Replicating matlab-style plot commands in f# - f#

I have a program that does a sequence of operations on 2D numerical arrays (e.g., int [,] or float [,]) where I have code like:
let a3 = array |> f1 |> f2 |> f3
In Matlab or Octave, I would write this code like:
a1 = f1(array);
a2 = f2(a1);
a3 = f3(a2);
During development, I often want to look at the intermediate values as an image, like this:
a1 = f1(array);
a2 = f2(a1);
a3 = f3(a2);
Is there a straightforward way to write a routine in F# with a signature like:
val myplot: 'a [,] -> ()
Where this function opens a window containing a canvas onto which I can plot the corresponding array, and then immediately returns. Given such a thing, I could
let plotThrough (x: 'a [,]) =
myplot x
Which would allow my pipeline to become:
let a3 = array |> f1 |> plotThrough |> f2 |> plotThrough |> f3
In which case two independent windows would appear, one containing my plot for the result of f1 and one for the result of f2.
The issue I have is not the drawing onto a canvas part (that is easy - ask for a Graphics context, draw into it), but how to generate a window for each plot command such that I can obtain the graphics context to draw into. I have a limited test harness that is a statically designed forms GUI that has a couple of Images present that give me graphics contexts, but I'd prefer to not have to design a form each time I want to try a different pipeline with a different number of plots I want to look at.
Note: I am not interested in solutions that assume one is working with the fsi REPL - I want to be able to have an executable that, when run, will pop up a set of windows for each plot and then wait for all of them to be closed before it terminates.


SUMPRODUCT in F# without variables

I have already done some searches, and this question is a duplicate of another post. I am posting this just for future reference.
Is it possible to define SUMPRODUCT without explicitly using variable names x, y?
Original Function:
let SUMPRODUCT x y = List.map2 (*) x y |> List.sum
SUMPRODUCT [1;4] [3;25] // Result: 103
I was hoping to do this:
let SUMPRODUCT = (List.map2 (*)) >> List.sum
But F# comes back with an error.
I have already found the solution on another post, but if you have any suggestions please let me know. Thank you.
Function composition only works when the input function takes a single argument. However, in your example, the result of List.map2 (*) is a function that takes two separate arguments and so it cannot be easily composed with List.sum using >>.
There are various ways to work around this if you really want, but I would not do that. I think >> is nice in a few rare cases where it fits nicely, but trying to over-use it leads to unreadable mess.
In some functional languages, the core library defines helpers for turning function with two arguments into a function that takes a tuple and vice versa.
let uncurry f (x, y) = f x y
let curry f x y = f (x, y)
You could use those two to define your sumProduct like this:
let sumProduct = curry ((uncurry (List.map2 (*))) >> List.sum)
Now it is point-free and understanding it is a fun mental challenge, but for all practical purposes, nobody will be able to understand the code and it is also longer than your original explicit version:
let sumProduct x y = List.map2 (*) x y |> List.sum
According to this post:
What am I missing: is function composition with multiple arguments possible?
Sometimes "pointed" style code is better than "pointfree" style code, and there is no good way to unify the type difference of the original function to what I hope to achieve.

