How to convert rails active resource object to hash? - ruby-on-rails

Let's say I have some active resource object fetched as the following:
x = Resource.find(some_id)
And x in the remote server has some field h as a complex nested hashes which is represented here as nested active resource objects, but then accessing it is a tedious task, so is it possible to convert h to hash? I can just make another call Resource.get(some_id) and the result will be one big hash, but this is risky as the resource -theoretically- may have changed between subsequent calls, so is there a way to convert active resource object to hash ?
For more clarification, Suppose that some invoice record r[id=some_id] has attribute extras, which is a hash with the value: {:x=>1, :y=>2, :z=>{:a=>1, :b=>2}}
Then when fetching this record through active resource, we get the following result for extras field, -extracted from the response-:
#attributes={"a"=>1, "b"=>2},
Then how to convert this extras field to a ruby hash ?

JSON.parse(x.to_json) did the trick.

x = Resource.find(some_id)
hash =
hash =


Rails, how to loop either array of hashes or only a hash

I am connecting to an API and I get array of hashes or only 1 hash for the data. So when the data comes as array of hashes;
"extras"=>{"extra"=>[{"id"=>"529216700000100800", "name"=>"Transfer Trogir - Dubrovnik (8 persons max)", "price"=>"290.0", "currency"=>"EUR", "timeunit"=>"0", "customquantity"=>"0", "validdatefrom"=>"1970-01-01", "validdateto"=>"2119-07-20", "sailingdatefrom"=>"1970-01-01", "sailingdateto"=>"2119-07-20", "obligatory"=>"0", "perperson"=>"0", "includedinbaseprice"=>"0", "payableoninvoice"=>"1", "availableinbase"=>"-1", "includesdepositwaiver"=>"0", "includedoptions"=>""}, {"id"=>"528978430000100800", "name"=>"Gennaker + extra deposit (HR)", "price"=>"150.0", "currency"=>"EUR", "timeunit"=>"604800000", "customquantity"=>"0", "validdatefrom"=>"1970-01-01", "validdateto"=>"2119-07-19", "sailingdatefrom"=>"1970-01-01", "sailingdateto"=>"2119-07-19", "obligatory"=>"0", "perperson"=>"0", "includedinbaseprice"=>"0", "payableoninvoice"=>"1", "availableinbase"=>"-1", "includesdepositwaiver"=>"0", "includedoptions"=>""}]
I'am looping through the array to get the values as;
b["extras"]["extra"].each do |extra|
puts extra["id"]
puts extra["name"]
But when this is not array; only 1 hash, then this is not working, adding each loop makes it array but not array of hashes;
"extras"=>{"extra"=>{"id"=>"640079840000100800", "name"=>"Comfort package (GRE)", "price"=>"235.0", "currency"=>"EUR", "timeunit"=>"0", "customquantity"=>"0", "validdatefrom"=>"1970-01-01", "validdateto"=>"2120-03-25", "sailingdatefrom"=>"2015-01-01", "sailingdateto"=>"2120-03-25", "obligatory"=>"1", "perperson"=>"0", "includedinbaseprice"=>"0", "payableoninvoice"=>"1", "availableinbase"=>"-1", "includesdepositwaiver"=>"0", "includedoptions"=>""}}
b["extras"]["extra"].each do |extra|
puts extra["id"]
puts extra["name"]
This time, that gives error TypeError (no implicit conversion of String into Integer);
When I type puts extra.inspect; I get ["id", "640079840000100800"]. So to make it work I should pass extra[1] to get the id number.
But I can not predict either array of hashes or only hash. Is there any easy way to solve this issue that works either array of hashes or just a hash?
Naïve solution: one might check the object’s type upfront:
case b["extras"]["extra"]
when Array
# handle array
when Hash
# handle hash
Proper solution: produce an array of hashes no matter what came.
and deal with it as with an array having at least one hash element (with each.)
Please also refer to valuable comment by #Stefan below if you have no allergy using Rails helpers.
You could try to use Object#kind_of? to determine whether it is an Array or a Hash instance.
if b["extras"]["extra"].kind_of? Array
# handle array
elsif b["extras"]["extra"].kind_of? Hash
# handle hash

Is it possible to retrieve json from database?

I have a rails(5.1) application with postgres(9.6) as a DB. In one of tables I have jsonb field, and all that I need is just to retrieve this string and send it to client. Why do i need it? Converting to json takes half of total request time
my_record.my_json_field # returns hash
my_record.read_attribute(:my_json_field) # also returns hash
# even this hack returns hash'my_json_field as temp_field').first[:temp_field]
I found two solutions:
# proposed by Sergio Tulentsev
# It's a fastest way. you will receive just a hash with fields that you selected
# Another option is to select that data as a text.
# In that case you will receive ActiveRecord objects'*', 'my_json_field::text as my_field_as_text').first.my_field_as_text
(porting suggestion from comments, which worked)
Try MyRecord.connection.execute_sql (or what is it called). In all of the examples above you go through the model, which respects your schema and deserializes the hash. You need the raw db connection.

How to rename a symbol in hash parameters?

