Entity Framework Core 1.0 unit of work with Asp.Net Core middleware or Mvc filter - middleware

I am using EF Core 1.0 (previously known ad EF7) and ASP.NET Core 1.0 (previously known as ASP.NET 5) for a RESTful API.
I'd like to have some unit of work scoped to an http request in such a way that when responding to the HTTP request either ALL the changes made to the DbContext will be saved onto the database, or none will be saved (if there was some exception, for example).
In the past I have used WebAPI2 for this purpose with NHibernate by using an Action filter where I begin the transaction on action executing, and on action executed I end the transaction and close the session. This was the way recommended at http://isbn.directory/book/9781484201107
However now I am using Asp.Net Core (with Asp.Net Core Mvc although this should not be relevant) and Entity Framework which, I understood, already implements a unit of work.
I think having a middleware plugged into the ASP.NET pipeline (before MVC) would be the right way to do things. So a request would go:
PIPELINE ASP.NET: MyUnitOfWorkMiddleware ==> MVC Controller ==> Repository ==> MVC Controller ==> MyUnitOfWorkMiddleware
I was thinking of having this middleware save the DbContext changes if no exception happened, so that in my repository implementations I don't even need to do dbcontext.SaveChanges() and everything would be like a centralized transaction. In pseudocode I guess it would be something like:
class MyUnitOfWorkMiddleware
1-get an instance of DbContext for this request.
try {
2-await the next item in the pipeline.
catch (Exception e) {
2.1-rollback changes (simply by ignoring context)
2.2-return an http error response
Does this make sense? Does anybody have any example of something similar? I can't find any good practice or recommendation around this.
Also, if I go with this approach at my MVC controller level I would not have access to any resource ID created by the database when POSTing a new resource because the ID would not be generated until the dbContext changes are saved (later on in the pipeline in my middleware AFTER the controller has finished executing). What if I needed to access the newly created ID of a resource in my controller?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
UPDATE 1: I found a problem with my approach to use middleware to achieve this because the DbContext instance in the middleware is not the same as during the MVC (and repositories) lifetime. See the question Entity Framework Core 1.0 DbContext not scoped to http request
UPDATE 2:I haven't yet found a good solution. Basically these are my options so far:
Save the changes in DB as soon as possible. That means saving it on the repository implementation itself. The problem with this approach is that for an Http request maybe I want to use several repositories (i.e: save something in database and then upload a blob to a cloud storage) and in order to have a Unit of Work I would have to implement a repository that deals with more than one entity or even more than one persistance method (DB and Blob Storage), which defeats the whole purpose
Implement an Action Filter where I wrap the whole action execution in a DB transaction. At the end of the controller's action execution, if there are no exceptions I commit chanches to DB but if there are exceptions I rollback and discard the context. The problem with this is that my controller's action may need a generated Entity's Id in order to return it to the http client (i.e: If I get a POST /api/cars I would like to return a 201 Accepted with a location header that identifies the new resource created at /api/cars/123 and the Id 123 would not be available yet since the entity has not been saved in DB and the Id is still a temporary 0). Example in controller's action for a POST verb request:
return CreatedAtRoute("GetCarById", new { carId= carSummaryCreated.Id }, carSummaryCreated); //carSummaryCreated.Id would be 0 until the changes are saved in DB
How could I have the whole controller's action wrapped in a DB transaction and at the same time have available any Id generated by the database in order to return it in the Http Response from the controller? Or.. is there any elegant way to overwrite the http response and set the Id at the action filter level once the DB changes have been commited?
UPDATE 3: As per nathanaldensr's comment I could get the best of both worlds (wrapping my controller's action execution in a DB transaction _ UoW and also knowing the Id of the new resource created even before the DB commits changes) by using code generated Guids instead relying on database to generate the Guid.

