youtube api differences between usr, channel and videos - youtube-api

I am starting to research the youtube api and trying to understand the hierarchy in objects within the api. I see that there was a version (v2) deprecated in 2014 that maybe adding to the confusion. When I think of channel, I think of an author/user that has many videos under his / her account. But when one looks at an example, what is a playlist vs channel vs user?
eg. these seem to be the same vs

From what I understand:
Channel - a group of videos and playlists from a user that can be searched and filtered. A user account can have different channels.
User - Alias for main channel. same as
Playlist - a group of videos from a user that is meant to be played in a certain order. Cannot be searched/filtered.


Get all the data with the Youtube API

I'm creating a fullstack project for a school that have a active Youtube channel. My project is suppose to help maintain and combine videos and information from Youtube into the website.
The problem is - every API request, as noted in the documentation, is limited to 50 units of data at max. This Youtube channel has been going for years, and now i'm stuck without any access to the pre-latest-fifty videos on the channel.
Recommendations anyone?
I hope someone from the youtube team could help me with this issue, or even be provided with an alternative online, instead of hand-scraping or bruteforcing my way to the data

Was User Watch History removed in YouTube Data API v3?

If you look at YouTube V3 Docs it will say
YouTube uses playlists to identify special collections of videos for a channel, such as: (...) watch history (...).
Now, if you go to Channels List API and make a call for part=contentDetails&mine=true it will list your information but watchHistory will appear as HL and watchLater as WL.
It makes me wonder, and so far I couldn't find any explicit mention, from Google/YouTube, were those playlists removed from API? IS there any way to actually get that information from an authenticated user?
For quite some time I observed the same values you mentioned on various channels. According to the docs, watch history and watch later playlists are deprecated.

Upload video to different channel using Youtube API, Ruby

I use Yt gem to work with Youtube API and upload video using Yt::Account class.
The problem is that I need to allow user to choose channel to upload to – for example, one user has a second channel related to Google Plus page and this user should be able to upload video to that Youtube channel, not user's default one.
It seems like Yt misses the ability to specify channel (or I missed something).
I found also examples from Google but all it says is "upload a video to the channel associated with the request" – and nothing about how to associate different channel.
Any help is appreciated

How to only find videos that can be played on mobile?

Does YouTube data API still not support this feature?
I have been trying to find a way for more than a few months already, and there doesn't seem to be a reliable way to retrieve a list of video that can be absolutely played without restrictions on a certain device. An answer from a person who's involved in the team would be VERY appreciated.
Youtube API: Search videos playable on mobile devices might be relevant, but I am skeptical whether this approach can be used to solve "The content owner prohibited this video to be played on this platform" type of restrictions.
On Nov, 7, 2015, there is still no way to filter the videos that are playable on a mobile device. More specifically, I want to find the videos that are playable on an embedded iFrame (ex. iOS helper library) using the YouTube data api v3. The available params for a search query are listed here.
You can find various search parameter listed in YouTube API v2.0 – API Query Parameters like license, restriction, paid_content that can help filter videos that are restricted for such specific reason. Also, if you can use YouTube API v3.0 there is one more option videoSyndicated that will restrict a search to only videos that can be played outside

Does the Youtube API return list of users that have watched my video?

I'd like to create a Youtube app that rewards users after they have watched a certain number of my Youtube-channel's videos - or that rewards "experience points" based on the amount of time spent watching my channel.
Can I query the Youtube API to see if an authenticated user has watched a specific video associated with the app?
Seems like I can query against "likes" and "dislikes" - but curious if anyone has tracked "watch-time" or just "watched" in general.
My hesitation here is that I don't want access to a user's full history - I'd like a very unobtrusive approach to connecting authenticated users to specific video content.
I'm not seeing an API endpoint for querying or notifying if an associated Youtube video has been seen. Any help you can provide would be very helpful!
Considering user privacy I don't think you can acces this information. If you search through the API, you'll find that Youtube does come with insights, like viewcount and even demographic information.
It might be a solution to embed your videos in your app and then track which users watch that specific video within the app.
Inside your app catch the the onStateChange event to log that a user viewed a video. It will only work for video they view from inside your app.