I have parameters from an external API that formats JSON responses using CamelCase that I want to fit into my Rails app:
"ChannelProductDescription"=>"0004", "Currency"=>"CAD",
"CurrentBalance"=> {"Amount"=>"162563.64", "Currency"=>"CAD"}}
Using the below script I converted them to lower case:
data = JSON.parse(response, symbolize_keys: true)
data = {:_json => data} unless data.is_a?(Hash)
Leaving me correctly formatted params like this:
:channel_product_description=>"SAVINGS", :currency=>"CAD",
:current_balance=> {:amount=>"43.00", :currency=>"CAD"}}
I'm trying to map this external API response into a generic Rails model Account, where JSON from this API call will return cleanly as parameters into my database to allow a clean saving interface such as:
#account = Account.create(
But I ran into a problem with converting :account_id, as that param conflicts with the primary key of my database.
To get around this, my idea is to convert all symbol instances of params[:account_id] into params[:account_key_id], so that those params don't conflict with my databases existing account_id field.
How do I do this, and is there a better approach for consuming external JSON API's than what I've described here?
Hash#deep_transform_keys does this:
Returns a new hash with all keys converted by the block operation.
This includes the keys from the root hash and from all
nested hashes and arrays.
So you could do it in one pass with an appropriate block, something like:
data.deep_transform_keys! do |key|
key = key.underscore.to_sym
key = :account_key_id if(key == :account_id)
You might as well drop the symbolize_keys: true flag to JSON.parse too, you're changing all the keys anyway so don't bother.
If you're doing this sort of thing a lot then you could write a method that takes a key mapping Hash and gives you a lambda for transforming the keys:
def key_mangler(key_map = { })
->(key) do
key = key.underscore.to_sym
key = key_map[key] if(key_map.has_key?(key))
and then say things like:
data.deep_transform_keys!(&key_mangler(:account_id => :account_key_id))
You might want to use a different name than key_mangler of course but that name is good enough to illustrate the idea.
BTW, if you're sending this JSON into the database then you probably don't need to bother with symbol keys, JSON only uses strings for keys so you'll be converting strings to symbols only for them to be converted back to strings. Of course, if you're symbolizing the keys when pulling the JSON out of the database then you'll probably want to be consistent and use symbols across the board.
In addition to the previous answer...
Unfortunately, there is, to my knowledge, no method on Hash that does this in one operation. I've always accomplished this by brute force, as in:
hash[:new_key] = hash[:old_key]
A shortcut for this, suggested in the comment below by "mu is too short", is:
hash[:new_key] = hash.delete(:old_key)
To illustrate in irb:
2.4.1 :002 > h = { foo: :bar }
=> {:foo=>:bar}
2.4.1 :003 > h[:foo_new] = h.delete(:foo)
=> :bar
2.4.1 :004 > h
=> {:foo_new=>:bar}

rails using .send( ) with a serialized column to add element to hash

I'm serializing many attributes on a model Page as hashes.
Because of the high number of attributes, I've taken a meta-programming approach and want to use .send() to iterate through a collection of attributes (such that I don't have to type out an update action for each attribute.
I've done something like this:
insights.each do |ins|
self.send("#{}=", {( => ins.values[1]['value'].to_f})
The problem is that this obviously overwrites the whole serialized column, whereas I wish to add this as an element to the serialized hash.
Tried something like this:
insights.each do |ins|
self.send("#{}[#{}]=", ins.values[1]['value'].to_f)
But get a NoMethodError: undefined method page_fan_adds_unique[Mon Aug 13 13:31:58 -0400 2012]=
In the console I'm able to do Page.find(5).page_fan_adds_unique[]= 12345 and save it as an additional element to the hash as expected.
So how can I use .send() to save an additional element to a serialized hash? Or is there some other approach? Such as using update_attribute or another method? Writing my own? Any help is appreciated, even if the advice is that I shouldn't be using serialization for this.
I'd do :[]=, key, value)

Rails building a Serialized object of N records

I want to serialize any object(s) in text columns.
Via an API, I get the params:
params[:attachments] -- this can be 0 or 1 or 3, or 100+ etc...
params[:attachment1]...params[:attachment2] ... params[:attachmentN]
So how do I store X # of attachments in a serialized object?
mailThing = MailThing.create(:attachments => myAttachmentsSerizliedIfANY )
I'm trying to do:
#myAttachmentsSerizliedIfANY = nil
i = 0
attachmentCount = params[:attachments].to_i
while i < attachmentCount do
#myAttachmentsSerizliedIfANY << params[:attachment + i ]
i += 1
Any suggestions on how to get this working? thanks
Okay, so I looked at some of your other questions, and I think I might have something that will work for you. For this to work, you will need to have a column in the database (I'll call it attachment_storage) where you can store these attachments after you serialize them.
Basically you want to get the attachments into an array first, and then serialize it into a string so that you can store it into the database.
Here's some code to get that done.
attachment_storage = []
(1..params[:attachments].to_i).each do |attachment_num|
attachment_storage << params["attachment#{attachment_num}".to_sym]
Here we're building the symbols for the params hash using the string and to_sym to turn it into a symbol like :attachment1, :attachment2, etc.
Then you want to put in the database, so you can store it as noted in the [ActiveRecord Documentation][1] under the section "Saving arrays, hashes, and other non-mappable objects in text columns".
In order for the serialization to work, you need to add serialize :attachment_storage to your model, and then to store it you would assign it just like any other parameter as above. Then save your model and it will be serialized for you.
