How does inlining work with external libraries? (Swift) - ios

The attribute #inline(__always) forces the compiler to inline a particular function. How is code provided by external libraries inlined in one's project? Does the compiler actually copy code segments from the library's executable?

As far as I'm aware, #inline(__always) means that the function (or similar) is always inlined, no matter what. That means that its symbols are exposed in the compiled module so they can be inlined by projects consuming that module. Hence the "always".
This is largely an undocumented attribute, with the only official references I can find being in some stdlib devs' internal documentation, not even describing its behavior directly. The best unofficial documentation I can find is Vandad Nahavandipoor's disassembly-confirmed investigation into its behavior, which doesn't attempt to confirm the cross-module use case you are concerned with.
In Swift 4.2, #inlinable and #usableFromInline were introduced to finish this story.
My understanding:
#inline(__always) forces functions (et al) to be inlined every time no matter where they're declared or used
#inlinable allows functions (et al) in a module to be inlined into calling code in that module, or calling code using that module, if the compiler deems it necessary
#usableFromInline allows functions (et al) internal to a module to be inlined into #inlinable calling code that's also in that module, if the compiler deems it necessary. Unlike #inlinable, these must be internal; they cannot be public
According to
Apply this attribute to a function, method, computed property, subscript, convenience initializer, or deinitializer declaration to expose that declaration’s implementation as part of the module’s public interface. The compiler is allowed to replace calls to an inlinable symbol with a copy of the symbol’s implementation at the call site.
Inlinable code can interact with public symbols declared in any module, and it can interact with internal symbols declared in the same module that are marked with the usableFromInline attribute. Inlinable code can’t interact with private or fileprivate symbols.
This attribute can’t be applied to declarations that are nested inside functions or to fileprivate or private declarations. Functions and closures that are defined inside an inlinable function are implicitly inlinable, even though they can’t be marked with this attribute.
Apply this attribute to a function, method, computed property, subscript, initializer, or deinitializer declaration to allow that symbol to be used in inlinable code that’s defined in the same module as the declaration. The declaration must have the internal access level modifier. A structure or class marked usableFromInline can use only types that are public or usableFromInline for its properties. An enumeration marked usableFromInline can use only types that are public or usableFromInline for the raw values and associated values of its cases.
Like the public access level modifier, this attribute exposes the declaration as part of the module’s public interface. Unlike public, the compiler doesn’t allow declarations marked with usableFromInline to be referenced by name in code outside the module, even though the declaration’s symbol is exported. However, code outside the module might still be able to interact with the declaration’s symbol by using runtime behavior.
Declarations marked with the inlinable attribute are implicitly usable from inlinable code. Although either inlinable or usableFromInline can be applied to internal declarations, applying both attributes is an error.


Why are parameterless constructors not allowed on records?

