I'm trying to upload the "Routing App Coverage File" to iTunesConnect. I get the message "Your file couldnt be saved, try again or contact us".
The file contents are below.. I've checked the contents on geojsonlint and they seem correct.
{ "type": "MultiPolygon",
"coordinates": [
[[ [-75.767212,39.702961],
] ]]
Does the filename have to be special? Is there another problem?
This may help others. What solved this for me, was simply, that I had a couple of extra spaces, one at the beginning, and another at the end.
I have developed Azure DevOps extension and published it to marketplace. Recently I have came across mandatory UI changes. While performing dev testing, I have noticed that once I install new extension (with UI changes) it still showing old UI components.
For example, let’s say I have string input named “Name” and I have replaced it with “Full Name”. I still see my old input which is “Name”.
Old :
"name": "name",
"type": "string",
"label": "Name",
"required": true
"name": "fullName",
"type": "string",
"label": "Full Name",
"required": true
I removed temp files under below locations, but issue persists.
C:\Users\<< User Name >>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Team Foundation\
<< Agent Folder >> \ _Work\
Windows Temp folder
I have changed the task id (GUID) and it seems resolving this issue. But this is not viable solution as I cannot issue new task id for already published extension.
Due to this reason I believe best option to resolve this issue is deleting cached data. Please let me know, Where does the Azure DevOps / TFS cache it’s extension data?
Thanks in Advance!
Try to clean the browser cache, and check whether you have increase the version number in the task.json.
Also, try to Delete task -- Save definition -- add task again, which should help.
For me solution with updating task version and removing browser cache didn't work. I found the DistributedTask folder in one of subfolders in the root cache folder. In my case it was cache_root_folder/<some_uuid>/Proxy/<another_uuid>/DistrebutedTask/. I dont know what these UUIDs mean and found this path just accidentally. Removing all from this folder helped.
So I stumbled upon an issue using iOS universal links.
let's assume my domain is: example.com.
So I set the associated domains to be applinks:example.com
Then, in the apple-app-site-association file, I specified the following:
"applinks": {
"apps": [],
"details": [
"appID": "XXXXXXX.com.example.bro",
"paths": [
And I expected only links that end with /ios will make the app open, while other links, such as example.com, example.com/something, should open in Safari.
However, every link under the domain example.com opens in the app.
I tried using "NOT ", "NOT /", "NOT /" and so on, with no success.
What could I be missing?
Help would be much appreciated,
It appears I had conflicting files which caused these issues.
Apparently, my teammate added a similar file under ./well_known. Which seem to have taken precedence over the file I added. (The file under ./well_known had an asterisk * - allowing all links).
Once I removed the extra file under ./well_known, the issue was resolved.
I want to craft a path for Universal Link that are only valid when there's 1 folder segment. Like:
https://example.com/first or https://example.com/first/
but I don't want it to come into my app when the URL is:
I am using this AASA JSON
"appID": "<appid>",
"paths": [
"NOT /first/*/*",
It doesn't work. How can I control this by number of path segment?
The issue with the * is that you will include any string combination including the empty string. I would suggest trying to add a ? character followed by a * to ensure that the string cannot be empty. In your case, try:
"appID": "<appid>",
"paths": [
"/?*", //Include paths that have '/first/'
"NOT /?*/?*" //For paths that have '/first/second/third' etc
Hopefully, that works for you.
I have a simple dart class I am trying to test.
To test it I need to open a txt file, feed the content to an instance of the class and check that the output is correct.
Where do I place this txt file? The txt file is useless outside of testing.
Also, related, how do I acess its directory consistently? I tried placing it in the test folder, but the problem is that:
Returns a different directory if I am running the test on its own or the script calling all the other test dart files on at a time
I check if System.currentDirectory is the directory containing the pubspec.yaml file, if not I move the current directory upwards until I found the directory containing the pubpsec.yaml file and then continue with the test code.
Looks like package https://pub.dev/packages/resource is also suitable for this now.
I have still not found a definitive answer to this question. I've been looking for something similar to the testdata directory in Go and the src/test/resources directory in Java.
I'm using Android studio and have settled on using a test_data.dart file at the top of my test directory. In there I define my test data (mostly JSON) and then import it into my individual tests. This doesn't help if you need to deal with binary files but it has been useful for my JSON data. I'll also inject the JSON language with //language=json so I can open the fragment in a separate window to format.
const consolidatedWeatherJson = '''{
"consolidated_weather": [
"id": 4907479830888448,
"weather_state_name": "Showers",
"weather_state_abbr": "s",
"wind_direction_compass": "SW",
"created": "2020-10-26T00:20:01.840132Z",
"applicable_date": "2020-10-26",
"min_temp": 7.9399999999999995,
"max_temp": 13.239999999999998,
"the_temp": 12.825,
"wind_speed": 7.876886316914553,
"wind_direction": 246.17046093256732,
"air_pressure": 997.0,
"humidity": 73,
"visibility": 11.037727173307882,
"predictability": 73
Using the Alt + Enter key combination will bring up the Edit JSON Fragment option. Selecting that open the fragment in a new editor and any changes made there (formatting for example) will be updated in the fragment.
Not perfect but it solves my issues.
I'm getting the following error:
"The JSON file you uploaded was invalid. Errors : Each set of coordinates provided must be valid"
The Contents of the file are:
{ "type" : "MultiPolygon",
"coordinates": [
[[[19.5,-99.1], [19.5,-99.2], [19.3,-99.2], [19.2,-99.1], [19.2,-98.9], [19.3,-98.9], [19.5,-99.0]]]
I really can't find whats wrong, it works perfectly on the Simulator.
Any ideas ?
The order of Coordinate in GEOJSON is [longitude, latitude] :)
You can check more detail on: http://geojson.org/geojson-spec.html#appendix-a-geometry-examples
or validate your geoJSON on: http://geojsonlint.com
Hope it is helpful.
I copied swaped the order of the coordinates, as in the Apple Docs. And made the start and ending coordinates equal.