formatting Composite function in f#

I have a recursive function in f# that iterates a string[] of commands that need to be run, each command runs a new command to generate a map to be passed to the next function.
The commands run correctly but are large and cumbersome to read, I believe that there is a better way to order / format these composite functions using pipe syntax however coming from c# as a lot of us do i for the life of me cannot seem to get it to work.
my command is :
let rec iterateCommands (map:Map<int,string array>) commandPosition =
if commandPosition < commands.Length then
match splitCommand(commands.[0]).[0] with
|"comOne" ->
iterateCommands (map.Add(commandPosition,create(splitCommand commands.[commandPosition])))(commandPosition+1)
The closest i have managed is by indenting the function but this is messy :
(splitCommand commands.[commandPosition])
Is it even possible to reformat this in f#? From what i have read i believe it possible, any help would be greatly appreciated
The command/variable types are:
commandPosition - int
commands - string[]
splitCommand string -> string[]
create string[] -> string[]
map : Map<int,string[]>
and of course the map.add map -> map + x
It's often hard to make out what is going on in a big statement with multiple inputs. I'd give names to the individual expressions, so that a reader can jump into any position and have a rough idea what's in the values used in a calculation, e.g.
let inCommands = splitCommand commands.[commandPosition]
let map' = map.Add (commandPosition, inCommands)
iterateCommands map' inCommands
Since I don't know what is being done here, the names aren't very meaningful. Ideally, they'd help to understand the individual steps of the calculation.
It'd be a bit easier to compose the call if you changed the arguments around:
let rec iterateCommands commandPosition (map:Map<int,string array>) =
// ...
That would enable you to write something like:
splitCommand commands.[commandPosition]
|> create
|> (fun x -> commandPosition, x)
|> map.Add
|> iterateCommands (commandPosition + 1)
The fact that commandPosition appears thrice in the composition is, in my opinion, a design smell, as is the fact that the type of this entire expression is unit. It doesn't look particularly functional, but since I don't understand exactly what this function attempts to do, I can't suggest a better design.
If you don't control iterateCommands, and hence can't change the order of arguments, you can always define a standard functional programming utility function:
let flip f x y = f y x
This enables you to write the following against the original version of iterateCommands:
splitCommand commands.[commandPosition]
|> create
|> (fun x -> commandPosition, x)
|> map.Add
|> (flip iterateCommands) (commandPosition + 1)

Custom Operator for Lag or Standard Deviation

What is the proper way to extend the available operators when using RX?
I'd like to build out some operations that I think would be useful.
The first operation is simply the standard deviation of a series.
The second operation is the nth lagged value i.e. if we are lagging 2 and our series is A B C D E F when F is pushed the lag would be D when A is pushed the lag would be null/empty when B is pushed the lag would be null/empty when C is pushed the Lag would be A
Would it make sense to base these types of operators off of the built-ins from or is there an easier way?
In idiomatic Rx, arbitrary delays can be composed by Zip.
let lag (count : int) o =
let someo = Some o
let delayed = Observable.Repeat(None, count).Concat(someo)
Observable.Zip(someo, delayed, (fun c d -> d))
As for a rolling buffer, the most efficient way is to simply use a Queue/ResizeArray of fixed size.
let rollingBuffer (size : int) o =
Observable.Create(fun (observer : IObserver<_>) ->
let buffer = new Queue<_>(size)
o |> Observable.subscribe(fun v ->
if buffer.Count = size then
buffer.Dequeue() |> ignore
For numbers |> rollingBuffer 3 |> log:
seq [0L; 1L; 2L]
seq [1L; 2L; 3L]
seq [2L; 3L; 4L]
seq [3L; 4L; 5L]
For pairing adjacent values, you can just use Observable.pairwise
let delta (a, b) = b - a
let deltaStream = numbers |> Observable.pairwise |>
Observable.Scan is more concise if you want to apply a rolling calculation .
Some of these are easier than others (as usual). For a 'lag' by count (rather than time) you just create a sliding window by using Observable.Buffer equivalent to the size of 'lag', then take the first element of the result list.
So far lag = 3, the function is:
obs.Buffer(3,1).Select(l => l.[0])
This is pretty straightforward to turn into an extension function. I don't know if it is efficient in that it reuses the same list, but in most cases that shouldn't matter. I know you want F#, the translation is straightforward.
For running aggregates, you can usually use Observable.Scan to get a 'running' value. This is calculated based on all values seen so far (and is pretty straightforward to implement) - ie all you have to implement each subsequent element is the previous aggregate and the new element.
If for whatever reason you need a running aggregate based on a sliding window, then we get into more difficult domain. Here you first need an operation that can give you a sliding window - this is covered by Buffer above. However, then you need to know which values have been removed from this window, and which have been added.
As such, I recommend a new Observable function that maintains an internal window based on existing window + new value, and returns new window + removed value + added value. You can write this using Observable.Scan (I recommend an internal Queue for efficient implementation). It should take a function for determining which values to remove given a new value (this way it can be parameterised for sliding by time or by count).
At that point, Observable.Scan can again be used to take the old aggregate + window + removed values + added value and give a new aggregate.
Hope this helps, I do realise it's a lot of words. If you can confirm the requirement, I can help out with the actual extension method for that specific use case.
For lag, you could do something like
module Observable =
let lag n obs =
let buf = System.Collections.Generic.Queue()
obs |> (fun x ->
if buf.Count > n then Some(buf.Dequeue())
else None)
Observable.Range(1, 9)
|> Observable.lag 2
|> Observable.subscribe (printfn "%A")
|> ignore
Some 1
Some 2
Some 3
Some 4
Some 5
Some 6
Some 7