As per Entity Framework Core 1.0 DbContext not scoped to http request
I could not use a middleware to achieve this because the instance of DbContext that the middleware gets injected is not the same as the DbContext during MVC execution (in my controllers, or repositories).
I had to go with a similar approach to save the changes in DbContext after the controller's action execution using a Global Filter.
There is no official documentation yet about filters in MVC 6 so if anybody is interested on this solution see below the filter and the way I make this filter global so that it executes before any controller's action.
public class UnitOfWorkFilter : ActionFilterAttribute
private readonly MyDbContext _dbContext;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
public UnitOfWorkFilter(MyDbContext dbContext, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
_dbContext = dbContext;
_logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger<UnitOfWorkFilter>();
public override async Task OnActionExecutionAsync(ActionExecutingContext executingContext, ActionExecutionDelegate next)
var executedContext = await next.Invoke(); //to wait until the controller's action finalizes in case there was an error
if (executedContext.Exception == null)
_logger.LogInformation("Saving changes for unit of work");
await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();
_logger.LogInformation("Avoid to save changes for unit of work due an exception");
and the filter gets plugged into my MVC at Startup.cs when configuring MVC.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
//Entity Framework 7
.AddDbContext<SpeediCargoDbContext>(options => {
//MVC 6
services.AddMvc(setup =>
This still leaves a question (see UPDATE 2 on my question). What if I want my controller to respond to an http POST request with a 201 Accepted with a Location header that includes the Id of the entity created in DB? When the controller's action finalises execution the changes have not yet been committed to DB therefore the Id of the entity created is still 0 until the action filter saves changes and the DB generates a value.

I am also facing the same issue and not sure which approach to follow.
One of the approach that I used is as follow:
public class UnitOfWorkFilter : ActionFilterAttribute
private readonly AppDbContext _dbContext;
public UnitOfWorkFilter(AppDbContext dbContext,)
_dbContext = dbContext;
public override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext context)
if (!context.HttpContext.Request.Method.Equals("Post", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
if (context.Exception == null && context.ModelState.IsValid)
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context)
if (!context.HttpContext.Request.Method.Equals("Post", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

My advice, use dbContext.SaveChanges() in the controller as it is demonstrated in all examples over the web. What you want to do sounds quite fancy and could backfire as you guessed at the end of your post. And IMO, it doesn't make sense.
Regarding your second question/task:
....when responding to the HTTP request either ALL the changes made to the DbContext will be saved onto the database, or none will be saved (if there was some exception, for example).
I think you need something like 'transaction-per-request'. It is just an idea, haven't tested it at all. I just put the code together in this sample middleware:
public class TransactionPerRequestMiddleware
private readonly RequestDelegate next_;
public TransactionPerRequestMiddleware(RequestDelegate next)
next_ = next;
public async Task Invoke(HttpContext context, DbContext dbContext)
var transaction = dbContext.Database.BeginTransaction(
await next_.Invoke(context);
if (context.Response.StatusCode == 200)
Good luck


How to delay transaction open in EF6?

We use ASP.Net MVC + Autofac + EF6.
DbContext is wrapped by UnitOfWork. We create it for each http request via Autofac.
We also open transaction for whole http request in UnitOfWork constructor.
The problem is that not all http requests have to be wrapped in to the transaction. Some of them even don't have requests to DB.
We'd like to delay transaction open till the first actual request to DB.
Any ideas how one can do it?
We can override SaveChages and open transaction before save, but select queries will not be executed in transaction this way.
One more problem here: we use global filters from EF Plus for soft removable entities. It works good, but filters initialization for context is rather slow. We'd like to delay it till the first actual request to DB too.
The problem is that your UnitOfWork is injected into controller despite an action being called and therefore its constructor is always called even if you don't need to use it. One solution could be using Autofac lazy injection. In this case UnitOfWork's constuctor is called only when its instance is needed
public class SomeController : Controller {
private readonly Lazy<IUnitOfWork> _unitOfWork;
private IAnotherService UnitOfWork => _unitOfWork.Value;
public SomeController(
Lazy<IUnitOfWork> unitOfWork
_unitOfWork = unitOfWork;
public ActionResult ActionNeedsTransaction()
//use UnitOfWork
return Json(value);

