Need help for linking a PDF on page created with rails - ruby-on-rails

I ask myself the question does an pdf tag exist in rails 4 which can show
an pdf file very simple?
This solution answers me that i need to give the correct route informations:
<%= link_to 'Help', public_path%>
I already have an pdf file in my project directory app/assets/public/help.pdf
and now i wanna have a link with the simple name "Help" to have on my page.
Third edit:
After a nice first answer nothing changes and i get the same error message from rails. What i have to write in the routes.rb if i wanna use a link for my pdf file. Does anyone know how can i link an PDF from my own directory!?

In my experience with Rails, I've never seen a PDF link tag helper.
What you want, is to use asset_path in combination with link_to
<%= link_to 'Help', asset_path('data/help.pdf') %>
#=> Help
If it needs to be absolute, you could always use asset_url
<%= link_to 'Help', asset_url('data/help.pdf') %>
#=> Help

What I usually do for linking a document that can be public is I put the document in the public folder in rails and then use this for the path:
link_to 'Help', root_path << 'TheTitleOfYourPDF.pdf'


How do you create a link to a .html.erb file in Ruby on Rails?

Ive created a new about page in Ruby on Rails called about.html.erb. How do I create a link to it?
Here is another link I have, Im just not how to write another one for myself.
<%= link_to "Learn more", new_property_path, class: "btn btn-home" %>
check out documentation for #link_to. If you are not sure about second argument you can run bundle exec rake routes and check what url helper you need to use.
You'd probably need to create a route in config/routes.rb for this new "about" action.
An example of route would be:
get "about" => "<name_of_controller>#about", as: "about"
PD: Remember to change the to the actual controller's name.
Then you will be able to use a link like this:
<%= link_to "About", about_path, class: "btn btn-home" %>
<%= link_to "Learn more", new_property_path, class: "btn btn-home" %>
So it's quite straight forward - the first is the name, the last is the css class, you can and probably should reuse these to maintain visual consistency. The middle bit is the piece that will confuse you.
the path comes from your routes.rb file - which is in the config directory. You will need to have a path set up there to use it in the link.
You can run 'rake routes' to see the current mappings that you have. you get a format of:
new_user_account GET /user/new(.:format) user#new
They key to them is that you add path to the first item - so 'new_user_account_path' and it will point to 'user#new' which is the new method in the user controller.
To add routes, you edit the file, and while there are quite a few ways of doing things, your basic CRUD operations are covered by a line of:
resources :users
This will give you more info: is a guide to this

Adding hyperlink in mail

My requirement is to add a link to mail sent from application developed in Ruby On Rails. Clicking that link in mail need to route user to that particular record in the application.
Can someone please help me with this some sample code.
In your view template use _url. E.g.:
<%= link_to 'Edit User', edit_user_url(#user) %>
it will return the complete URL.
You can use a simple link_to method in the mail or you could use a simple anchor tag. The latter you would have to build up.
If you need information on how to build links and paths check the rails guides. This has an example on the first section of the guide.
e.g. <%= link_to 'Patient Record', patient_path(#patient) %>
Besides this you need to provide more information if you want more help.
If you are starting with Ruby On Rails I would recommend looking at the videos on rails cast.
For your email problem you can look at sending-html-email
Also in the email I like to use the link_to helper like this
<%= link_to 'Click Me', something_url(, %>
I hope that this works. And Happy Coding

link_to in liquid template

I am new in Ruby on rails and facing issue while creating link_to using Liquid gem. I want to create a link in the email template like:
{{link_to 'Submit', profile_accounts_url(:account_id =>}}
However, link is not created in email template. Please help me. Thanks in advance.
I didn't use liquied before, but you can check the syntax for link_to here.
using Liquid variables inside of a liquid tag call
However, I think you're using rails' syntax for link_to instead of liquid's syntax. Maybe you should just use something like:
<%= link_to "Submit", profile_accounts_path(account) %>
which will redirect to the show page.

Move one page to another in Ruby on rails?

In my rails project there is a controller and view named "Welcome/index" where index is an action and another one named "home/page" . As i set root"home#page" as my root page. Now i want to transfer from "page.html.erb" into "index.html.erb" . How can i do that. And the code i written is below.Do i have to enter some thing in my controller class. please suggest.
these are the links that i tried. (How to create an anchor and redirect to this specific anchor in Ruby on Rails)
<a rel="nofollow" href="index.html.erb">Transfer to index</a>
You are not supposed to link to .html.erb files, you should link to the methods (not exactly the name of the method, but the name of the route) of a controller.
I strongly encourage you to review the ruby on rails MVC principles. You can read about routing and linking aswell.
Responding to your question, check out the command "rake routes". It will list the defined routes of your app and helps you to use them.
Try to replace your code by this:
<%= link_to 'welcome', welcome_path %>
<%= link_to "Link", controller:"controllername" %>
is the code you should use
You need to make sure a named route is defined for welcome/index and then can use the Rails helper link_to to automatically build your link for you in the view.
In routes.rb:
match '/welcome' => 'welcome#index', :as => :welcome
In your page.html.erb view:
<%= link_to 'Go to Welcome Page', welcome_path %>
If you want go for index action of Welcome controller then you can use:
<%= link_to "Transfer to index", welcome_path %>
Check the rake routes for path.
Plese refer link

How to create an atom feed in Rails 3?

I'm trying to set up a simple atom feed from my Posts model and I'm running into translation problems between rails 2 and rails 3.
I tried to accomplish this task with two steps:
Added the <%= auto_discovery_link_tag(:atom) %> to my /views/layouts/application.html.erb file.
Created a /views/posts/index.atom.builder file. The file contains:
atom_feed do |feed|
feed.title("Daily Deal")
#posts.each do |post|
feed.entry(post) do |entry|
entry.content(post.body, :type => 'html') { |author|"Justin Zollars")}
I see the RSS link in my browser, but the link opens with an error:
Too many redirects occurred trying to open
This might occur if you open a page
that is redirected to open another
page which then is redirected to open
the original page.
Where have I gone wrong?
Try specifying a path to the feed:
<%= auto_discovery_link_tag(:atom, posts_path(:atom)) %>
Maybe you need to specify the actual feed address?
auto_discovery_link_tag :atom, ""
If you're using FeedBurner, you'll want to use that address instead.
Also, do you have some kind of before_filter blocking the access to that page?
