd value from the starting value to 1.0. That will animate the arcs drawing the full circle.
I don't have any ready-made sample code for you. I do have a sample project written in Objective-C that uses a very similar technique to create a "clock wipe" animation using a CAShapeLayer as a mask layer.
Take a look at the clock wipe animation in the project "iOS CAAnimationGroup demo" project on Github.


Changing UILabel position to strokeEnd of CGPath

I'm trying to achieve something similar to the attached image, where the circle is animated depending on your level progress and then a label is attached to both the end of the animated path to show the gained experience and also the undrawn part of the circle to show the remaining experience. I have the circle animating as wanted but am having trouble coming up with a solution to the labels to appear in the right spot.
I've tried setting the position of the label to the path.currentPoint but that always seems to be the start of the drawn path and not the end.
Any pointers on how to achieve this would be great!
I had been working on your question, first of all to achieve this you must animate the path the real path, not only the strokeEnd, if you animate only the strokeEnd your path.currentPoint will always return the circle endPoint of the path, in order to animate the path you need to make a KeyFramed Animation animating the “path” as keyPath and passing an array of paths from current angle to desired one, then in order to set the correct position for your label you need to get de currentPoint of all this paths values and making another keyFramed animation with “position” keyPath and passing as values all this points collected from paths array
This is a basic example working
The code is in GitHub in this Repo
You have a lot of work to do yet but, this can be an starting point for your final solution
Hope this helps, best regards

SCNShape doesn't draw a shape for NSBezierPath

I experienced that for some NSBezierPaths SCNShape seems to be unable to draw a shape.
The path is created only using line(to:).
//...set up scene...
//Create path (working)
let path = NSBezierPath()
path.line(to: NSMakePoint(0.000000, 0.000000))
path.line(to: NSMakePoint(0.011681, 0.029526))
// more points ...
// Make a 3D shape (not working)
let shape = SCNShape(path: path, extrusionDepth: 10)
shape.firstMaterial?.diffuse.contents =
let node = SCNNode(geometry: shape)
For verifying that the general process of creating a SCNShape is correct, I also drew a blue shape that only differs by having different points. The blue shape gets drawn, the green shape doesn't.
You can find a playground containing the full example here. In the example you should be able to see a green and a blue shape in assistant editor. But only the blue shape gets drawn.
Do you have any idea why the green shape is not shown?
The short story: your path has way more points than it needs to, leading you to unexpected, hard to find geometric problems.
Note this bit in the documentation:
The result of extruding a self-intersecting path is undefined.
As it turns out, somewhere in the first 8 or so points, your "curve" makes enough of a turn the wrong way that the line closing the path (between the first point in the path 0,0, and the last point 32.366829, 29.713470) intersects the rest of the path. Here's an attempt at making it visible by excluding all but the first few points and the last point from a playground render (see that tiny little zigzag in the bottom left corner):
And at least on some SceneKit versions/renderers, when it tries to make a mesh out of a self-intersecting path it just gives up and makes nothing.
However, you really don't need that many points to make your path look good. Here it is if you use 1x, 1/5x, and 1/10x as many points:
If you exclude enough points overall, and/or skip the few at the beginning that make your curve zag where it should zig, SceneKit renders the shape just fine:
Some tips from diagnosing the problem:
When working with lots of coordinate data like this, I like to use ExpressibleByArrayLiteral so I can easily build an array of lots of points/vectors/etc:
extension CGPoint: ExpressibleByArrayLiteral {
public init(arrayLiteral elements: CGFloat...) {
precondition(elements.count == 2)
self.init(x: elements.first!, y: elements.last!)
var points: [CGPoint] = [
[0.000000, 0.000000],
[0.011681, 0.029526],
// ...
That gets me an array (and a lot less typing out things like NSPointMake over and over), so I can slice and dice the data to figure out what's wrong with it. (For example, one of my early theories was that there might be something about negative coordinates, so I did some map and min() to find the most-negative X and Y values, then some more map to make an array where all points are offset by a constant amount.)
