Developing an iOS app, questions about the API I should use. (thinking of SpriteKit) - ios

This is a pretty basic question and doesn't really need much depth for an answer. I was just currently interested in developing an app for iPhones and after learning the swift2 language from the Mac site, i was just wondering which API I should use.
I did some moderate research, and so far spriteKit seems like the way to go (bit of a hassle if I want to port it over to android, but not impossible). But I was just wanting to make sure it's the right way to go.
The app idea revolves around keeping track of some form of progress and being able to use this data to generate graphs for the user? I'd also like to add some image functionality to the application as well. (similar to the health app and how it measures distance walked?)
I know this sounds vague, but would spriteKit be able to do these things? Or is there another API worth having a look into? (I've checked out metal and sceneKit as well, but leaning towards the more 2D type apps)

From my point of view using spritekit for this is overkill.
There are some greats frameworks to do graphs like charts :
Spritekit is more gaming oriented, if you want a "simple" app you don't need it.

I don't think SpriteKit is the right API to accomplish your problems.
SpriteKit is all about moving and manipulating images on the screen. I am quite familiar with the SpriteKit API.
I do not see any help for generating graphs or something like that.
Also it is not the right API to display a proper interface for "serious" apps.


Bellus3D is being end-of-lifed, is there any replacement iOS Solution for 3D face scanning?

I work on an application for custom fit eyewear, and we've been using Bellus3D's iOS SDK for getting facial geometry, including landmarks like pupils.
Bellus3D has decided to wind their business down by the end of 2022, and I'm looking for a suitable replacement framework for our application. Bellus was great because it produced reliable results in exchange for a pretty simple user experience.
I've found a few apps that also use or used Bellus, but not getting any word about what alternatives they've found that would suitably replace it.
Scandy doesn't seem to be accepting new SDK registrations
Standard Cyborg took some tweaks, but works great, and their API tokens work, but I can't find any information about their pricing and they're not responding
Topology Eyewear seems to have a solution, but not a lot of details and aren't responding either.
I've reached out to a few app developers that incorporated Bellus 3D, but so far all I've heard is that they're in the same situation.
Does anyone know of a working, maintained solution for 3D face scanning with cell phones (or 3D scanning in general), or of an approach to get something with decent fidelity out of ARKit

Fix to get my wishes?

I have problems in myself when I drive cars 🚘 I forget to slowly in some way have cameras 🎥 speed in high ways so I thinked if possible to make IOS APP to fixing these problems I explain my thing in image but I can't convert to coding by this step ?
1-After to speed camera 🎥 100 Miter Alerts me app( (there are camera speeds pleas slow down your speed.))
2- just post code i have basic programming languages in swift.
I'm not sure if I got you wright, so please correct me if I'm wrong.
You want an iOS app that tells you if there is a speed camera on the road you're driving, right?
So you have some possibilities to achieve that:
you can have a look at the app store. There are lot of such apps (e.g. TomTom) (easiest way)
if you want to build your own app you can make a use of the navigation sdk provided by mapbox: (some programming skills needed)
Build your own app from scratch (much work and advanced programming skills)
If you want to build your app by mapbox or on your own you'll need the GPS-locations of speed cameras like provided here:

Can augmented reality be realized in a website?

Nowadays, I wanna do some research of augmented reality technology.Especially, I would like to match a 2d image and a 3d model.And then, I will see the 3d model if scanning the 2d image. What's more, I know that there are a lot of SDKs(like metaio,and wikitude) and software can realize this in mobile app. However, what I want to do is realizing this in a website. I hope the people who use this don't need to download a particular mobile app, but just open a website and then scan a picture.
So, until now, I's like to know that,as the tile asked, can AR be realized in a website? If yes, how can I do it or is there any software like Metaio Creator to do this? If no, why?
Thank you for anyone who would like to answer my naive question.
May I recommend you our completely webbased AR & VR tool by
It supports 360 degree photospheres that can be enhanced with custom 3D models and then directly be embedded into your website as iframe, it has native support for stereoscopic view mode and much more.
For your use case you could have a look at the lower part of this blog post where you find information and an embedded example presentation with photosphere imagery containing 3D elements:
If you want to start creating I recommend the beginners guide:
The cv feature tracking you requested can not yet be realized without any apps/browser. But what you can do is realizing perspectively correct displaying 3D elements into the camera image and move with sensors. Should be as performant as within the player app.
We hope that it can somehow help you in pushing your research and we would love to read your feedback. In case of any questions please do not hesitate to ask, here or on any other contact channel!

2D games on iOS

This is something I've pondered/struggled with and would love to hear some opinions on. I have a good deal of familiarity with the iOS sdk but not so much with the opengl related aspects and not really any with the various SDKs, especially game SDKs build to work on iOS.
If I want to create 2D games for iPhone/iPad, is it easy/better/practical to use some simple collection of iOS SDK objects such as the UIImageViews etc to build a plethora of sprites interacting on the screen, or much better to go with an SDK for that? I'm assuming that going with gl is overboard for 2d requirements, but please voice any dissent if I'm wrong there.
I'm mainly interested in what the quickest route to getting things done is, combined with the smallest requirements to ramp up on technologies. Obviously if it is well worth it to use an SDK simply because it is cross platform for other OSs, that is reasonable to mention.
The advantage of using a framework on top of OpenGL can greatly increase productivity, maintainability and reduce programming errors.
Personally I work with cocos2d-for-iphone. It's written in Objective-C and is based on top of OpenGL. It was created with the aims to create 2D games and thus unlike UIKit or QuartzCore, it's designed for that. It provides a lot of convenience API to manage scenes or sprites, to create animations, etc. Or even libraries for the sounds for example.
There is a very good article which describes some open-source game engines available on iphone here. It could help you in your search.

Augmented Reality Help

I need a help to develop a small application on Augmented Reality.I have spend almost a week trying but with no proper solution.Tried some sample code but still not successful.
I have seen many videos and want to develop something like that.
for example my code should detect only square or any particular shape.And then after detecting the square and another Image should appear on the screen.
Please help me out.
This stuff is hard, but most new cool things are until they are no longer cool or new.
You can play with AR Toolkit until you are familiar with the functionality and then attempt to dive into the setting and mess with those, then maybe look at the source.
