Move one page to another in Ruby on rails? - ruby-on-rails

In my rails project there is a controller and view named "Welcome/index" where index is an action and another one named "home/page" . As i set root"home#page" as my root page. Now i want to transfer from "page.html.erb" into "index.html.erb" . How can i do that. And the code i written is below.Do i have to enter some thing in my controller class. please suggest.
these are the links that i tried. (How to create an anchor and redirect to this specific anchor in Ruby on Rails)
<a rel="nofollow" href="index.html.erb">Transfer to index</a>

You are not supposed to link to .html.erb files, you should link to the methods (not exactly the name of the method, but the name of the route) of a controller.
I strongly encourage you to review the ruby on rails MVC principles. You can read about routing and linking aswell.
Responding to your question, check out the command "rake routes". It will list the defined routes of your app and helps you to use them.
Try to replace your code by this:
<%= link_to 'welcome', welcome_path %>

<%= link_to "Link", controller:"controllername" %>
is the code you should use

You need to make sure a named route is defined for welcome/index and then can use the Rails helper link_to to automatically build your link for you in the view.
In routes.rb:
match '/welcome' => 'welcome#index', :as => :welcome
In your page.html.erb view:
<%= link_to 'Go to Welcome Page', welcome_path %>

If you want go for index action of Welcome controller then you can use:
<%= link_to "Transfer to index", welcome_path %>
Check the rake routes for path.
Plese refer link


How do you create a link to a .html.erb file in Ruby on Rails?

Ive created a new about page in Ruby on Rails called about.html.erb. How do I create a link to it?
Here is another link I have, Im just not how to write another one for myself.
<%= link_to "Learn more", new_property_path, class: "btn btn-home" %>
check out documentation for #link_to. If you are not sure about second argument you can run bundle exec rake routes and check what url helper you need to use.
You'd probably need to create a route in config/routes.rb for this new "about" action.
An example of route would be:
get "about" => "<name_of_controller>#about", as: "about"
PD: Remember to change the to the actual controller's name.
Then you will be able to use a link like this:
<%= link_to "About", about_path, class: "btn btn-home" %>
<%= link_to "Learn more", new_property_path, class: "btn btn-home" %>
So it's quite straight forward - the first is the name, the last is the css class, you can and probably should reuse these to maintain visual consistency. The middle bit is the piece that will confuse you.
the path comes from your routes.rb file - which is in the config directory. You will need to have a path set up there to use it in the link.
You can run 'rake routes' to see the current mappings that you have. you get a format of:
new_user_account GET /user/new(.:format) user#new
They key to them is that you add path to the first item - so 'new_user_account_path' and it will point to 'user#new' which is the new method in the user controller.
To add routes, you edit the file, and while there are quite a few ways of doing things, your basic CRUD operations are covered by a line of:
resources :users
This will give you more info: is a guide to this

