I have an issue with the date and time being shown incorrect in magento admin dashboard. I have set the Timezone as Pacific Standard Time(America/Los_Angeles) through Configuration>system>General>Locale Options
but the current Date in the admin dashboard is Sunday, February 7, 2016 where as it should be Tuesday, February 6, 2016. This is affecting the cron schedule which in turn is affecting the email queue. Could you please help me fix this. I am unable to find the module that is overriding the magento's default timezone.
In AspNet Zero Core + Angular Project. I have Set Clock Provider to UTC Clock.Provider = ClockProviders.Utc; in Startup.cs
as stated in the document which causes timezone selection in settings for user and Tenant Settings and saves UTC dates in db.
Problem is these Days 30th Oct 2020, MST (Mountain Standard Time) is observing Daylight Saving but times on the angular project is not respecting that its showing one hours difference...
One possible Option Scenario is to Select MDT instead of MST but that's not available in Timezone Dropdown in aspnetzero as its using windows timezones...
anyone ever managed to deal with this issue?
PS:In their support articles they claim that it should be automatically handeled by momentjs but its not... Maybe i'm missing somthing?
Is it possible to allow the datepicker to only display certain months for user selection in orbeon form? e.g. only display Jan - Aug 2020? Or, is it possible to disable all dates out of those months?
You can exclude specific days (dates), so those days become greyed out in the date picker, and the value is also invalid if somehow one of those days gets selected. This is convenient to, say, exclude holidays. But it seems that supporting a start/end date is what you're looking for. This isn't yet implemented, see request for enhancement #4557.
So, for now, you can only enforce this through a formula (in Control Settings → Validations and Alerts). Users will still be able to select the date, i.e. it won't be greyed out in the date picker, but they will immediately see a message telling them that the date is invalid.
Our Gmail Email Markup was working fine for more than a year. Now it shows the incorrect time in the bubble above an email. It still adds the event to the calendar with the correct time.
The event time: June 22, 2020, 17:00 (15:00 UTC). Computer local time is UTC+2.
The Email Markup
The Email Bubble as Rendered in Gmail (Notice the time is shown as the UTC time, not local time.)
The Calendar Event Added (Note this time is correct).
I think it is pretty clear there has been a bug introduced that causes the dates to no longer display correctly in emails. However, no one else seems to be saying anything about this, so it makes me wonder if somehow I am implementing this incorrectly. Does anyone have insight into this problem?
Writing this question got me thinking. I realized that email bubble within Gmail just displays whatever the startDate time is without converting it to the local time of the user. So while I was using:
"startDate": "2020-06-22T15:00:00Z"
what I wanted was the same time, but in local time.
"startDate": "2020-06-22T10:00:00-05:00"
Both of these add the event to the correct time in the user's calendar. However, they will display differently within Gmail itself. It's possible that this adjustment by Google is actually a bug-fix that also broke my code.
I want to filter the issues created between 6am to 3pm, for which I have tried:
AND created > startOfDay("+6h") AND created < startOfDay("+15h")
But this only shows the current day issues created between 6am to 3pm.
Can anyone help me to "find the issues created between 6am to 3pm for all days of current month?"
I don´t think that is possible using out of the box JQL unless you find a JQL addon OR use a custom SQL (only SERVER, since that is restricted in CLOUD).
I have a system that user when registering a task determining the time that it should be done. By default rails works with UTC at the time, but I'd like to be changing the time zone according to the user's locale.
Anyone can help?