iOS home screen swipe functionality - ios

On the home screen of an iOS device, let's say you have 3 "pages" of icons.
When you swipe, you are forced to land on a one of these "pages" (always a nearest neighbor).
I want to use this type of functionality in an app, but I don't want to recreate the code when something like this likely already exists in one of the many iOS frameworks. What are the classes/IFB elements I should be looking at?
this is for an iOS 5 iPad project

UIScrollview has a pagingEnabled property that when set to YES forces it to stop on exact multiples of the view width when scrolled.
That's how the home screen works, and that's what you should use.


iPhone App not showing up properly on iphone 6 simulator

My app works good on iphone 4s, 5 , 5s simulators. On iphone 6,it shows up weirdly. It does not occupy the entire screen
What could be the issues?
if you are using the Auto resizing just under stand the concept for example
assume that u have a book self , u need to layout the book in the book self so u need to do the following steps
initially arrange the book self (this is your main View).
arrange the all books in inside the book self where u need the location (this is your subview, buttons, labels, all UI Elements).
u keep to follow the above two steps in always. got it
need reference follow the apple tutorial
this tutorial may also help u
The black view is an added view? If the goal is just to set the background color, better to just set the color of the root view.
If you're not using autoLayout (and I don't reccomend it, it's more trouble than it's worth in most cases) one simple to handle different screeen sizes is programatically.
Everything in the view in Interface Builder needs to be an outlet.
in -viewDidLoad, set the center of each view. For example, to center the mobile number text: [self.enterYourMobileNumberLabel setCenter: CGMakePoint(,]
You could also set the frame for more percise handling, etc., using margin constants. Frames are often more code and more cumbersome, but AutoLayout is a nightmare.
Resolved the issue. Thanks for your valuable responses users.It has got nothing to do with Autolayout or autoresizing.
Just go to images.xcassets, right clicking in the navigator area, add launchImage. Then select your project (or target), go to general-->App Icons and Launch images and set Launch Images Source as Launch Image and most importantly, set Launch Screen file blank.
The app would now work well in iphone 6 simulator too.

iOS 7 or 8 - combining iAd with MapKit

When you open a map with MapKit, it displays a small "Legal" link near the bottom which you can access for a lot of legal stuff. According to the guidelines, this link must not be interfered with to prevent it from functioning. I don't even know if it can be moved.
At the same time, the recommended placement of ads from iAd is at the bottom of the screen. Makes sense because that's where the fingers are. But placing the ad there will overlap the link and prevent it from being accessed.
I was wondering if anyone has set up iAds so that instead of overlaying the main screen, it reduces the size of the main screen, and positions itself "next" to it?
I'm thinking if I do this with other controls at the bottom, then would that inconvenience users who are trying to access the controls, only to have an ad slip underneath?
Would it be better to go against recommendation and put the ad at the top?
I suggest the simplest solution possible: set the canDisplayBannerAds property of your view controller to true; this should handle pushing display ads up from the bottom and resizing the existing views.

How do I make iOS 7 Control Center behave like it does in Maps (small tab)?

In Maps in iOS 7, if you swipe up from the bottom of the screen as if opening control center while the map view is full screen, you get a small tab instead of the full Control Center, and the map scrolls normally. You then have to grab that tab and pull it up to open Control Center fully. See this screenshot as an example:
I have an app with significant functionality triggered by dragging up on a small UI element at the bottom of the screen, and it's tricky to grab it in iOS 7 without swiping up from the bottom. How do I trigger the same Control Center behavior in my app? Is there a key in Info.plist that I can set? Or is that some kind of private API that Apple uses? It doesn't happen when the bottom toolbar is visible, so maybe it's some kind of state that can be set programmatically?
UPDATE: The same behavior occurs when you swipe down from the top of the screen as if to open Notification Center.
UPDATE 2: The camera app does the same thing, according to this question about UIScreenEdgePanGestureRecognizer.
I believe you have to hide the status bar for the grabber to come up first. That being said, I think users would expect Control Center to come up when they drag up from the bottom of the screen, so I'd say preventing that from happening isn't a very good user experience.

Vertical Scrolling for iPhone in ActionScript 3

I am working on a project for iPhone (flash builder 4.6), in which I have to implement a custom scroll component.
Basically I have to show the Facebook users in a list render-er, scrolling is working fine initially but when the number of friends increases (more than 300) the scrolling freezes (mainly tapping not working, swipe is still working, I mean to say that MOUSE_MOVE event is not working properly here).
If any one have any idea about it, please share with me.
You need to create (or use an existing) list component that uses a virtual list. i.e. only creates enough cells (or renderers) needed to fill a screen. It then recycles the renderers as you scroll.
Have a look at this:
Or if you are using stage 3D,

Why is two finger scrolling behaving differently on two separate ipads?

We're currently working on an iPad version of our web application at work. We are seeing inconsistent behavior with regards to two-finger scrolling on scrollable areas within others scrollable areas across two iPads. Both devices are iPad2 models.
On one device, dojo grids and trees require one finger to scroll. On the other, they require two fingers to scroll. On both devices Safari is being used to view the website.
What could cause this behavior? Is there some setting we haven't discovered that dictates whether you need to use 1 or 2 fingers?
Looks like it's a difference in IOS versions (one is on 4, the other on 5).
It's important to note that
-webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch is not the same as one-finger scrolling enabled by iOS5.
-webkit-overflow-scrolling uses the iPad's built in functionality (the touch acceleration and bounce). However, if the contents in your div change, or you manually move the contents inside the div (ie you made your own div scrollbar and are scrolling the contents), enabling this will mess things up. What it will do is make the "top" of the scroll able div wherever it happens to be located. What does this mean? If your contents are scrolled half way down and then you add new content to the div, with -webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch, the very top of the touch-scroll area will be half way down your div. You will not be able touch-scroll back to the top.
