To retrieve the current logged user is as easy as call CB.CloudUser.current but, if I change some data of this user, which is the best way of saving it back to DataBase?
After you modified the current user.{
//callback functions here..
Let me know if this help.
I'm facing an issue with save eventually.
I'm retrieving an object from Parse the object contains a pointer for a User.
I'm trying to update the object and save it with a different user.
object.addObject((PFUser.currentUser()?.objectId)!, forKey: "LikesUsers")
it works once or twice and then it generates this Error and the app crashes :
Caught "NSInternalInconsistencyException" with reason "User cannot be
saved unless they have been authenticated via logIn or signUp
I think the user pointer shouldn't be saved ! and I would like to know if there is any function to tell Parse to not save the User and modify the dirty value.
You should explain what kind of object we're looking at. Is this a "likes" object, or is the "photo" object?
I'm guessing object is a photo or sth that other users kan like. And that what you're trying to do is to save a "like" for the current photo.
Your screenshot is not showing us the LikesUsers column, which is the one you are trying to save to. I will therefore guess that LikesUsers is an array of pointers.
Your code should then be like this:
object.addObject(PFUser.currentUser()!, forKey: "LikesUsers")
For this to work, the current user must of course be authenticated already.
Be aware that if you have a lot of users, you may face problems if there are thousands of likes on a photo when you store them all in an array of pointers.
I want to create an anonymous user on Parse.
I would like that anonymous user to have a field for 'language' which will save the device's default language.
My PFUser object has a field 'language'.
Is there a way to save [PFUser current][#"language"] BEFORE calling logInWithBlock??
Or do I have to wait for the completion block and then save a second time...
Someone swiftly answered on the official Parse GitHub Page:
PFAnonymousUtils w/ fields
I am new to Parse cloudcode and spinning my wheels to understand JS and write cloudCode to remove user from PFRelation. Can anyone please assist me with parse cloudcode snippet to remove user from PFRelation. I am trying to implement unfriend functionality in the iOS app and I can remove the friend from current users PFRelation and would like to remove current user from the friend PFRelation. I am completely blanked out and don't know how to do that.
I appreciate the help.
The javascript info (that's what you need to do this function on the server) is here:
Specifically, the code on that page that you need is:
var relation = request.user.relation("friends");
Then you need to get a handle to the other user object and do the same thing there. Are you storing Parse.User objects, or IDs? If it's User objects, the whole code could be this:
var relation = request.user.relation("friends");
var other = relation[0]; // I'm not sure about array indexing though.
var otherRelation = other.relation("friends");
Note that this code isn't really kosher from the perspective of "when the function returns, the logic is done". It's not, since the save is asynchronous. It's faster this way. You could make it both fast and kosher by running both together and waiting for both to finish, but it's been a long time since I've written JavaScript so I can't provide the exact code for that.
Edit: Don't forget to use Parse.Cloud.useMasterKey() to get the right permissions before you try modifying another user.
I can't figure out how to make the create an account function work in my application... I have my login system set up like so: The first set of strings are the passwords. The second set are the usernames. For someone to create an account that allows them to login, I have to make a string manually through the application. How can I make this function so it gets their input and places it as a string as long as the same username doesn't already exist?
You need to create a local database, the proper way would be to use either sqllite or core data to create your structure, then simply add/remove users.
For an sql tutorial for ios follow this:
Or go to this site and check the section that says "Saving and Loading Data"
I personally prefer core data because its the most complete solution once you get used to setting it up.
If what you are asking is a persistent data, [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setValue: forKey:] will be the answer.
Once you save a data with NSUserDefaults, the data will be persistent. You can get the value with [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] valueForKey:]
I misunderstood your question. In this case you should use local database as Chiques said.
Core Data will be the answer.
I need to get previous value of an entity.
My requirement is like; I have some input fields in an edit page.
1 User can enter some values there and press save button at this time the user should be able to save it.
2 User can enter some values there and press Cancel button at this time the page should be reloaded with whatever values were there before the user start editing the page.
My question is that can entity frame work, help us in getting previous value of an object?
Is self tracking is something related to this?
You mentioned "page" so I guess you are talking about web application. In such case you should simply load entity from the database again because pushing Cancel button will make a new request to your web application. You should use a new context per request so you don't have any previous data or entity to reload - you will run a new query and get last data persisted to database.
What you would want to do is:
myContext.Refresh(RefreshMode.StoreWins, myObject);
This will ask the context to reload the entity removing any changes to the object and replacing the property values from the data store.