IOS development with React Native Display Zoomed issue - ios

If a user has their option on their phone set to Zoomed, the text in the app I am developing is actually really zoomed out. (Settings > Display & Brightness > View)
Is there an option in xcode or within my own code that will fix this zoom issue. Maybe disable the zoom view in the app if the user has the option Display Zoom set to Zoomed on their phone.
Standard View:
Zoomed setting on:
Is there a fix for this?

You can apply:
To prevent this.
So, you can implement it like this:
<Text allowFontScaling={false}>Do not want font to scale</Text>


Safari IOS Having clickable elements at top of screen doesn't work very good with landscape on Iphone

I have this app that has a bar at the top of the page that has a bunch of clickable elements it has always been a problem since on Safari IOS when clicking high up it brings down the address bar and exits fullscreen. We solved this initially by adding some padding up top to make the clickable area larger but they seem to have increased this size on IOS 13 and adding more padding will make it look horrible. Anyone had this problem and have a workaround for it?
Some way the click area for bringing down the address bar smaller or something?
The big problem is that we need our app to stay in fullscreen so the most optimal would be to be able o decrease the clickable area for the address bar to come down or to be able to block it in landscape mode is there really no way to go around this? for instance going into on safari and iPhone and put it in landscape you are not able to press the search icon.
I have the same issue, I don't think is possible to fix this as it seems to be a safari issue, if you check not event site works as expected.
The workaround I did is detecting when the app gets out of fullscreen by comparing the screen.height with the screen.availHeight and move the top bar just below the address bar and there users can click, not optimal, but works for us. :)
Hope it helps
In your CSS code try to remove every value of "REM" "VW" "VH" use only pixels "PX". that should fix the issue 100%.

IOS and Zoom Display

i have issue with zoomed display.
on IOS until today i did not see any changes on my apps when user turn on zoom display .
now i developing an application, use auto layout constraints like always ,
but this is the first time that i saw that when user change setting to zoom display zoomed mode all my app get zoomed and the resolution get messy.
i tried every thing to understand the difference and stil get nothing.
i want to ignore the zoom, that the app act like normal mode,
is this possible?
You can't ignore the scaling... I think adding proper launchscreen file in your target settings may solve your problem.

Ionic: IOS simulator does not work for scrolling when code in view-content

When I write my horizontal scroll box inside the view-content, it does not work...However if move it out of the view-content, it can work... Does anyone know what's wrong? I guess some css for view-content? However I don't know what's the default code...
May be this is due to the double scrolling at same position which you may not able to proper scroll at iOS. We can do the same ar brower because scroll and drag is different in browser.

Zoomed in ipad simulator?

For some reason, when I run my app, the game is zoomed in in the ipad simulator. I have to use a scroll bar at the right in order to move the screen up or down. The only way I've managed to get the entire thing looking normal is to scale it to 75% but I want to keep it at 100%. Does anyone know what the problem is and how I can fix it?
I get the same. There's plenty of room for the simulator to not be zoomed, but it is, like so:
The best solution I've found is to got to Window -> Zoom All. I have this bound to a keyboard shortcut so I can quickly fix it, but I haven't been able to find a way to make it not open zoomed.

iOS home screen swipe functionality

On the home screen of an iOS device, let's say you have 3 "pages" of icons.
When you swipe, you are forced to land on a one of these "pages" (always a nearest neighbor).
I want to use this type of functionality in an app, but I don't want to recreate the code when something like this likely already exists in one of the many iOS frameworks. What are the classes/IFB elements I should be looking at?
this is for an iOS 5 iPad project
UIScrollview has a pagingEnabled property that when set to YES forces it to stop on exact multiples of the view width when scrolled.
That's how the home screen works, and that's what you should use.
