SWReveal Menu on Multiple View Controllers - ios

I am developing an application where I have multiple view controllers who should be able to access the reveal side menu. I am not using the navigation controller though, and am just using regular view controllers and opening the menu with a button. On the first screen, which I have linked with sw_front, it works.
If I go to another screen which I added an sw_front segue to too, it won't work. How can I get it to work on all view controllers which are linked? It seems to only work on one...
Screenshot of storyboard:
Storyboard screenshot

Add reveal view controller before it where you want like first view controller .
And one more thing if you are Access from SW_rear ,then set_push method gave by swrevealviewcontroller.


Why does View Controller Shift in Storyboard on Button Segue

I am new to IOS App development and have a question. I'm trying to segue from one view controller to another. However, it seems that every time I ctrl+drag from the options button to the adjacent view controller and choose the 'show' option, the view controller "shifts" down(bottom picture). Why does that happen and if it is not the correct behavior, how can I do it right? Thanks!
You need to set fullscreen style manually if select model style,
a fullscreen option did not show in Push type, you must use Navigation Controller if you want to set fullscreen for Push
When you click on the segue(the line that connects view controllers) and open the Attribute Inspector in right panel, you will see the Kind is set to Present Modally. This means your view controller will popup on your current screen.
You can change the Kind to Push and it will start showing normally.
Also embed your controller in a navigation Controller
Option 2
If you dont want a navigation controller, you can also change the presentation to full screen.
If you're new to iOS
then I might suggest don't use show and don't use segue from storyboard
If you don't know the concept of navigation controller (push and pop methods), then have a look at it (You may not use show afterwards)
have a look at following link
Swift programmatically navigate to another view controller/scene

iOS Swift How to go back from a split view to a normall view controller

I have a simple iOS app that I want to use a split view in, but I also need some normal view controllers(non Split view). So I have my story board setup like this:
Story board
I will add more views to the base navigation view depending on what they click on in the first view some will go to other standard views and one will go to another split view. as I can not add the split view to my base navigation view (get an error saying it had to be the root view) I replace the root view with the split when the button is clicked using a replace Segue.
My question is: how do I get back to the first view once I am in the splitview? can I somehow had a custom back button to the detail view title bar to go back? Or am I going about the whole thing wrong? Any help or a push in the right direction would be great!
I ran into this problem myself. Unfortunately, UISplitViewController cannot be added as a child of another view controller. I must be the root view controller of a window. From the docs: When building your app’s user interface, the split view controller is typically the root view controller of your app’s window. The way I got around this was just creating a container view controller in my storyboard: It ended up looking like this:
It's pretty basic, just adding the two view controllers as children of the parent view controller. You can control the width of each on straight in IB.

using my ViewController as a TabBarController

So i currently have a ViewController that has a tableView in it with a tab bar on the bottom. Its basically an instagram clone. However, i built all the tableView functionality and am now just getting around to playing with the tab bar items to segue to new view controllers.
I cant figure out how to attach my already created tab bar(which is inside a regular view controller) to other view controllers in IB.
The ctrl+drag from the newly created view controllers to my MAIN view controller doesn't work. It doesn't provide an option to create a view controller segue.
Below is an image of my current view controller and a brand new one to the right
Any help on how i can do this would be greatly appreciated
On you tabbbar controller ctrl+click and drag to the view controller you want to create a relationship to.
Then when the little menu appears, under 'relationship segue' click 'view controllers'
You should then end up with something like this. Continue the same process to add more relationships.

How to build navigation controller from existing view controllers drew in storyboard?

I have built some view controllers in storyboard like in the picture below
I already implemented the data inside them, modal segue is used for transitions in between. Now I just realise when I push "back" button, previous view won't be properly loaded. I figure I should switch to navigation controller and add those controllers in stack instead. But I don't know how to go from where I am now.
I think I should make changes programmatically because I found building navigation controller in storyboard won't have much variation in UI design (at least I don't know how to implement existing pages in that way). So what should I do to implement programmatically? Please help me, thanks!
Select Category View Controller and go to menu: Editor > Embed In > Navigation Controller. Then change segues style from Modal to Push.

Multiple Push Segues to One View Controller in Storyboard

I have an application in Xcode 4.6 that uses storyboards. The root view controller is embedded in a navigation controller, and all view controllers in the application are accessed via push segues via the navigation controller.
I ran into a complication when I wanted to have one particular view controller (called photos) accessed via a push segue by two different view controllers. I ended up with what appeared to be a navigation controller inside a navigation controller in the photos controller after I added the second segue. The goal is to just have (in photos) one navigation bar with a dismiss button that (when pressed) pops back to whichever of the two view controllers presented the photos view controller. I am somewhat new to iOS and I am not sure of the best way to accomplish this or how to generally handle this situation.
Here is a picture of my storyboard for reference:
You should really do it programmatically using SotyboardID. It's only a few lines of code in each ViewControler.
