Power Bi Axis X and Y - histogram

I am new on power Bi
I want to create an Histogram and define Axis :
X -> Function (Term, R&D...)
Y-> Method (Cost , benef...)
Value _> Sum(amount )
And in each Method have a vertical Histogram
I dont see where can I define Axis X and Y to build my Histogram
In Tableau Software and Spotfire I can define several dimension in the column
but not in Power BI
Thank you

Did you give the histogram custom visual at try?


Combine two datasets with each their own X and Y axes in same plot in Tableau

We have two datasets that each consist of an X and an Y axis. The two X and the two Y axes have the same scaling (millimeters) but the values of course differ. So for the X values in dataset 1 there are no corresponding values in dataset 2.
If we just put the plots into one plot with dual X and dual Y axes, the two datasets are somehow combined into four different plots, one for each combination of the X and Y axes. Like we want the plot for X1/Y1 and for X2/Y2. What we're also seeing are plots X1/Y2 and X2/Y1 which do not make any sense at all.
How do we correctly combine the two datasets into a single plot where they only share the same X and Y axes but do not mix like that?
The easiest solution is to combine and reshape your data to have 3 columns;X, Y, Type - where Type distinguishes between the data sets, could be actual vs predicted for example. Then just put x (as a continuous dimension) on columns, y on rows and type on color or detail.
You can reshape the data like this using the UNION feature when defining your data source

How to generate a probability distribution on an image

I have a question as follows:
Suppose I have an image(size=360x640(row by col)), and I have a center coordinate that's say is (20, 100). What I want is to generate a probability distribution that has the highest value in that center (20,100), and lower probability value in the neighbor and much more lower value farer than the center.
All I figure out is to put a multivariate gaussian (since the dimension is 2D) and set mean to the center(20,100). But is that correct and how do I design the covariance matrix?
You could do it in 2D by generating radial and polar coordinates
Along the line:
Pi = 3.1415926
cx = 20
cy = 100
r = sqrt( -2*log(1-U(0,1)) )
a = 2*Pi*U(0,1)
x = scale*r*cos(a)
y = scale*r*sin(a)
return (x + cx, y + cy)
where scale is a parameter to make it from unitless gaussian to some unit applicable to your problem. U(0,1) is uniform in [0...1) random value.
Reference: Box-Muller sampling.
If you want generic 2D gaussian, meaning ellipse in 2D, then you'll have to use different scales for X and Y, and rotate (x,y) vector by predefined angle using well-known rotation matrix

Alternating Least Squares Derivative

I'm trying to understand recommender systems that use ALS by reading up some content here : https://blog.insightdatascience.com/explicit-matrix-factorization-als-sgd-and-all-that-jazz-b00e4d9b21ea
I don't understand how the
the second line of the equation , follows from the first line of the equation.
Moreover, x(u)_T seems to have dimensions : k x 1
and Y_T seems to have the dimensions k x m
In that case, how can these matrices be multiplied ?

Implementing convolutional neural network backprop in ArrayFire (gradient calculation)

I modified equation 9.12 in http://www.deeplearningbook.org/contents/convnets.html to center the MxN convolution kernel.
That gives the following expression (take it on faith for now) for the gradient, assuming 1 input and 1 output channel (to simplify):
dK(krow, kcol) = sum(G(row, col) * V(row+krow-M/2, col+kcol-N/2); row, col)
To read the above, the single element of dK at krow, kcol is equal to the sum over all of the rows and cols of the product of G times a shifted V. Note G and V have the same dimensions. We will define going outside V to result in a zero.
For example, in one dimension, if G is [a b c d], V is [w x y z], and M is 3, then the first sum is dot (G, [0 w x y]), the second sum is dot (G, [w x y z]), and the third sum is dot (G, [x y z 0]).
ArrayFire has a shift operation, but it does a circular shift, rather than a shift with zero insertion. Also, the kernel sizes MxN are typically small, e.g., 7x7, so it seems a more optimal implementation would read in G and V once only, and accumulate over the kernel.
For that 1D example, we would read in a and w,x and start with [a*0 aw ax]. Then we read in b,y and add [bw bx by]. Then read in c,z and add [cx cy cz]. Then read in d and finally add [dy dz d*0].
Is there a direct way to compute dK in ArrayFire? I can't help but think this is some kind of convolution, but I've been unable to wrap my head around what the convolution would look like.
Ah so. For a 3x3 dK array, I use unwrap to convert my MxN input arrays to two MxN column vectors. Then I do 9 dot products of shifted subsets of the two column vectors. No, that doesn't work since the shift is in 2 dimensions.
So I need to create intermediate arrays of 1 x (MxN) and (MxN) x 9 in size, where each column of the latter is a shifted MxN window of the original with a pad border of zeros of size 1, and then do a matrix multiply.
Hmm, that requires too much memory (sometimes.) So the final solution is to do a gfor over the output 3x3, and for each loop, do a dot product of the unwrapped-once G and the unwrapped-repeatedly V.

T and R estimation from essential matrix

I created a simple test application to perform translation (T) and rotation (R) estimation from the essential matrix.
Generate 50 random Points.
Calculate projection pointSet1.
Transform Points via matrix (R|T).
Calculate new projection pointSet2.
Then calculate fundamental matrix F.
Extract essential matrix like E = K2^T F K1 (K1, K2 - internal camera matrices).
Use SVD to get UDV^T.
And calculate restoredR1 = UWV^T, restoredR2 = UW^T. And see that one of them equal to initial R.
But when I calculate translation vector, restoredT = UZU^T, I get normalized T.
restoredT*max(T.x, T.y, T.z) = T
How to restore correct translation vector?
I understand! I don't need real length estimation on this step.
When i get first image, i must set metric transformation (scale factor) or estimate it from calibration from known object. After, when i recieve second frame, i calculate normilized T, and using known 3d coordinates from first frame to solve equation (sx2, sy2, 1) = K(R|lambdaT)(X,Y,Z); and find lambda - than lambdaT will be correct metric translation...
I check it, and this is true/ So... maybe who know more simple solution?
