I'd like to be able to take events like errors in my logs and set threshold-based alerts to notify me when anomalous behavior occurs.
First, visit the Cloud Logging page and click the "Create logs-based metric" button on the far right. This will prompt you to enable the Cloud Monitoring API.
After doing this, return to the same page, where this button will allow you to create a metric name and description based on the current filter.
After creating such a metric, go to Dashboards & alerts, and click "Create Policy"
After entering a policy name, you can select Log Metrics as the resource type:
After clicking "Next", you should be able to select and configure an alert based on your "user/" metric:
How do I configure a custom unsubscribe page in mautic, I quite like how listmonk unsubscribe page looks like
I want a similar page in mautic.
When user clicks on the unsubscribe link on the email they should be taken to a page where they will see a button "Unsubscribe" they have to click that button to unsubscribe. In mautic, just clicking the link in email unsubscribes you right away. But I want an explicit user action from that page
I also want a check box that says "Also unsubscribe from all future emails", which will basically blocklist this user so no future marketing emails are sent
I have read a lot of documentation and I am not able to figure out how to do this
This is called a Preference Centre in Mautic. You will create a landing page and then select the option to make it a preference centre.
We have a feature coming to add the blocks to the new GrapesJS builder but until then you can use the tokens to position the relevant blocks.
Check out the docs here: https://docs.mautic.org/en/contacts/preference-center
Note: Screenshots are the legacy builder - we are in the process of updating the docs and replatforming but the variables are the same.
I have created a Microsoft Teams configurable tab with Angular and the Microsoft Teams Javascript library. From this tab I would like to be able to click a button which will "pre-compose" a message in the chat of the channel/chat of where the configurable tab is installed. So when the button is clicked, Teams should navigate to the "Posts" tab of the channel/chat and fill in the text/url/string in the chat and let the user decide to press enter to send it.
I've read the documentation but I cannot conclude that this is possible. I've looked at creating a task module but this only seems to be able to open dialogs to get the user to fill in data and call a service. The bot documentation also seems to mention filling the compose box of the chat but the documentation is not very clear in specifying how the bot should be called from e.g. tabs.
was able to deep link to group chat Tab by setting contextType property. Could you Please try deeplinking to group chat with the below syntax:
https://teams.microsoft.com/l/entity//?context={"chatId": "","contextType":"chat"}
I'm getting mails from jira for all tasks I'm ASSIGNEE to
This is a good,except I want to avoid getting mail every change/comment I make on this task
I couldn't find any settings in my account, Can this be disabled?
I read in jira that it should be the case by default
Jira's default setting is to not notify users of their own changes. This can be changed on a per user basis via their profile preferences.
You can do this via the Preferences page in JIRA. Detailed instructions are here.
Click on your Profile on the top right of the screen.
Click the pencil next to Preferences.
Change the My Changes dropdown value to Do not notify me.
You should now no longer get emails for actions you've done on a ticket. The only downside is that you'll now also no longer get notifications when you create a ticket.
I want that the signed users can select to receive which jobs' email notification.
I installed the Ext. email notification plug-in, and enabled it in the jobs, and enabled watching for jobs in the overall configuration. but I still can't see anything in the user's property page display.
enter image description here
I believe you have to activate that feature in the Global Settings:
See: [https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Email-ext+plugin#Email-extplugin-Globalconfiguration] and look for the checkbox "Enable watching for jobs"; as an administrator, you would want to also enable the triggers that you want users to be able to subscribe to (default is a limited set).
This will still leave the user "Configure" screen with no possible action. Users have to subscribe to specific triggers from the job page itself, using a link (not in the left margin menu, but on the main page) named "Watch Job" whihc takes you to a separate page to choose the triggers. Then this will show in the User's Configure page.
Google Analytics is showing message "Bad Event Tracking Code" for several my projects. Even for mobile app profile too.
"The message: "The Landing Pages report has a (not set) entry. Verify that tracking code for property (my app name) sends a _trackPageview hit and that it does this before sending any events."
Has somebody got similar issue?
and how to solve this issue because I read about this and can't figure out what is wrong.
I think an issue with you tracking code that have to generate with you google analytics account Here it is step by step description about how to Setting Up Google analytics for Your App
Go to www.google.com/analytics. The homepage should appear like so:
If you do not have a Google account, you will need to create one now by selecting Create an Account on the top-right side of the page.
or sign in in this page.
Once you have logged in, you simply need to click the Access Google Analytics button on the top right.
The first screen you see lists all of your accounts.
If you have clients, typically you will have one account set up for each.
If you are new to Google Analytics you will only have the first account you set up.
Select the Admin view on the top right.
To see the main dashboard area for managing your Accounts, Properties, and Views.
Select the Property drop-down and click on the Create new property item, like so:
Google then asks you to submit the details for the app you want to track.
Make sure to choose Mobile app at the top and enter the information as required.
In the Setting up your property section, enter "Cloud App" for the App Name.
After accepting the terms of service, the website takes you to a page with your tracking ID and the download link for the SDK.
Before you do anything else, write down your app’s Tracking ID, which will be of the form ID UA-XXXXXXXX-Y.
Keep the ID handy, because you will need it soon. For full of description please visit raywenderlich blog
I have received similar errors. However, after testing and checking all the tags, all seem to be in order. I read on PBS that these are false positive alerts, where the errors in fact in correct.