Which data type should be used for ISBN10 and ISBN13? - isbn

According to the algorithm for ISBN10, the check digit can be X, it means, it may not be a number.
But the output of google API: https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes?q=isbn:xxx uses an integer type for ISBN10 and ISBN13. Why?
The following is part of the google API output:
industryIdentifiers = (
identifier = 7542637975;
type = "ISBN_10";
identifier = 9787542637970;
type = "ISBN_13";

ISBN-10 in theory should have been replaced by ISBN-13 by 2007. Obviously, this is not possible for already-sold publications, and some publishers still maintain ISBN-10 rather than changing to ISBN-13 (in the same way as some manufacturers maintain UPC-A instead of EAN-13 or GSi.)
To convert a USBN-10 to USBN-13, simply take the first 9 digits of the USBN, prefix it with 978 and then calculate the check digit using the standard EAN algorithm. Use the 13-digit result as your key to locate the item (as a 64-bit unsigned integer).
You can always extract the ISBN-10 by removing the first 3 digits and the check-digit and using the ISBN-10 algorithm to re-calculate the check character.
This way, you only need to record the 13-digit version. If you have an ISBN-10 (read by scanner) or you need to produce an ISBN-10 (for whatever purpose) it's simply a matter of applying the appropriate conversion algorithm.
Depending on your application, you may wish to consider what to do with ISMN (for music) or ISSN (periodical) numbers. Periodicals are the more problematic. The barcode extension usually yields month or week of publication, but the -13 version remains the same. That's fine for a seller or such items, as whatever-01 would be January, and these would be well out-of-date (and hence no-longer-in-stock) by the following January when the same number would be used. Not so good for an archival function like a library, though...

Thank you all for the helpful answers. I finally find out the original response from google is in string format. It's printed like an integer just because of my json printer.


How to force nom to parse the whole input string?

I am working with nom version 6.1.2 and I am trying to parse Strings like
A 2 1 2.
At the moment I would be happy to at least differentiate between input that fits the requirements and inputs which don't do that. (After that I would like to change the output to a tuple that has the "A" as first value and as second value a vector of the u16 numbers.)
The String always has to start with a capital A and after that there should be at least one space and after that one a number. Furthermore, there can be as much additional spaces and numbers as you want. It is just important to end with a number and not with a space. All numbers will be within the range of u16. I already wrote the following function:
extern crate nom;
use nom::sequence::{preceded, pair};
use nom::character::streaming::{char, space1};
use nom::combinator::recognize;
use nom::multi::many1;
use nom::character::complete::digit1;
pub fn parse_and(line: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str>{
Also I want to mention that there are answers for such a problem which use CompleteStr but that isn't an option anymore because it got removed some time ago.
People explained that the reason for my behavior is that nom doesn't know when the slice of a string ends and therefore I get parse_and: Err(Incomplete(Size(1))) as answer for the provided example as input.
It seems like that one part of the use declarations created that problem. In the documentation (somewhere in some paragraph way to low that I looked at it) it says:
Streaming / Complete
Some of nom's modules have streaming or complete submodules. They hold different variants of the same combinators.
A streaming parser assumes that we might not have all of the input data. This can happen with some network protocol or large file parsers, where the input buffer can be full and need to be resized or refilled.
A complete parser assumes that we already have all of the input data. This will be the common case with small files that can be read entirely to memory.
Therefore, the solution to my problem is to swap use nom::character::complete::{char, space1}; instead of nom::character::streaming::{char, space1}; (3rd loc without counting empty lines). That worked for me :)

Calculation of Internet Checksum of two 16-bit streams

I want to calculate Internet checksum of two bit streams of 16 bits each. Do I need to break these strings into segments or I can directly sum the both?
Here are the strings:
String 1 = 1010001101011111
String 2 = 1100011010000110
Short answer
No. You don't need to split them.
Somewhat longer answer
Not sure exactly what you mean by "internet" checksum (a hash or checksum is just the result of a mathematical operation, and has no direct relation or dependence on the internet), but anyway:
The checksum of any value should not depend on the length of the input. In theory, your input strings could be of any length at all.
You can test this with a basic online checksum generator such as this one, for instance. That appears to generate a whole slew of checksums using lots of different algorithms. The names of the algorithms appear on the left in the list.
If you want to do this in code, a good starting point might be to search for examples using one of them in whatever language / environment you are working in.