The following declaration:
TRec = record
constructor Create;
produces this compilation error:
E2394 Parameterless constructors not allowed on record types
The documentation rather unhelpfully states:
No further information is available for this error or warning.
My question is why the language was designed this way. Was it done this way purely to echo the analogous restriction for C# structs?
The language guide says this:
Records are constructed automatically, using a default no-argument constructor, but classes must be explicitly constructed. Because records have a default no-argument constructor, any user-defined record constructor must have one or more parameters.
But that doesn't make much sense. If there is a default constructor for a record, it can't be found through RTTI. And even if there was, why would that imply that it was impossible to add another one? You can do so for classes.
Perhaps the rationale is that if we were allowed to define our own parameterless constructors, we'd expect the compiler to call them automatically.
Note: I understand that you can use a parameterless static class function as a workaround. Indeed, I personally always prefer to use static class function instead of record constructors. But that's not the point of the question. What I really want to know is why parameterless constructors are not allowed on record types.
I can't give you a definitive answer (only the compiler builders can), but I suspect it is not related to Delphi's .NET past, but rather to Delphi's relation with C++Builder.
As cppreference says:
A default constructor is a constructor which can be called with no arguments (either defined with an empty parameter list, or with default arguments provided for every parameter).
C++ allows for parameterless constructors, and these parameterless constructors would become the default constructor, in C++. A default constructor is called in many situations, e.g. if you simply declare:
Foo myFoo;
The default constructor is called. This does not happen in Delphi, but a C++ programmer might expect it. Similarly, if you do:
Foo elements[1000];
The default constructor is called on each element (I checked that). This also doesn't happen in Delphi, although a C++ programmer might expect it.
Other hints that this is C++-related:
Constructors with different names (e.g. Init) are not allowed either. This seems to point to conflicts with C++ or with C#, as in both, constructors have the name of the class or struct, so any parameterless constructor would be mapped to Foo() (in a struct or class called Foo.)
Constructors with only default parameters are not allowed either. This matches the cppreference description for default constructors with only default arguments.
All in all, there are hints that parameterless constructors (or ones with only default parameters) conflict with C++ (i.e. C++Builder) and that that is why they are not allowed.
Note that this is not the only restriction caused by differences with C++: e.g. in Delphi you can't cast integers to and from floating point types either, because in C and C++, that would cause a conversion, while in Delphi, it would merely cause a reinterpretation of the bits. In order not to confuse people who were coming to Delphi from C or C++, the casting restriction was placed on floating point types. There may be more.

Does Dart support constructs typically precluded by Optional Typing?

Slide 33 of that presentation of optional typing (by Bracha) presents common constructs that should be precluded by optional typing, like public fields or class-based encapsulation. However, doesn't Dart have those constructs although it is is said to support optional typing?
Dart actually has neither of those constructs.
While it may look like Dart has public fields, in actuality implicit getters and setters are generated for each field, so that you are not accessing the field directly.
As far as class-based encapsulation, Dart has no such concept. Instead encapsulation is accomplished through the use of libraries. All classes that are part of a library may access private members of other classes in that library, while classes from a different library can not.

Difference between variable declaration and definition in Swift

The terms "declaration" and "definition" are being used synonymously in Apple's Swift documentation and it's getting me confused.
Under the "Initialization" section (which talks about class initializers), Apple states:
You can set an initial value for a stored property within an initializer, or by assigning a default property value as part of the property’s definition.
Further in a subsection they state:
You can set the initial value of a stored property from within an initializer, as shown above. Alternatively, specify a default property value as part of the property’s declaration.
I thought a variable declaration was different than a variable definition.
You are right that those two mean different thing, THOUGH I think most of the people just use both of them in the same meaning and I think that is also the case of those AppleDocs. Here is great article on subject:
A declaration provides basic attributes of a symbol: its type and its
name. A definition provides all of the details of that symbol--if it's
a function, what it does; if it's a class, what fields and methods it
has; if it's a variable, where that variable is stored. Often, the
compiler only needs to have a declaration for something in order to
compile a file into an object file, expecting that the linker can find
the definition from another file. If no source file ever defines a
symbol, but it is declared, you will get errors at link time
complaining about undefined symbols.
After doing much searching across the web for legitimate explanations, I have seemed to have found an answer:
The problem is that the two terms overlap to some extent. Definitions also serve as declarations, because they inject an identifier of a certain type to a scope. However, a declaration isn't a definition because it doesn't entail storage allocation for the declared object. To add to the confusion, the semantics of definitions and declarations is slightly different when applied to types and functions, as I will show momentarily. So let's look at a more detailed analysis of these two terms.
Here is the article: Declarations and Definitions.
The article gives further explanation and examples.
Declaration of variable mean to tell compiler their is a var\funct\struct of particular data type. Definition of variable mean asking compiler to allocate memory to variable or define storage for that variable. you can define a variable only one time but you can declare it as many time you want.
I think Apple's Swift 4 Language Reference can be construed as the authoritative answer. From the Declarations section (emphasis mine):
A declaration introduces a new name or construct into your program.
For example, you use declarations to introduce functions and methods,
variables and constants, and to define new, named enumeration,
structure, class, and protocol types. You can also use a declaration
to extend the behavior of an existing named type and to import symbols
into your program that are declared elsewhere.
In Swift, most declarations are also definitions in the sense that
they are implemented or initialized at the same time they are
declared. That said, because protocols don’t implement their members,
most protocol members are declarations only. For convenience and
because the distinction isn’t that important in Swift, the term
declaration covers both declarations and definitions.