Calling SaveChanges once per request in Asp.Net MVC application

I'm trying to create a mostly simple web app with Asp.Net MVC and Entity Framework. I actually finished few projects with it but wasn't satisfied about the code so I'm following some more popular ways to do it. Here is my structure:
Controller gets the request,
I have services which contain business logic. They also use my Database Context to change the data on the database. I didn't want to create another database layer so I'm using them,
I inject my services to controller (with Unity) and call stuff like CustomerService.Delete(Id)
My service deletes the data based on Id.
So my controller does not include any logic or database operations, my services does include both. I think it's a good way to do stuff but I have a problem.
Let's say I add a customer for the first time and there is another table keeping their balance and I want to include a bonus $10 for first registration, when I call my CustomerService.Add(Customer), that method also calls CustomerService.AddBalance(Customer, 10). In those methods I call DbContext.SaveChanges, here is the problem, I call SaveChanges 2 times, and if CustomerService.AddBalance(Customer, 10) fails for some reason I will still have the customer data but not the balance one. I know I can use a transactions but where do I put that code? If I knew there was a place which runs last before request is finished, I could call SaveChanges() there and it would work but I think that's not a great idea either.
Basically I want to call SaveChanges() once per request but I couldn't find a good place to do it.
If you are doing any work with the database you want to be using transactions. If you don't you are going to leave your db in an inconsistent state if one of your calls fails. Using transactions, nothing will be committed in the database until you call Commit. You can call SaveChanges as much a you like and it won't make a difference.
You can create a TransactionScope in a attribute and then add it to any controller action where you are accessing the db. Here' one I use
public class TransactionAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
private TransactionScope TransactionScope { get; set; }
public override void OnActionExecuting(HttpActionContext filterContext)
TransactionScope =
new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, new TransactionOptions
IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted
public override void OnActionExecuted(HttpActionExecutedContext filterContext)
if (TransactionScope == null)
if (filterContext.Exception == null)
You could put the transaction code in BeginRequest stash it in HttpContext and commit on EndRequest. This is going to create a TransactionScope for every call that asp.net handles.
According to documentation EF by default sets all the changes to database in transaction until SaveChanges() is called.
So you can extract the logic of adding to database to separate methods, create separate method which saves changes to DB and design your code as following:
AddCustomer to DB (do not call save changes)
AddBalance to DB(do not call save changes)
SaveChanges on the end of the in your service method
This will guarantee that all happens in transaction and in case of any error changes to database won't be applied.
I have found that creating an Extension to your Context (i am assuming your are using EF) is a good way to go:
public static class TIContextCompleteExtention
public static void Complete(this TIContext context)
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
public static async Task CompleteAsync(this TIContext context)
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
The Above TIConext is derived from EF's dbContext.
Wherever you need to COMPLETE your transaction use
_context.Complete(); or _context.CompleteAsync() instead of EF's SaveChanges() / SaveChangesAsync()
If you later swap out your ORM all you need to do is change the above extensions to fit your new Context.
Hope this helps.

MVC + EF4 + POCO - How to go about storing the Entity Context?

I'm making a start on an MVC project, having gone through the MvcMusicStore tutorial. I'm trying to get my head around how the POCO-generated data/entity context is intended to be stored.
In the samples, the controller generates a copy of the entity context, and all operations complete there:
MusicStoreEntities storeDB = new MusicStoreEntities();
// GET: /Store/
public ActionResult Index()
// Retrieve list of Genres from database
var genres = from genre in storeDB.Genres
select genre.Name;
If I'm to split my solution into layers, what is the standard practice (or key options) for retaining the context? Do I generate it in the controller, and pass it to the repository, or is it possible for the repository to keep a general-use copy?
I understand that the the above would be necessary to use the Unit of Work pattern.
My layers are:
Data (edmx file)
Entities (Generated from POCO)
Mvc web app
My other questions:
- What is the overhead of generating the context?
- As there is no .Close(), and it doesn't implement IDisposable, is the ObjectContext behind it generating individual connections, connection pooling, sharing a single instance?
- Is it possible to lock an ObjectContext if it's passed around between layers / operations too much?
Thanks in advance.
I don't want to go into too much detail/code here, so i'll just mention some points:
Your controller can work with multiple repositories
There should be one repository per aggregate root
Controller work amongst multiple repositories are made possible by Unit of Work
Use a DI container to handle lifetime management of Unit of Work (which is actually the context)
Do not use singletons for the Context, let the DI container instantiate/dispose of the context per HTTP request
I create a single repository for each controller and put my context in there. The rules I follow are that the repository handles anything that I might want to mock (not really the definition of repository, but it works for me). The repository can call other repositories if necessary, but the controller shouldn't have to know about it. The Context is an instance property of the repository and is created on demand (I haven't taken the leap into IOC yet). If the repository calls another repository, it passes the Context instance.
It looks a little like this...
public class MyController : Controller
public IMyControllerRepository Repository { get; set; }
public ActionResult MyAction(int id)
var model = Repository.GetMyModel(id);
return View(model);
public class MyControllerRepository : IMyControllerRepository
public MyContext Context { get; set; };
public MyModel GetMyModel(int id)
return (from m in Context.MyModels
where m.ID = id
select m).SingleOrDefault();

Why is my DataContext null in only one action?