String comparison (>) returns different results on different platforms? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Swift how to sort dict keys by byte value and not alphabetically?
(1 answer)
Closed 5 years ago.
Consider the following predicate
print("S" > "g")
Running this on Xcode yields false, whereas running this on the online compiler of tutorialspoint or e.g. the IBM Swift Sandbox (Swift Dev. 4.0 (Sep 5, 2017) / Platform: Linux (x86_64)), yields true.
How come there's a different result of the predicate on the online compilers (Linux?) as compared to vs Xcode?
This is a known open "bug" (or perhaps rather a known limitation):
SR-530 - [String] sort order varies on Darwin vs. Linux
Quoting Dave Abrahams' comment to the open bug report:
This will mostly be fixed by the new string work, wherein String's
default sort order will be implemented as a lexicographical ordering
of FCC-normalized UTF16 code units.
Note that on both platforms we rely on ICU for normalization services,
and normalization differences among different implementations of ICU
are a real possibility, so there will never be a guarantee that two
arbitrary strings sort the same on both platforms.
However, for Latin-1 strings such as those in the example, the new
work will fix the problem.
Moreover, from The String Manifest:
Comparing and Hashing Strings
Following this scheme everywhere would also allow us to make sorting
behavior consistent across platforms. Currently, we sort String
according to the UCA, except that--only on Apple platforms--pairs of
ASCII characters are ordered by unicode scalar value.
Most likely, the particular example of the OP (covering solely ASCII characters), comparison according to UCA (Unicode Collation Algorithm) is used for Linux platforms, whereas on Apple platforms, the sorting of these single ASCII character String's (or; String instances starting with ASCII characters) is according to unicode scalar value.
// ASCII value
print("S".unicodeScalars.first!.value) // 83
print("g".unicodeScalars.first!.value) // 103
// Unicode scalar value
print(String(format: "%04X", "S".unicodeScalars.first!.value)) // 0053
print(String(format: "%04X", "g".unicodeScalars.first!.value)) // 0067
print("S" < "g") // 'true' on Apple platforms (comparison by unicode scalar value),
// 'false' on Linux platforms (comparison according to UCA)
See also the excellent accepted answer to the following Q&A:
What does it mean that string and character comparisons in Swift are not locale-sensitive?

What is the difference between Delphi string comparsion functions?

There's a bunch of ways you can compare strings in modern Delphi (say 2010-XE3):
'<=' operator which resolves to UStrCmp / LStrCmp
Can someone give (or point to) a description of what those methods do, in principle?
So far I've figured that AnsiCompareStr calls CompareString on Windows, which is a "textual" comparison (i.e. takes into account unicode combined characters etc). Simple CompareStr does not do that and seems to do a binary comparison instead.
But what is the difference between CompareStr and UStrCmp? Between UStrCmp and LStrCmp? Do they all produce identical results? Do those results change between versions of Delphi?
I'm asking because I need a comparison which will always produce the same results, so that indexes in app built with one version of Delphi remain consistent with code built with another.
AnsiCompareStr is specified as taking locale into account, and should return identical results regardless of Delphi version, but may return different results based on Windows version and/or settings.. CompareStr is a pure binary comparison: "The comparison operation is based on the 16-bit ordinal value of each character and is not affected by the current locale" (for the CompareStr(const S1, S2: string) overload). UStrCmp also uses a pure binary comparison: "Strings are compared according to the ordinal values that make up the characters that make up the string." So there should not be a difference between the latter two. The way they return the result is different, so two implementations are needed (although it would be possible to make one rely on the other).
As for the differences between LStrCmp and UStrCmp, LStrCmp takes AnsiStrings, UStrCmp takes UnicodeStrings. It's entirely possible that two characters (let's say A and B) are ordered in the misnamed "ANSI" code page as A < B, but are ordered in Unicode as A > B. You should almost always just use the comparison appropriate for the data you have.

AnsiStrIComp fails comparing strings in Delphi 2010

I'm slightly confused and hoping for enlightenment.
I'm using Delphi 2010 for this project and I'm trying to compare 2 strings.
Using the code below fails
if AnsiStrIComp(PAnsiChar(sCatName), PAnsiChar(CatNode.CatName)) = 0 then...
because according to the debugger only the first character of each string is being compared (i.e. if sCatName is "Automobiles", PAnsiChar(sCatName) is "A").
I want to be able to compare strings that may be in different languages, for example English vs Japanese.
In this case I am looking for a match, but I have other functions used for sorting, etc. where I need to know how the strings compare (less than, equal, greater than).
I assume that sCatName and CatNode.CatName are defined as strings (= UnicodeStrings)?. They should be.
There is no need to convert the strings to null-terminated strings! This you (mostly) only need to do when working with the Windows API.
If you want to test equality of two strings, use SameStr(S1, S2) (case sensitive matching) or SameText(S1, S2) (case insensitive matching), or simply S1 = S2 in the first case. All three options return true or false, depending on the strings equality.
If you want to get a numerical value based on the ordinal values of the characters (as in sorting), then use CompareStr(S1, S2) or CompareText(S1, S2). These return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer.
(You might want to use the Ansi- functions: AnsiSameStr, AnsiSameText, AnsiCompareStr, and AnsiCompareText; these functions will use the current locale. The non Ansi- functions will accept a third, optional parameter, explicitly specifying the locale to use.)
Please read Remy Lebeau's comments regarding the cause of the problem.
What about simple sCatName=CatNode.CatName? If they are strings it should work.