Now, to make paths using arrays of points, I make an extension on NSBezierPath:
extension NSBezierPath {
convenience init(linesBetween points: [CGPoint], stride: Int = 1) {
precondition(points.count > 1)
move(to: points.first! )
for i in Swift.stride(from: 1, to: points.count, by: stride) {
line(to: points[i])
With this, I can easily create paths from not just entire arrays of points, but also...
paths that skip parts of the original array (with the stride parameter)
let path5 = NSBezierPath(linesBetween: points, stride: 5)
let path10 = NSBezierPath(linesBetween: points, stride: 10)
(This is handy for generating playground previews a bit more quickly, too.)
paths that use some chunk or slice of the original array
let zigzag = NSBezierPath(linesBetween: Array(points.prefix(to:10)) + [points.last!])
let lopOffBothEnds = NSBezierPath(linesBetween: Array(points[1 ..< points.count < 1]))
Or both... the winning entry (in the screenshot above) is:
let path = NSBezierPath(linesBetween: Array(points.suffix(from: 10)), stride: 5)
You can get a (marginally) better render out of having more points in your path, but an even better way to do it would be to make a path out of curves instead of lines. For extra credit, try extending the NSBezierPath(linesBetween:) initializer above to add curves by keeping every nth point as part of the path while using a couple of the intermediary points as control handles. (It's no general purpose auto trace algorithm, but might be good enough for cases like this.)
In no way does this compare to Rikster's answer, but there is another way to prevent this kind of problem. It's a commercial way, and there's probably freeware apps that do similar, but this is one I'm used to using, that does this quite well.
What is 'this' that I'm talking about?
The conversion of drawings to code, by an app called PaintCode. This will allow you to see your paths and be sure they have none of the conflicts that Rickster pointed out are your issue.
Check it out here:
Other options are listed in answers here: How to import/parse SVG into UIBezierpaths, NSBezierpaths, CGPaths?

PaintCode - move object on the path

I would like draw a curved line and attach an object to it. Is it possible to create fraction (from 0.0 to 1.0) which makes move my object on the path? When fraction is 0 then object is on the beginning, when 0.5 is on half way and finally when is on 1.0 it is at the end. Of course i want a curved path, not a straight line :) Is it possible to do in PaintCode?
If you need it only as a progress bar, it is possible in PaintCode. The trick is to use dashed stroke with very large Gap and then just change the Dash.
Then just attach a Variable and you are done.
Edit: Regarding the discussion under the original post, this solution uses points as the unit, so it will be distributed equally along the curve, no matter how curved the bezier is.
Based on the fact that you're going to walk along the curve using linear distance, a thing Bezier curves are terrible for, you need to build the linear mapping yourself. That's fairly simple though:
When you draw the curve, also build a look-up table that samples the curve once, at say 100 points (t=0, t=0.01, t=0.02, etc). In pseudocode:
lut = [];
lut[0] = 0;
tlen = curve.length();
for(v=0; v<=100; v++) {
t = v/100;
clen = curve.split(0,t).length();
percent = 100*clen/tlen;
lut[percent] = t;
This may leave gaps in your LUT - you can either fix those as a secondary step, or just leave them in and do a binary scan on your array to find the nearest "does have a value" percentage.
Then, when you need to show your progress as some percentage value, you just look up the corresponding t value: say you need to show 83%, you look up lut[83] and draw your object at the value that gives you.

Polar transformation in iOS

Can anyone help me to achieve this kind of animated transformation through Core Graphics. Look at the rough sketch:
This is a simple chart graphic, and I need to transform a histogramm-style bar (left shape) to a pie chart (right shape).
Literally the task is to roll a rectangle to a ring with a smooth animation. I almost found the way to do this with a tricky queue of drawings, mask clippings and affine transformations but this won't look exactly how I want it to look.
This is an interesting challenge, especially as you want to maintain the different segments. I won't give you a full answer (i.e full example code to achieving this), but I will explain what I think needs to be done to achieve the effect that you want.
First, I see both of these diagrams as a single line that is stroked (let's ignore the segments for a moment), so the challenge is going from a straight line to an enclosed circle.
I propose the following two paths, that you can animate between to achieve a nice wrapping effect.
