Neo4J front end for movie example - neo4j

I am looking at the Neo4J example here :
This only contains .java source files.
Where is the code for the front end? Is it in a jar?

The frontend is a simple static HTML page that uses jQuery and d3. It is part of the Github repository in the src/main/resources/static directory. Specifically, this file.
More information about this example project is available on the Neo4j Developer Resources site


XForm schema validation: resolution of child schema imports

I'm interested in using schema-based validation:
<model schema="oxf:..path">
The Orbeon documention currently doesn't have a lot of details about it's use, and in one spot this topic shows up as a "TODO". The schemas we created all have child schemas (certain elements are common to all).
I have a folder structure for the schemas that looks like:
I am putting these schema in a Maven project that generates a jar file of these, and am putting this JAR in "orbeon/web-inf/lib" folder. In the xforms, I have no problems accesing individual files in this JAR (like creating an instance with that as a source).
In the schemas themselves I'm using a relative url that uses "directory up", like this:
<import xmlns="<uri>" "schemaLocation="<uri> ../../COMMON/childSchemaA.xsd">
However, Orbeon doesn't seem to be able to resolve the imports and I get a "Resource not Found" page when I try to use it. In the orbeon log I see that it interprets the location as being in the parent folder, i.e. "schemaA/childSchema.xsd"
Is this a known issue? (I am using the lasT Orbeon 2019 version as the current version does not support rich text controls in XForms). I did a test in which I put the parent schemas and child schemas in the same folder (in the jar file), and validation seems to work as expected.
Is there something that would help orbeon resolve the child schemas? For organization reasons, I don't want to have to have a folder with all of the parent schemas and the child schemas in a single folder. I have another Java web project in which the same JAR file is put on the classpath, and when using the parent schemas for validation there are not any issues.

how to display HTML files on BitBucket?

We currently use GitHub for our code repos, which include HTML files for documentation. On GitHub, the HTML files in the repo only display the HTML source, but I can publish it to GitHub Pages, where it displays as a regular web page for my users.
We have just begun the migration to BitBucket hosted within my organization. It looks like the BitBucket Pages plug-in is the equivalent to GitHub Pages, but we don't have that plug-in and I do not expect to get it. Without that plug-in, is there a way to display HTML files as a web page? We also have JIRA and Confluence, in case those help.
I currently document my Python code with pdoc (pdoc3) to create HTML documentation. I don't think this question is specific to Python or pdoc3, but I just thought I'd add that, in case it matters. (I like pdoc3, but if another tool solves my problem, I'll try it.)
In short, how do I display HTML in BitBucket without the Pages plug-in?

How do I use swagger-ui?

I'm using the Swashbuckle NuGet package in my web api project and I was trying to replace the default Swagger UI with this one
but I keep getting this error message
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<Message>An error has occurred.</Message>
<ExceptionMessage>Embedded resource not found - ReportsAPI.swagger-ui.Index.html</ExceptionMessage>
<StackTrace> at Swashbuckle.SwaggerUi.EmbeddedAssetProvider.GetEmbeddedResourceStreamFor(EmbeddedAssetDescriptor resourceDescriptor, String rootUrl) at Swashbuckle.SwaggerUi.EmbeddedAssetProvider.GetAsset(String rootUrl, String path) at Swashbuckle.Application.SwaggerUiHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)</StackTrace>
I followed the advice from this post
Replace Swashbuckle UI completely
But was unable to get it to work
I have a basic ASP.Net Web API 2 (simple rest api with no website or index html)
So I downloaded the zip file from the GitHub page of swagger-ui and copied the dist folder to my project and included it as (tried both Content and Embedded resource) - and renamed dist folder to swagger-ui
So my root project folder now looks like
Then I changed my Swagger config to add the following
c.CustomAsset("index", thisAssembly, "ReportsAPI.swagger-ui.Index.html");
Is that correct? I'm not sure where to go from here
Do I have to include all other files as Embedded resource? Or just the Index.html? What do I mark the other files as, Content? Copy always?
Here is an alternative that does not require you to embed anything into your project:
As you can see my swagger spec is provided with in the url parameter.
You could use that or just copy the dist folder to a more convenient location.
Now I would like to point out that is a very old version of swagger-ui and does not look to be well maintained, maybe you should take a look at: ReDoc

Silverlight Cannot find XML data source

I am very new to Silverlight development. I understand that this is client side technology therefore the paradyme is differant from that of conventional ASP.NET development. Having said that, I don't understand where my server side code is deployed.
I have a silver light \ MVC application. I am trying to read an XML document from within my 'Models' folder. The following peice of code is executed from within a class that is in the same location as the XML document, 'Models'. The load() results in a SystemIOFileNotFound exception. I noticed that when building the application the XML document is not laid down in the same location as the web project's assembly. I assume this is specific to the fact that this is a Silverlight project. Can someone tell me what I'm missing?
_xdoc = new XDocument();
_xdoc = XDocument.Load(new Uri("videos.xml",UriKind.Relative).ToString());
The behavior I am after is the start page (silverlight) populates controls via a server side controller. ie localhost/video
Silverlight can't access your filesystem (thankfully), which is why you can't access the file. Try embedding it as a resource, or storing it in the local storage API provided by silverlight.
Assuming that your Models folder is in the Web project (i.e. not the Silverlight project), I think that your problem is unrelated to Silverlight.
The code loading the XML file assumes that the file is in the current directory, so you need to ensure this through your deployment technique.
If you are doing this in the Silverlight part, you should put the XML file in an embedded resource and access it as a stream (get it with Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream) or as a resource (a la WPF, not an embedded resource) and access it with the package part syntax.
The problem was that I was attempting to access this static resource as you would in typical However I found it necessary to map the path to the file using the current HTTPContext:
So the above worked for me. Since this code is in the web project and not in the silverlight project I am still unclear as to why I cannot just access this resource using a relative path. This code will be executed in the context of the web server.

ASP.Net Share Master Pages, Js, Css across multiple applications

Okay, so I have a couple of ASP.Net Mvc web applications that I would like to share a common master page, some css and js files across...
I tried creating a common repository for the files and then in my studio projects using the Add Existing... As Link... feature but, this doesn't appear to work...
When I try and debug the project I get an error stating the master page cannot be found. Which is because it doesn't physically exist in the location where I created the link...
Has anyone gotten this to work or perhaps have another suggestion on how to share these types of common files...
If you're using a source control system like SVN, you could keep your master page in one repository and reference that repository with a svn:externals property in your project repositories.
You could then branch the master page if each project required a modification that the other did not, while still maintaining the ability to merge changes made in the original.
You won't be able to share master pages, but it's possible to share static resources like CSS files and Javascripts, but you wouldn't add them to your web application. You'd just reference them in your aspx files and provide their URL.
Where do these files reside? anywhere on the disc or in a folder of some other application?
i don't think it is a good idea because if you have a source control you might need to check in the application source code (including css and js files and masterpages) so someone else on an other machine can run (modify or update) it without problems