I have a property on my BaseController called DataContext that holds my LINQ to SQL data context (or fake context for testing). When using a parameterless constructor (in other words, when a request to ASP.NET MVC is made), a new instance of my LINQ to SQL data context is assigned to the property:
public class BaseController : Controller {
public IDataContextWrapper DataContext { get; set; }
public BaseController() : this(new DataContextWrapper<MyDataContext>()) { }
public BaseController(IDataContextWrapper context) {
DataContext = context;
Also in my BaseController, I set some global ViewData items:
protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext) {
ViewData["Example"] = DataContext.Table<Example>().Count();
This is working fine for almost every action. The only one that doesn't work is the Logout action on my AccountController:
public ActionResult Logout() {
return RedirectToResult("Login");
This raises a NullReferenceException during BaseController.OnActionExecuting. When executing that particular action, the DataContext property is null.
Why would this only occur on one action?
Note: IDataContextWrapper and DataContextWrapper simply wraps the existing functionality of the LINQ to SQL DataContext object so that it can be replaced with a fake context in unit tests. It doesn't do any disposing on its own, but leaves it up to the underlying DataContext, so I'm pretty certain that's not the problem.
To follow up my comment, check out this link and more specifically the link Microsoft documentation here which state:
In general, a DataContext instance is designed to last for one "unit of work" however your application defines that term. A DataContext is lightweight and is not expensive to create. A typical LINQ to SQL application creates DataContext instances at method scope or as a member of short-lived classes that represent a logical set of related database operations.
Microsoft did a terrible job explaining this and frankly explaining using Linq in an n-tier environment in the first place. In my particular case, I had one (static) datacontext implemented via Singleton pattern, which I am guessing is what you have done as well. ( As it is the most logical design, IMHO ). This however, is extremely NOT the way to do things. In my case, the fix was actually pretty easy, changing my GetDataContext() call to return a new DataContext every time, instead of returning the static instance. This however, you will find, creates a whole new crop of problems. None of them are insurmountable once you figure them out, but definitely a pain.
If you have such a setup ( Singleton accessors for your DataContext), change it to see if it fixes your problem.
Regardless, do not use a global DataContext, nor persist a DataContext if dealing with an n-tier architecture.
Even if this doesn't solve your particular problem, I highly suggest you re-architect your solution to make DataContexts have a unit of work lifespan, if it hasn't bitten you already, it will.
For reasons that I don't quite understand, when a new AccountController is created for the Logout action, ASP.NET MVC is using the second constructor with a null parameter (could be a bug?). I changed the class to create a new default DataContext when the parameter is null:
public class BaseController : Controller {
public IDataContextWrapper DataContext { get; set; }
public BaseController() : this(null) { }
public BaseController(IDataContextWrapper context) {
DataContext = dataContext ?? new DataContextWrapper<MyDataContext>();
Now it works.
It strikes me as strange that ASP.NET MVC used the default constructor in some cases, and an overload in others, though. Can anyone shed some light on this?

Using MVC and fluent Nhibernate, how do I validate unique fields on my ViewModel before I bind them to my Domain Object and Save them?