// As we render a circle as a chain of straight line segments
// changing the count of said segments makes the circle more or less smooth
// Try this with other values, such as 8 or 32
let segments = 72
// With this segment count, the angle of each segment in the circle is
let angle = (2 * CGFloat(M_PI)) / CGFloat(segments)
// First path (straight)
let length = CGFloat(300.0)
let segmentLength = length / CGFloat(segments)
let straightPath = CGPathCreateMutable()
CGPathMoveToPoint(straightPath, nil, 0.0, 0.0)
for i in 0...segments {
CGPathAddLineToPoint(straightPath, nil, 0.0, CGFloat(i) * segmentLength)
// Second path (circle)
let radius = CGFloat(100.0)
let center = CGPoint(x: 104.0, y: 104.0)
let space = (x: 2.0, y: 2.0)
var circlePath = CGPathCreateMutable()
CGPathMoveToPoint(circlePath, nil, center.x + radius, center.y)
for i in 0...segments {
let x = cos(-CGFloat(i) * angle)
let y = sin(-CGFloat(i) * angle)
CGPathAddLineToPoint(circlePath, nil, center.x + radius * x, center.y + radius * y)
I have also uploaded a Swift plaground for you to experiment with, which you can find here
Now, handling the segments can be a bit tricky, however I propose a relatively naive implementation that might work. Mainly, CAShapeLayer has the following two properties - strokeStart and strokeEnd, which allow controlling the part of the path that is actually stroked.
With this in mind, you could create as many layers as there are segments, assign them all the same path(s) and tweak their respective strokeStart and strokeEnd properties to make it look the way you expect. Somewhat similar to what they do in this post.
Assuming you have conquered the previous two aspects, the animation aspect should be relatively straight forward, using the two types of paths you have, you can create a simple CABasicAnimation that goes from one to another. I will assume you are familiar with CoreAnimation and its usage (i.e how to properly change model values to match those that are presented etc.).
I will end my answer with a quick animation showing what the end result could look like (minus the segments), I have frozen the animation and am manipulating the timeOffset property of the layer to manually scrub through it.
I hope my answer helps you get closer to the solution you want. It is also important to emphasise that my code examples are just a beginning, you will likely need to tweak the values quite a bit to achieve a satisfying animation (for example, the length of the line should be similar to that of the circumference of the circle).
Skewing, twisting and bending are none trivial transformations on bodies.
These can't be done Core Graphics.
Better draw the chart yourself with CGContextAddArcToPoint in core graphic and mask out the inner circle.
The other (hardcore) way would be using a 3d engine - i.e. scene kit - and apply your chart as texture to it.

How to animate a human written stroke using Swift/iOS?

I am attempting to create an animated approximation of human writing, using a UIBezierPath generated from a glyph. I understand and I have read the many UIBezierPath questions which sound similar to mine (but are not the same). My goal is to create an animation that approximates the look of a human performing the writing of characters and letters.
I've created a playground that I am using to better understand paths for use in animating glyphs as if they were drawn by hand.
A couple of concepts in the Apple CAShapeLayer (strokeStart and strokeEnd) really don't seem to operate as expected when animated. I think that generally people tend to think of a stroke as if done with a writing instrument (basically a straight or curved line). We consider the stroke and fill together to be a line as our writing instruments do not distinguish between stroke and fill.
But when animated, the outline of a path is constructed by line segments (fill is treated separately and it is unclear how to animate the position of the fill?). What I want to achieve is a natural human written line/curve that shows the start and end of a stroke together with the portion of the fill being added as the animation moves from start to finish. Initially this appears simple but I think it may require animating the fill position (unsure of how to do this), the stroke start/end (not sure if this required given the unexpected caveats with how the animation performs noted above), and making use of sub-paths (how to reconstruct from a known path).
Approach 1
So, I've considered the idea of a Path (CGPath/UIBezierPath). Each path actually contains all of the subpaths required to construct a glyph so perhaps recursing those subpaths and using a CAKeyframeAnimation / CABasicAnimations and an animation group showing the partially constructed subpaths would be a good approach (although the fill position and stroke of each subpath would still need to be animated from start to end?).
This approach leads to the refined question:
How to access and create UIBezierPath/CGPath (subpaths) if one has a complete UIBezierPath/CGPath?