dynamic modifier in functions in Swift

According to Apple :
When you mark a member declaration with the dynamic modifier, access to that member is always dynamically dispatched. Because declarations marked with the dynamic modifier are dispatched using the Objective-C runtime, they’re implicitly marked with the #objc attribute.
According to Wikipedia:
dynamic dispatch is the process of selecting which implementation of a polymorphic operation (method or function) to call at run time.
Dynamic dispatch is often used in object-oriented languages when different classes contain different implementations of the same method due to common inheritance. For example, suppose you have classes A, B, and C, where B and C both inherit the method foo() from A. Now suppose x is a variable of class A. At run time, x may actually have a value of type B or C and in general you can't know what it is at compile time.
Right now, I'm studying the dependency injection framework : Typhoon and when I open the sample project for Swift in all the classes that inherit from the Objective-C class TyphoonAssembly all the methods relatives to inject dependencies have the dynamic modifier included in the following way :
public dynamic func weatherReportDao() -> AnyObject {
return TyphoonDefinition.withClass(WeatherReportDaoFileSystemImpl.self)
I thought that I'm missing something, but I don't understand where is the polymorphic operation (method or function) to call at run time here.
What's is the purpose of the dynamic dispatch here?
The answer to your question is addressed in this post:
Basically at runtime the Typhoon Framework is going to replace your method with its own routine that implements the features of the framework and calls your method to do whatever work you've defined for it.
In order for the framework to be able to replace the method, the method must be dynamically dispatched.

What does external mean in Dart?

What does external mean in Dart? For example: external DateTime._now();
I'm new to Dart, I can't find documentation for external, so can you give an example to help explain?
9.4 External Functions
An external function is a function whose body is provided separately from its
declaration. An external function may be a top-level function (17), a method
The body of the function is defined somewhere else.
As far as I know this is used to fix different implementations for Dart VM in the browser and Dart VM on the Server.
When we make an external function inside a class like toString()
external String toString();
means this method is abstract and the child of the parent class will add the function body, that's because in Dart we only can make an abstract class.
external function = abstract function in not abstract classes
I don't think external keyword is meant to be used to mark methods as abstract, even if that's possible
It's enough to leave a method with no implementation to set it abstract, inside an abstract class
It's the equivalent of declare in TypeScript, and extern in C#, those are used for interoperability with other runtimes, which means you're telling the compiler "Don't worry about this method's implementation, I promise it will exist at runtime", the runtime may be in C or Javascript or whatever
In case, if you are wondering why or where should I even use external keyword, here is a one more example for Flutter.
class MyStruct extends Struct {
external int a;
external double b;
external Pointer<Void> c;
Sometimes, but not often when you play with native libraries, in this case with Struct to access native struct's field in memory. Under Struct We must declare all fields as external because it will be external fields from dart:ffi (C / C++).
So, external is more than just way to declare "abstract method".
9.4 External Functions
An external function is a function whose
body is provided separately from its
What this does mean is that you define the function, but without implementation. It's exactly how you define the abstract method, but the only difference is that with external you don't implement the method in dart but in C or something else.
Something like String class it can be considered as external functions except that the String class it marked with #pragma('vm:entry-point') which make the entire class use native code.
See the following example to understand:
This dart's side.
This the implementation in C++.
In my opinion it is an equivalent of Java native keyword. For example, since current time milliseconds is implemented differently on Android, iOS, Linux etc, will be linked to different implementations at runtime. So it is not initially known how this method will look like. For this reason it is marked as external meaning it is platform dependent.
