using my ViewController as a TabBarController - ios

So i currently have a ViewController that has a tableView in it with a tab bar on the bottom. Its basically an instagram clone. However, i built all the tableView functionality and am now just getting around to playing with the tab bar items to segue to new view controllers.
I cant figure out how to attach my already created tab bar(which is inside a regular view controller) to other view controllers in IB.
The ctrl+drag from the newly created view controllers to my MAIN view controller doesn't work. It doesn't provide an option to create a view controller segue.
Below is an image of my current view controller and a brand new one to the right
Any help on how i can do this would be greatly appreciated

On you tabbbar controller ctrl+click and drag to the view controller you want to create a relationship to.
Then when the little menu appears, under 'relationship segue' click 'view controllers'
You should then end up with something like this. Continue the same process to add more relationships.


How to make TabBarController inside another TabBarController in swift storyboard?

I wanna know how to create nested UITabBarControllers in Xcode, I'm using Swift.
My first UITabBarController has two items: Search (UITableView) and Map (MKMapView).
When I hit a cell in my table I wanna go to the second UITabBarController.
This second UITabBarController is the detail page for the clicked cell and must have three items --> Info, Reviews and Contact.
Can anyone explain how to do this? Right now I only have the first UITabBarController and a single view controller for the detail page working.
EDIT: The main problem is that when I nest the UITabBarControllers, my app always shows the items of the first UITabBarController.
Make another Tab View Controller next to it (You should see two tab view controllers on the storyboard), and then inside the Tab View Controller you want the other one in, insert a Container View. After the Container View is in the desired Tab View Controller and sized properly, hold control and drag from the Container View to the other Tab View Controller. After releasing, select embed and you should be good to go! Hope this helps. If it does, please vote this up :)
I found the answer by myself.
Just create a segue between the list view and the second tab controller.
And select on the second tab controller hide bottom bar on push in the attributes inspector.
Drag and drop new tabbarcontroller from stroryboard and from your list view controller ctrl+drag to this newtabbar controller and select show segue. (assuming that you are using navigation controller)

SWReveal Menu on Multiple View Controllers

I am developing an application where I have multiple view controllers who should be able to access the reveal side menu. I am not using the navigation controller though, and am just using regular view controllers and opening the menu with a button. On the first screen, which I have linked with sw_front, it works.
If I go to another screen which I added an sw_front segue to too, it won't work. How can I get it to work on all view controllers which are linked? It seems to only work on one...
Screenshot of storyboard:
Storyboard screenshot
Add reveal view controller before it where you want like first view controller .
And one more thing if you are Access from SW_rear ,then set_push method gave by swrevealviewcontroller.

Can't add navigation bar to scene: Root view controller issue?

I'm still struggling with navigation bars and just can't work out how to edit or verify that I have a navigation bar on my view and I would appreciate any help.
I have a project with another set of scenes similarly comprising of a navigation controller and three associated view controllers (connected via segues and main table view embedded in the navigation controller) and I was able to add a navigation bar manually in interface builder to the outer view controllers that were segued to the table view controller.
But in this set of scenes the navigation controller is set up as the root view controller for the table view.
I have another set of scenes. A navigation controller and two related view controllers - both table view controllers. I embedded the first table view controller in the navigation controller and I then added a second table view controller to this (for a new screen I want to add to my app) and I connected this second table view controller to my first table view controller by way of a show segue (just like I did yesterday with other set of scenes).
Can I set this other navigation controller as the root controller also?
Like, can I have two root view controllers in a project?
It looks to me like there is a navigation bar visible (see screenshot below) on my new table view controller but I can't click in to it to edit it to add a title to it.
But does a navigation bar and exist, and if so, why can't I click inside it and use it?
I was told in an answer to a previous question that you have to add a navigation bar manually to your storyboard scene to any additional view controllers. I did that yday and it worked. But today when I tried to add a navigation bar by dragging onto scene it wouldn't let me do this.
Here is the screenshot:
Try adding push segue(which is depreciated) and than change it to a show segue(between your tableviews). This is a workaround I use in my apps.
Ran into the same problem. Had a good fallback position, I am doing a tutorial that came with example programs completed and working so the first thing I did was see if it was a version glitch between 6.3.2 and 6.4. Turned out the earlier project worked just fine.
So what I did was simply drag the 'Item' in the sidebar and moved it under the Root View Controller!
I've experienced the same issue.
However, by saving and closing the project then reopening it, the Navigation Bar title is then able to be edited. Prior to closing/reopening the project the field could not be edited.

Tab bar controller is not showing bar button item

I'm new in Objective-C, and even more using storyboards. This being said I'm trying to use a bar button item within UITabBarController and UINavigationController as can you see in the image below.
But once I run the project in simulator this item is not showing. I would appreciate a non programmatically solution if it's posible.
Okay, so the way to do this:
When you create your tab view controller. You have to add a navigation controller that will handle each tab.
Tab View Controller --> navigation controller --> View Controller 1.
Then add the bar button item to view controller 1. Then go ahead and add the segues.
Now, still it won't show up.
But, if you go to your code for your view controller 1: Add a reference from the storyboard of your bar button item into your View Controller 1 file. Then, in ViewWillAppear():
self.tabBarController.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = _btnNewContact;
From there, it will show up and the segue you have configured in your storyboard should work perfectly! =)
After I spent a while trying to get the best way to do it I finally did that I should have done since begin. Read official apple documentation.
The view controller that is pushed onto the stack. This object cannot be an instance of tab bar controller and it must not already be on the stack.
In other words, my approach is just a bad design.

Trying to add 3rd tab to tabBarController

I'm trying to add a 3rd tab to the tabBarController using ios5. The standard object you get when you drag it out to your storyboard has 2 tabs. Does anyone know how to do this? I searched the internet and all examples start with their tabBarController with the extra tabs without showing how to get it.
Here is the video I watched that taught me how to add a third tab to a TabBarController:
Tab bar for Xcode Swift for iOS
I will summarize the process below.
Create a new Tabbed Application project
This will automatically provide two tabs that already "just work".
Add new View Controller
Drag another view controller onto the storyboard.
Add Tab Bar Item
Drag a Tab Bar Item onto the new View Controller that you just added.
Connect to Tab View Controller
Click and Control-Drag from the Tab View Controller to your new View Controller. A menu will pop up. Choose the view controllers option under the Relationship Segue group.
That's it. You should be able to run it now and have all three tabs work. Watch the video that I linked to for more details.
To do anything on your new tab, don't forget to add a new View Controller class (as you would for any new View Controller).
Based on Wolvorin and Tom van responses, and based on what I have experienced you should do as following:
Create an empty View Controller (in Controllers and Objects)
From Windows and Bars, drag Tab Bar Item to the newly added view
From the main View Controller, select Tab Bar Controller icon (next to First Responder), and Control-Drag to the newly added View
BOOM you have new tab
To expound on #Roozbeh 's answer, when you control drag from the Tab Bar Controller to the newly added view controller, make sure you select the view controller option under Relationship Seque
I was reading this question after having the same problem and I wanted to clarify what the exact step was.
for third tab first add a view controller and then right click the tabview controller and then from it's storyboard segway from relation controll drag to the added view controller and it's done
Look in the right part of the screen, I believe it's the Objects library view. Just find the "Tab Item" (or something) and drag it into the bar.