How to animate the fill and stroke as if drawn with a writing instrument using the path/subpath information? (seemingly this implies one would need to animate the strokeStart/strokeEnd, position, and path properties of a CALayer at the same time)
As one can observe in the code, I do have the finished paths obtained from glyphs. I can see that the path description gives me path-like information. How would one take that information and recast it as an array of sub paths human-writable strokes?
(The idea here would be to convert the point information into a new data type of human-like strokes. This implies a requirement for an algorithm to identify the start, slope, endpoint and boundary of each fill)
I've noted in Pleco (an iOS app that successfully implements a similar algorithm), that each stroke is composed of a closed path that describes the human-writable stroke. UIBezierPath has a closed path based on continuous connected fills. An algorithm is needed to refine overlapping fills to create distinct closed paths for each stroke-type.
Erica Sadun has a set of path utilities available on github. I haven't fully explored these files but they might prove useful in determining discrete strokes.
UIBezierPath structure seems based on the notion of a contiguous line segments/curve. There are confluence points appearing at the intersections of fills, which represent directional path change. Could one calculate the stroke/fill angle of a curve/line segment and search other curves/lines for a corresponding confluence point? (i.e. connect a line segment across the gap of intersecting fills to produce two separate paths -- assuming one picked up the points and recreated the path with a new line segment/curve)
Introspectively: Is there a simpler method? Am I missing a critical API, a book or a better approach to this problem?
Some alternative methods (not useful - requires loading gifs or flash) for producing the desired outcome:
Good Example (using Flash) with a presentation layer showing progression of the written stroke. (If possible, this is what I would want to approximate in Swift/iOS) - (alt link - see animating image on left)
A less good example showing the use of progressive paths and fills to approximate the written stroke characteristics (animation not smooth and requires external resources):
A Flash version - I am familiar with creating Flash animations but I am disinclined to implement these in the 1000's (not too mention that its not supported on iOS, although I could probably also convert an algorithm to leverage an HTML5 canvas with css animation). But this line of thought seems a bit far afield, after all, the path information I want is stored in the glyphs that I've extracted from fonts/strings provided.
Approach 2
I am considering the use of a stroke-based font rather than an outline-based font to obtain the correct path information (i.e. one where fill is represented as a path). If successful, this approach would be cleaner than approximating the strokes, stroke-type, intersections, and stroke order. I've already submitted a radar to Apple suggesting that stroke-based fonts be added to iOS (#20426819). Notwithstanding this effort, I still have not given up on forming an algorithm that resolves partial-strokes, full strokes, intersections, and confluence points from the line-segments and curves found on the bezier path.
Updated Thoughts Based On Discussion/Answers
The following additional information is provided based on any ongoing conversations and answers below.
Stroke order is important and most languages (Chinese in this case) have clearly defined stroke types and stroke order rules that appear to provide a mechanism to determine type and order based on the point information provided with each CGPathElement.
CGPathApply and CGPathApplierFunction appear promising as a means to enumerate the subpaths (saved to an array and apply the fill animation)
A mask may be applied to the layer to reveal a portion of the sublayer
(I have not used this property before but it appears that if I could move a masked layer over the subpaths that might assist in animating the fill?)
There are a large number of points defined for each path. As if the BezierPath is defined using the outline of the glyph only. This fact makes understanding the start, end, and union of crossing fills an important factor to disambiguate specific fills.
Additional external libraries are available that may allow one to better resolve stroke behavior. Other technology like the Saffron Type System or one of its derivatives may be applicable to this problem domain.
A basic issue with the simplest solution of just animating the stroke is that the available iOS fonts are outline fonts rather than stroke-based fonts. Some commercial manufacturers do produce stroke-based fonts. Please feel free to use the link to the playground file if you have one of these for testing.
I think this is a common problem and I will continue to update the post as I move toward a solution. Please let me know in the comments if further information is required or if I might be missing some of the necessary concepts.
Possible Solution
I am always in search of the simplest possible solution. The issue originates from the structure of the fonts being outline fonts rather than stroke-based. I found a sample of a stroke-based font to test and used that to evaluate a proof of concept (see video). I am now in search of an extended single stroke font (which includes Chinese characters) to further evaluate. A less simple solution might be to find a way to create a stroke that follows the fill and then use simple 2D geometry to evaluate which stroke to animate first (For example Chinese rules are very clear on stroke order).
