Upload video to different channel using Youtube API, Ruby - ruby-on-rails

I use Yt gem to work with Youtube API and upload video using Yt::Account class.
The problem is that I need to allow user to choose channel to upload to – for example, one user has a second channel related to Google Plus page and this user should be able to upload video to that Youtube channel, not user's default one.
It seems like Yt misses the ability to specify channel (or I missed something).
I found also examples from Google https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/code_samples/ruby but all it says is "upload a video to the channel associated with the request" – and nothing about how to associate different channel.
Any help is appreciated


How to retrieve video including paid promotion by YouTube API

We want to retrieve video data including promotions.
Is there a way to get it with the YouTube Data API or the YouTube Analytics API?
Is there any other way?
A video that includes a promotion is a video that displays something like the image below.
Click to move to the following page.
Since you are only interested in knowing whether or not a video (based on its id) includes paid promotion, as far as I know there isn't any official YouTube Data API v3 endpoint answering your question.
However you can check if the video includes paid promotion by checking whether or not the YouTube webpage contains paidContentOverlayRenderer. You can proceed this way for instance:
curl -s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIDEO_ID | grep "paidContentOverlayRenderer"
If something is returned it means that the video includes paid promotion otherwise it doesn't.

Youtube API: Default comments settings not applying to videos published via API

I'm using youtube v3 API to publish videos on my channel. I want to moderate all comments made on my videos so I've selected the following in my channel setting. Note that I've chosen for all comments to be held for review by default.
Now I proceed to publish a video via API. But, it was observed that my video settings were set to Allow all comments instead of Hold all comments for review as is evident from the below image.
I've gone through the video insert API and did not find any parameter that would configure comment settings for each video. I'm failing to understand why the channel default setting is not selected for videos published via API. Is there any way through which I can change the video comment setting via API?
There is no way to specify comment options via the Data v3 API. This has been a long standing feature request. See the IssueTracker thread.

Google Play Web Video Player API

Is there an API for the Google Play online video playback of content? Would the YouTube API work?
I am wanting to embed Google Play content into a website I am building.
Thank you,
Joseph Irvine
Google Play movie purchases and rentals do also show up as YouTube videos (with a unique YouTube video ID), and so it is possible; obviously, you'd need to use oAuth2 authentication so when a user logs in, YouTube can verify that the user has the permission to see that film/TV show.
The real trick, however, is getting the right YouTube ID. They show up through search results via the search endpoint (so, for example, https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search?part=snippet&q=Monsters+University&key={YOUR_API_KEY} would be such a search), but that endpoint only gives you access to the "snippet" content type, which doesn't include the parameter "licensedContent" to let you know if it's a for-pay video (that parameter is found in the "contentDetails" type, which is only available from a video list call).

YouTube API v3: Liking a video with no channel set up

I have code that will "like" a video through the YouTube API v3. At first, my code was throwing a 403 Forbidden error, and I tracked this down to the fact that my youtube account did not have a channel associated with it. I created a channel by going to youtube.com, and clicking the "add to" link underneath a video. A popup came up that said "Set up your channel to create your playlist on YouTube". As soon as I filled out that form, and clicked continue, the code stopped returning a 403, and started working.
Is there anyway to "like" a video without having to go through this channel setup process? Or if not, is there any way to tell if a user does not have a channel on their account, and prompt them to set it up if needed?
For reference, my code is written in python and is based off of the example here:
Edit: There's now a channel.status.isLinked property which will reliably tell you whether a channel resource is "linked" in v3.
That being said, it is possible to like a video using the YouTube.com web interface for an account that doesn't have a channel, and I also believe that it was possible using v2.1 of the legacy GData API. The fact that you can't do that in v3 sounds like a bug to me, and I'll escalate that internally.

Youtube API - Video is not available

Is there any way to detect if a video was removed or unavailable?
We need to have ability to remove it from the video listing if it has been removed from youtube server.
Hung BUI if you are using youtube API there is a way to filter the video which has been removed or not availble in your locality.
Kindly watch this video and seek it to 2m:03s, The tutor will say how to filter the unavailable and restricted video,..
Youtube Video on YOUTUBE search API
Use a parameter format and restriction along with the youtube api endpoint
If you hit this endpoint of youtube you can get a set of youtube videos which can be embedded as well as we can check whether the video is restricted in our locality.