Action Controller error. Url Generation error. No route matches

I'm working through the "Ruby on rails 3 essential training" on and am having an issue while generating my server. So far I have a subjects_controller.rb, linked to my views folder, to the file list.html.erb. My error when trying to start the server is:
No route matches {:action=>"show", :controller="subjects", :id=>1}
In my list.html.erb file I have written the code:
<td class="actions">
<%= link_to("Show", {:action => 'show', :id =>}, :class => 'action show') %>
<%= link_to("Edit", '#', :class => 'action edit') %>
<%= link_to("Delete", '#', :class => 'action delete') %>
My subjects_controller.rb looks like:
class SubjectsController < ApplicationController
def list
#subjects = Subject.order("subjects.position ASC")
I have double checked to make sure I have everything written the same as the instructor but there seems to be a missing link. Any ideas? If I totally cut out the action:
<%= link_to("Show", {:action => 'show', :id =>}, :class => 'action show') %>
Then the server starts up. There must be a problem here but I'm not sure what it is. Also when the instructor inputs link_to on his text editor, the txt turns a different color and mine does not. Same thing with his "#" instance variable. Mine doesn't change color. Not sure if this means anything either. Thanks for any input!
Here is my config/routes.rb file:
Rails.application.routes.draw do
root :to => "demo#index"
get 'demo/index'
get 'demo/hello'
get 'demo/other_hello'
get 'subjects/list'
Short version: The error message is telling you exactly what is wrong. You have no route that matches, because while your action is named list, your link specifies :action => 'show'.
Longer version: The second argument to the link_to helper is supposed to tell Rails what URL to generate for the link, usually by specifying one of your routes by name, but sometimes (as in this case), by specifying the action (and optionally the controller). You're specifying the action show. The subjects controller is implied. Therefore, Rails is trying to find a route (in the ones defined in your routes.rb) that GETs the SubjectsController#show action. However, as you can see from your routes.rb, you only define one route on the SubjectsController, and that's list.
If you're ever confused about what routes you have or what their names are, you can use the rake routes task to list them all out in a nice readable format.
Edit to respond to followup question:
The instructor is telling me that when you generate a controller and
action that its supposed to add a route to the routes.rb folder. This
worked for me earlier but when creating these actions that I'm having
trouble with now, it didn't generate anything in the routes.rb folder.
Do you know why that is?
When your instructor says 'generate', they probably mean 'use the rails generate command'. When you use the generator to create a controller and specify the actions in it, the it will also add those actions to the routes file.
If, on the other hand, you write the action into an existing controller (including using the generator for the controller but not specifying actions), or create the controller file yourself, you'll have to update the routes file manually. If you are using the generator and specifying actions and aren't getting updated routes, I'm not sure what's going on.
Personally, I prefer to write my routes by hand anyway - the generator often doesn't get them exactly right.

Getting parameters of one view in another

I am completely new to RoR. I have a parameter in one view of a controller now how can i get it in another view of the same controller?
You can set up a form or a link_to in form-a and make a HTTP (POST/GET) to form-b. Remember that you can put also any HTML (or JS) in your view that you like.
Have a look at:
link_to "Profile", :controller => "profiles", :action => "show", :id => #profile
# => Profile
If you want to link to a associated table you can easy do this with:
# is the name of the link
# company_path( is the associated model
<%= link_to, company_path( %>
I approve you to read the ruby on rails guides
Read the getting started chapter and then create the blog application you will see
that gives you a great entrace to ruby on rails.
Try to understand the Rails way.

simple link_to in rails

I have a page app/views/new/news.html.erb and I simply want to link to this page from within my layouts/application.html.erb. Can someone please help! I have been struggling with this all morning.
I have tried things like <%= link_to "News", ... But I'm not really sure where to go from there.
You don't "link" to a view, you link to a controller which renders that view. Then, you'll need an entry in your routes.rb to wire up the url routing for that controller. If you have a controller named NewsController with a method called index and an entry in your routes.rb that looks like resources :news the following link_to should work: link_to "News", news_path.
In case it's not clear, the index method in your NewsController needs to have render :news in it.
Sounds like you may want to check out the guide on this topic:
If you have it setup correctly you should have a plural for your controller (i.e. news instead of new) and the following should work:
<%= link_to 'News', :controller => "news", :action => :news %>
This is assuming you are using scaffold.
If are adding this folder and page manually: for dynamic page, you have to create an action in your controller. For static page, you have to put it in your public folder.
You can always run
rake routes > routes.txt
in your application directory, which will dump a list of all routes into a txt file. Choose path that leads to action and controller you want, and then supply it as a param for link_to method :)

Calling a controller action with link_to

After playing around with links in Rails for a view hours i've managed to actually get a link to invoke a method in my controller. But i still don't understand why all my other attempts failed. Im hoping you could help me out with that.
I have the scaffold "Cars". When in the show view for a car, id like to click a link that invokes the method "drive" in my Car controller.
This WORKS: <%= link_to "Drive", drive_car_path(#car) %>
It seems this only works if i have this is my routes.rb:
resources :cars do
member do
get 'drive'
Why does <%= link_to "Drive", car_path, :method => :drive %> not work?
Do I need to put a GET in the routes.rb file for every method I create in my controller?
I can't seem to find any sites explain how to use links together with routes. They only seem to come separate. Do you guys have any easily understandable tutorials on this?
Try link_to "Drive", :controller => "car", :action => "drive"
Also, method is for choosing the HTTP method (GET, POST, ...). It's not method as in routine.
Be sure to check out Rails Routing from the Outside In and The Lowdown on Routes in Rails 3, they're both awesome resources.