Link to Playground on Github
To use the XPCShowView function: Open the File Navigator and File
Utilities Inspector
Click the playground file and in the FUI (choose
Run in Simulator)
To access the Assistant Editor: Goto menu View > Assistant Editor
To see resources/sources right-click playground file in Finder and Show Package Contents
If Playground is blank on opening, copy the file to the desktop and reopen (bug??)
Playground Code
import CoreText
import Foundation
import UIKit
import QuartzCore
import XCPlayground
//research layers
//var l:CALayer? = nil
//var txt:CATextLayer? = nil
//var r:CAReplicatorLayer? = nil
//var tile:CATiledLayer? = nil
//var trans:CATransformLayer? = nil
//var b:CAAnimation?=nil
// Setup playground to run in full simulator (⌘-0:Select Playground File; ⌘-alt-0:Choose option Run in Full Simulator)
//approach 2 using a custom stroke font requires special font without an outline whose path is the actual fill
var customFontPath = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("cwTeXFangSong-zhonly", ofType: "ttf")
// Within the playground folder create Resources folder to hold fonts. NB - Sources folder can also be created to hold additional Swift files
var customFontData = NSData(contentsOfFile: customFontPath!) as! CFDataRef
var error:UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFError>?> = nil
var provider:CGDataProviderRef = CGDataProviderCreateWithCFData ( customFontData )
var customFont = CGFontCreateWithDataProvider(provider) as CGFont!
let registered = CTFontManagerRegisterGraphicsFont(customFont, error)
if !registered {
println("Failed to load custom font: ")
let string:NSString = "五"
//use the Postscript name of the font
let font = CTFontCreateWithName("cwTeXFangSong", 72, nil)
//GB18030 Bitmap
var count = string.length
//must initialize with buffer to enable assignment within CTFontGetGlyphsForCharacters
var glyphs = Array<CGGlyph>(count: string.length, repeatedValue: 0)
var chars = [UniChar]()
for index in 0..<string.length {
//println ("\(chars)") //ok
let gotGlyphs = CTFontGetGlyphsForCharacters(font, &chars, &glyphs, chars.count)
if gotGlyphs {
// loop and pass paths to animation function
let cgpath = CTFontCreatePathForGlyph(font, glyphs[0], nil)
//how to break the path apart?
let path = UIBezierPath(CGPath: cgpath)
// all shapes are closed paths
// how to distinguish overlapping shapes, confluence points connected by line segments?
// compare curve angles to identify stroke type
// for curves that intersect find confluence points and create separate line segments by adding the linesegmens between the gap areas of the intersection
/* analysis of movepoint
This method implicitly ends the current subpath (if any) and
sets the current point to the value in the point parameter.
When ending the previous subpath, this method does not actually
close the subpath. Therefore, the first and last points of the
previous subpath are not connected to each other.
For many path operations, you must call this method before
issuing any commands that cause a line or curve segment to be
//CGPathApplierFunction should allow one to add behavior to each glyph obtained from a string (Swift version??)
// func processPathElement(info:Void, element: CGPathElement?) {
// var pointsForPathElement=[UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>]()
// if let e = element?.points{
// pointsForPathElement.append(e)
// }
// }
// var pathArray = [CGPathElement]() as! CFMutableArrayRef
//var pathArray = Array<CGPathElement>(count: 4, repeatedValue: 0)
//CGPathApply(<#path: CGPath!#>, <#info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>#>, function: CGPathApplierFunction)
// CGPathApply(path.CGPath, info: &pathArray, function:processPathElement)
NSMutableArray *pathElements = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:1];
// This contains an array of paths, drawn to this current view
CFMutableArrayRef existingPaths = displayingView.pathArray;
CFIndex pathCount = CFArrayGetCount(existingPaths);
for( int i=0; i < pathCount; i++ ) {
CGMutablePathRef pRef = (CGMutablePathRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(existingPaths, i);
CGPathApply(pRef, pathElements, processPathElement);
//given the structure
let pathString = path.description
// println(pathString)
//regex patthern matcher to produce subpaths?
