Rspec with elasticsearch (searchkick) fails on CI server (Codeship) - ruby-on-rails

I'm having problems getting my specs to run cleanly on our CI server (Codeship).
The specs run fine locally but it seems that on the CI server elasticsearch is having issues keeping in sync.
I've researched this issue and have found potential solutions, but none of them work.
First solution I had, was creating a helper method for the test suite for whenever I needed to reindex.
def refresh_elasticsearch(model)
Without this I was having local specs fail because documents were not being found. Once I started calling the helper method, everything started working.
I have 2 controllers that have elasticsearch functionality, and only one of them runs OK on Codeship, which is strange. These controllers are very similar to one another so I'm really confused why one controller spec passes ALL the time and the other one doesn't.
No exceptions are thrown, just some basic expectations that fail because I'm expecting a document and it finds none.
I've tried all these solutions as well:
All these solutions work locally BTW. But they all fail for the same reason on the CI server.
I'm running out of things to try at this point. Any ideas??
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!!


Testing legacy app in RoR - skip the DB tasks

I'm a PHP dev mostly and just starting out with Ruby, so please correct me if I say something dumb.
I'm working on fixing some bugs in a "legacy" app written in rails. The app itself has never been unit-tested. I can see the test scaffolding generated by rails but tests are nowhere to be found.
The app is pretty big and the code quality is very bad, so I wanted to write some units tests for the functionality I'll be fixing, before writing any code.
The problem is that when I run rake test command, the testing DB is created, but if I write any tests it keeps crashing on me. There are several problems with some relations and keys which I tried to fix, but more problems just keep appearing. I do understand that the DB is created with schema.rb file, but I'm sure it is just outdated by now. It is another issue I will maybe fix, but for now I just want to write some basic unit tests not even using the DB itself.
So the question is: is it possible to write just unit tests for some methods without invoking all the test DB scripts? I'm aware that this is maybe not the best practice, but I will feel better modifying the app with some test coverage and starting with fixing the DB I do not yet understand seems like a bad idea to me.
I'm using Ruby version 2.1.10 and the app is written in Rails 4.0.4 - these seem to be the latest versions I managed to run the app on.

After switching branches, Rails throws undefined method inside of a helper module

Not sure if I could reliably reproduce this, but sometimes when I switch branches in development all requests start throwing an undefined method error inside of a helper. The method is present on both branches. I am using global helpers (helper :all).
To fix the issue, I go into the helper file and save any change. Usually I just add a new line to the end of it. After saving, it works fine. Seems like a caching issue.
Has anyone else seen this and resolved it? I am on Rails 4.2.1. As far as I know this only happens in development mode.
Since you are using Rails 4.2, spring has probably cached the code from the old branch. After switching to the new branch remember to run:
spring stop
Spring will restart itself the next time you run the server, tests, or other Rails commands.

Track down what's causing slow rspec tests

The specs for my rails project have been really slow lately. I did a git bisect to see if I could determine what has been slowing it and I found that certain commits that were previously running just fine are now just as slow as the current HEAD.
This leads me to believe that my problem is being caused by a gem updating or something else that's not under my source control. The problem still occurs on other dev machines so I don't think it's my personal environment either.
What's the best way to track down my slowest tests and then figure out what's slowing them down so much?
This flag will tell you which tests are the bottlenecks:
$ rspec --profile
Check out the test prof gem:

How can 'parse' be undefined for Time class in test environment, but not development or production?

I'm encountering a strange issue while running a test (Steak + Capybara) that requests a certain page where I get the error:
undefined method parse for Time:Class
The method call occurs in a Sunspot file called type.rb:
def value_to_utc_time(value)
if value.respond_to?(:utc)
elsif value.respond_to?(:new_offset)
rescue ArgumentError
When I run my server in RAILS_ENV=test, I get the same error. When I run the server in development, everything is fine and dandy. This would seem to indicate that it's not just my test framework, but the whole test environment that's promoting this error.
The only info I could find online so far about Time.parse being undefined has been quite unhelpful, with most people saying that adding require 'time' will solve the problem.
My problems with this are twofold:
It's hacky
I've tried it in various places (in config/environments/test.rb, in the test file itself, etc.), and it just doesn't work.
If anyone has any ideas what is going on, I welcome them!
I figured it out! Someone had created another file called time.rb in the Rails app's test directory, so method calls on the Time class in the test environment were invoking that file rather than the actual Time class. I got the inspiration to check for this possibility from this Github issue thread

Is anyone actually running plugin tests/specs in their Rails applications?

We've recently upgraded our Rails application.
To be extra sure everything works, I've tried to get the tests and specs of the various used plugins (26 at current count) to work, thinking then to add those to our continuous integration, which only runs the main application's specs.
I've run into a lot of problems even getting the specs/tests to run at all, not even getting to any individual test failures. For example, I've run across this problem: (thanks by the way for that ticket, even though the issue wasn't fixed).
So the question is: Are we unusual in that we've ever cared about running plugin tests ? It doesn't seem to feature much here on SO. My nagging feeling is that they should be run as much as the main specs, but you could also argue that since the main specs work, the plugins must also work.
Alot of it depends on the plugin/gem being used.
If I know the author/community of the gem is competant I will skip the tests and simply use the latest stable release and freeze that gem. I will then track the progress of the development using github.
If the plugin/gem is written by an unknown party I will run the tests and freeze the gem/plugin and again monitor the development.
Sometimes however I will write my own contributions to the gem and fork the code. I will clone the repo in github and base my installations from that. At which point any and all changes result in a complete test run.
With all things in the open source world there is an element of trust between the creator and the users of those pieces of code. The tests themselves don't tell me much about the codebase, it shows there are tests and thats it. Do they test everything ? Are there edge cases ? . Its this element of trust I have with certain developers in the community that means I forgo worrying over running tests for those gems.
Its a slippery slope testing everything, where does it stop ? Would you test rails every release ? No, you assume the community has done this for you already.