Apply several aggregate functions with one enumeration

Let's assume I have a series of functions that work on a sequence, and I want to use them together in the following fashion:
let meanAndStandardDeviation data =
let m = mean data
let sd = standardDeviation data
(m, sd)
The code above is going to enumerate the sequence twice. I am interested in a function that will give the same result but enumerate the sequence only once. This function will be something like this:
magicFunction (mean, standardDeviation) data
where the input is a tuple of functions and a sequence and the ouput is the same with the function above.
Is this possible if the functions mean and stadardDeviation are black boxes and I cannot change their implementation?
If I wrote mean and standardDeviation myself, is there a way to make them work together? Maybe somehow making them keep yielding the input to the next function and hand over the result when they are done?
The only way to do this using just a single iteration when the functions are black boxes is to use the Seq.cache function (which evaluates the sequence once and stores the results in memory) or to convert the sequence to other in-memory representation.
When a function takes seq<T> as an argument, you don't even have a guarantee that it will evaluate it just once - and usual implementations of standard deviation would first calculate the average and then iterate over the sequence again to calculate the squares of errors.
I'm not sure if you can calculate standard deviation with just a single pass. However, it is possible to do that if the functions are expressed using fold. For example, calculating maximum and average using two passes looks like this:
let maxv = Seq.fold max Int32.MinValue input
let minv = Seq.fold min Int32.MaxValue input
You can do that using a single pass like this:
Seq.fold (fun (s1, s2) v ->
(max s1 v, min s2 v)) (Int32.MinValue, Int32.MaxValue) input
The lambda function is a bit ugly, but you can define a combinator to compose two functions:
let par f g (i, j) v = (f i v, g j v)
Seq.fold (par max min) (Int32.MinValue, Int32.MaxValue) input
This approach works for functions that can be defined using fold, which means that they consist of some initial value (Int32.MinValue in the first example) and then some function that is used to update the initial (previous) state when it gets the next value (and then possibly some post-processing of the result). In general, it should be possible to rewrite single-pass functions in this style, but I'm not sure if this can be done for standard deviation. It can be definitely done for mean:
let (count, sum) = Seq.fold (fun (count, sum) v ->
(count + 1.0, sum + v)) (0.0, 0.0) input
let mean = sum / count
What we're talking about here is a function with the following signature:
(seq<'a> -> 'b) * (seq<'a> -> 'c) -> seq<'a> -> ('b * 'c)
There is no straightforward way that I can think of that will achieve the above using a single iteration of the sequence if that is the signature of the functions. Well, no way that is more efficient than:
let magicFunc (f1:seq<'a>->'b, f2:seq<'a>->'c) (s:seq<'a>) =
let cached = s |> Seq.cache
(f1 cached, f2 cached)
That ensures a single iteration of the sequence itself (perhaps there are side effects, or it's slow), but does so by essentially caching the results. The cache is still iterated another time. Is there anything wrong with that? What are you trying to achieve?

F#: two ways of defining functions?

These two are equivalent:
let f(x) =
let g = fun(x) ->
I think? They seem to do the same thing, but are there any cases where the behavior of the two would vary? I find the second version useful (even if more verbose) because you can use the <| and << operators to implement python-style decorator patterns; is there any case where I have to use the first version?
Furthermore, I fully understand how the second one works (the stuff on the right is just a function expression, which I dump into g) but how about the first one? Is there some compiler trick or special case that converts that syntax from a simple assignment statement into a function definition?
They are equivalent (modulo the 'value restriction', which allows functions, but not values, to be generic, see e.g. here).
As Brian already answered, the two are equivalent. Returning fun instead of declaring function using let makes difference if you want to do something (i.e. some initialization) before returning the function.
For example, if you wanted to create function that adds random number, you could write:
let f1 x =
let rnd = new System.Random()
x + rnd.Next()
let f2 =
let rnd = new System.Random()
fun y -> y + rnd.Next()
Here, the function f1 creates new Random instance every time it is executed, but f2 uses the same instance of rnd all the time (so f2 is better way of writing this). But if you return fun immediately, then the F# compiler optimizes the code and the two cases are the same.