//must be simpler method
Use assistant editor to view
UIBezierPath String
Stroke-based fonts
Donald Knuth
// var redColor = UIColor.redColor()
// redColor.setStroke()
var pathLayer = CAShapeLayer()
pathLayer.frame = CGRect(origin: CGPointZero, size: CGSizeMake(300.0,300.0))
pathLayer.lineJoin = kCALineJoinRound
pathLayer.lineCap = kCALineCapRound
//pathLayer.backgroundColor = UIColor.whiteColor().CGColor
pathLayer.strokeColor = UIColor.redColor().CGColor
pathLayer.path = path.CGPath
// pathLayer.backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor().CGColor
// regarding strokeStart, strokeEnd
/* These values define the subregion of the path used to draw the
* stroked outline. The values must be in the range [0,1] with zero
* representing the start of the path and one the end. Values in
* between zero and one are interpolated linearly along the path
* length. strokeStart defaults to zero and strokeEnd to one. Both are
* animatable. */
var pathAnimation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "strokeEnd")
pathAnimation.duration = 10.0
pathAnimation.fromValue = NSNumber(float: 0.0)
pathAnimation.toValue = NSNumber(float: 1.0)
var fillAnimation = CABasicAnimation (keyPath: "fill")
fillAnimation.fromValue = UIColor.blackColor().CGColor
fillAnimation.toValue = UIColor.blueColor().CGColor
fillAnimation.duration = 10.0
pathLayer.addAnimation(fillAnimation, forKey: "fillAnimation") */
//given actual behavior of boundary animation, it is more likely that some other animation will better simulate a written stroke
var someView = UIView(frame: CGRect(origin: CGPointZero, size: CGSizeMake(300.0, 300.0)))
XCPShowView("b4Animation", someView)
pathLayer.addAnimation(pathAnimation, forKey: "strokeEndAnimation")
XCPShowView("Animation", someView)
A couple of concepts in the Apple CAShapeLayer (strokeStart and strokeEnd) really don't seem to operate as expected when animated.
But surely animating the strokeEnd is exactly what you want to do. Use multiple CAShapeLayers over top of one another, each one representing one stroke of the pen to form the desired character shape.
You want to look at CGPathApply (this is the short answer to your more refined question). You supply it with a function and it will call that function for each element (these will be lines and arc and closes) of the path. You can use that to reconstruct each closed item, and stash them into a list. Then you can figure out which direction each item is drawn in (I think this could actually be the hardest part) and rather then using strokeStart/strokeEnd one each subpath draw it in a layer with a mask and move the mask across the layer.
Progress Report
This answer is posted to emphasize the significant progress being made on solving this question. With so much detail added to the question, I just wanted to clarify the progress on the solution and ultimately (when achieved), the definitive answer. Although I did select an answer that was helpful, please consider this post for the complete solution.
Approach # 1
Use existing UIBezierPath information to identify segments of the path (and ultimately) make use of those segments (and their coordinates) to stroke each subpath (according to available language rules).
(Current Thinking)
Erica Sadun is producing a SwiftSlowly repo on Github that supplies many functions on paths, including what appears to be a promising library on Segments (of a UIBezierPath), Line Intersections and many functions to act on these items. I have not had the time to review completely but I can envision that one might deconstruct a given path into segments based on the known stroke types. Once all stroke types are known for a given path, one might then evaluate the relative path coordinates to assign stroke-order. After that simply animate the strokes (a subclass of UIBezierPath) according to their stroke order.
Approach # 2
Use a stroke-based font instead of an outline-based font.
(Current Thinking)
I have found a sample of a stroke-based font and been able to animate the stroke. These fonts come with a built-in stroke order. I do not have access to a completed stroke-based font that also supports Chinese but encourage anyone with knowledge of such a font to reply in comments.
I have made a recommendation to Apple that they supply stroke-based fonts in future releases. The Swift Playground notes and the files (with sample stroke fonts) are included in the question above. Please comment or post an answer if you have something constructive to add to this solution.
Stroke Order Rules
See the stroke order rules as described on the Clear Chinese website.