I have a website where I allow users to create new Part records. I'm trying to figure out the best way to validate specific fields for uniqueness. I want to make sure that somebody doesn't try to add a Part with PartNumber 1234 if that PartNumber already exists on a different Part.
The Web Application is using Asp.net MVC with fluent nHibernate for mapping my objects to the database. I'm using Castle validation on my view models for things like ValidateNonEmpty, ValidateRange, etc. Should I use the ValidateSelf method to query the repository to see if that part number already exists? Something doesn't feel right about using my Repository on the ViewModel.
Would it be better for me to place that logic on the controller action? That doesn't seem right because I expect my ViewModel to already be Validated at the point (during ModelBind).
Or maybe its none of the above. Thanks for any help on this one.
Ok, not sure if this will help, but here is what my Save action looks like for a typical Create Action in my project:
public ActionResult Create(PartViewModel viewModel)
//I think I'd like to know if its Valid by this point, not on _repository.Save
var part = _partCreateViewModelMap.MapToEntity(viewModel);
return Redirect("~/Part/Details/" + part.Id);
catch (Exception e)
// skip on down...
// return view to edit
return View(viewModel);
I have been asked this question many times. My friends were worried about whether they can perform data access from the validator code. The answer is simple. If you need to do this, you should do it. Usually we need to do such checks at each level of abstraction. And after all checks you should be ready to catch an exception, caused by unique constraint violation.
If you define a unique constraint within the database, then why not delegate the responsibility to check for whether a unique value already exists to the database? Using NHibernate, you can use the NHibernate.Exceptions.ISQLExceptionConverter interface to capture and transform known errors relating to constraint violations. You can also use NHibernate.Exceptions.IViolatedConstraintNameExtracter implementers (see NHibernate.Exceptions.TemplatedViolatedConstraintNameExtracter) to get at the grubby details of your database exception, and transform it into a user-friendly message, repackage as a validation exception of your chosing and catch it in the relevant controller.
Example of a quick, very specific quick and dirty exception converter from one of my projects:
Imports NHibernate
Imports NHibernate.Exceptions
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data.Common
Namespace NHibernate
Public Class ConstraintViolationExceptionConverter
Implements ISQLExceptionConverter
Public Function Convert(ByVal adoExceptionContextInfo As Global.NHibernate.Exceptions.AdoExceptionContextInfo) As System.Exception Implements Global.NHibernate.Exceptions.ISQLExceptionConverter.Convert
Dim dbEx As DbException = ADOExceptionHelper.ExtractDbException(adoExceptionContextInfo.SqlException)
If TypeOf dbEx Is SqlException Then
Dim sqlError As SqlException = DirectCast(dbEx, SqlException)
Select Case sqlError.Number
Case 547
Return New ConstraintViolationException(adoExceptionContextInfo.Message, adoExceptionContextInfo.SqlException)
End Select
End If
Return SQLStateConverter.HandledNonSpecificException(adoExceptionContextInfo.SqlException, adoExceptionContextInfo.Message, adoExceptionContextInfo.Sql)
End Function
End Class
End Namespace
Configured through the web.config/nhibernate-configuration/session-factory property element:
<property name="sql_exception_converter">csl.NHibernate.ConstraintViolationExceptionConverter, csl</property>
Edit: Should probably mention that the converter interface has changed in recent versions of NHibernate, the interface from this example is from NHibernate.dll v2.1.0.4000
I typically put a Service layer between my controllers and repositories.
The service layer would then handle the validation and calls to the repository.
Then, if there's a validation error in the service layer, I throw a custom exception, catch it in the controller, and inject the errors in to the model state.
I have no answer for your question but you can check sharparchitecture.net site. It contains some best practives for asp.net mvc and nhibernate. Also I can recommend you to check xval project and tutorials about Validating with Data Annotation Validators
I have found the solution that works for me is to
1.) Ask if the entity is valid to execute your validation work.
2.) After this is complete you should have something on your object to show it's valid or not (in my case I use a CSLA like concept of "broken rules").
3.) If you have something like this you can verify the object is valid before NHibernate tries to persist it as shown below.
The only issue with this approach is that you do need to implement an interface on each entity requiring validation. If you can live with this it will stop NHibernate from persisting the changes of an object that's not valid according to your rules.
using System;
using NHibernate;
using NHibernate.Event;
using Validation.Entities.Interfaces;
using Persistence.SessionBuilder;
namespace Persistence.Validation
public class ValidationEventListener : IPreInsertEventListener, IPreUpdateEventListener
public bool OnPreInsert(NHibernate.Event.PreInsertEvent #event)
var entityToInsert = #event.Entity as IBusinessBase;
if (entityToInsert != null)
if (entityToInsert.BrokenRules != null)
return false;
public bool OnPreUpdate(NHibernate.Event.PreUpdateEvent #event)
var entityToUpdate = #event.Entity as IBusinessBase;
if (entityToUpdate != null)
if (entityToUpdate.BrokenRules != null)
return false;
private void RollbackTransactionBecauseTheEntityHasBrokenRules()
ISession session = SessionBuilderFactory.GetBuilder().CurrentSession;
if (session != null)
catch (Exception ex)
//this will force a rollback if we don't have a session bound to the current context
throw new NotImplementedException();
I would say this matters on your architecture. With MVC apps that I have done in the past we abstract away the domain stuff away from the web stuff and naturally we use dependency injection to avoid hard dependencies.
When it comes to validating the model when you are in the act of binding it, yes you could easily use the service, repository, or whatever you have next in your architecture in a ValidateSelf method. I think the question rises of what about that dependency.
If I remember correctly you can create your own custom binder that will use your dependency injection framework to plug-in any services your model needs for validation when you create it, call MVC's default binder to fill in the object, then call into Castle Validation's framework to do the validation. This isn't a fully thought solution, but hopefully it provokes some ideas.
