How to determine if using MVC4 vs MVC5 vs MVC6? [closed] -

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I keep seeing articles about MVC6, but I'm a bit confused... MVC5 isn't even released, is it? I have in my VS2015 an option to download and use the RC 1 of MVC5, which I haven't done because until it's released, we're not using it one our production apps. But why are there so many articles and questions about converting to MVC6? SHouldn't I be worried about converting to MVC5 whenever (if) it gets released?
Supposedly SO considers this to be a question of opinion, so here is a re-worded question:
When I create a new MVC app in VS2015, the shown templates are MVC with a little 4 in the top right corner of the icon. Is this MVC4 or MVC5? I've created lots of projects using that icon, and none of them include a startup.cs, they're all global.asax... I thought MVC5 was supposed to be built on OWIN and uses a Startup.cs? If this is indeed MVC5, what does that little 4 represent? How does one actually know and determine what version of anything they're using?

Yes, MVC5 has been out for quite some time. Since 2013.
The ASP.NET version number and the MVC version number are not always in sync. What Visual Studio is offering to download is ASP.NET 5, not MVC 5. MVC 6 runs on top of ASP.NET 5, which has been renamed to ASP.NET Core 1.0.


How to Create ASP.NET MVC5 Project for VS13 [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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When I want to create new project for a website in VS13 I cannot see the ASP.NET MVC 5 I don't know it exactly. If anyone can suggest me what should I use as project ?
My project kind of e-commerce so what will be the best for it to use ?
Thanks for any help.
I mean it doesn't show like on this img
Visual studio 2013 does not have separate project types.
To create MVC5 project, you need to select Framework 4.5 or higher for ASP.NET Web Application template.
Create project by selecting ASP.NET Web Application
and than check the dll version in bin folder(Or in references)

Using ASP.NET MVC with entity framework [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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In most of MVC tutorials, I have seen the usage of entity framework with MVC. Why is entity framework always used along with MVC? Is there any particular advantage for that combination?
Why is entity framework always used along with MVC?
I think primarily because:
Ease of availability (installed with Visual Studio template)
Easy integration into an existing project (Nuget packages are available to install).
Any particular advantage for that combination?
Well it is subjective question but if you are a MS Developer you will find using EF involves:
Less learning curve: Existing MS developers finds it easy to pick up a new technology originating from MS. The familiarity with .NET framework leads to less learning curve or easy troubleshooting.
Support and documentation - As Microsoft developed it, they updated it regularly with several new feature added between version 3.5 to now EF 6.1.2 (as on 4/17/2015). As large number of people making use of this ORM, finding help is not difficult both from MS and community.

What is the benefit by using ASP.NET MVC if I have already done webform [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have already learned asp .net webform and have created projects for college on it but I recently discovered MVC.
I tried to learn it but it seems way to different in terms of how you build the application and there's a steeper learning curve.
If I have already done, do I need to learn MVC as well taking in account the future real life projects I might have to do?
You can build any web application using the asp forms.
MVC is great, you don't need to learn it, but if you do you will enjoy it much better than web forms because it is much closer to how web works. I believe that in few years it will be more popular than regular ASP forms.
MVC with Razor gives you more control on the rendered HTML, but on the downside if you don't know HTML and CSS then it is easier to just drop the ASP controls.
One other advantage of the MVC 4, is adding the web API services. Learning MVC is a must to know how to write these useful services.
Well explained pros of mvc on below link

What is the best way to set up my intranet server for MVC 4? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have recently started programming with Asp.Net MVC 4. I have downloaded Visual Studio 2010 from Microsoft DreamSpark and a "Standard" Microsoft Server 2008 R2. Now I installed the Server into a VirtualBox on Promiscuous Network (thus allowing it to talk to my whole network) and next I want to use it to test my applications.
Can you point me to good resources that tell me how to set up the server best for this?
Thank you so much for your help.
This is a walk-through about creating an intranet site using MVC, IIS 7 and visual studio 2010.
It worked out for me great.
This link is for MVC 3, but it still applies to you.
It includes everything including the Razor engine.
Installation and Help
•Install ASP.NET MVC 3 using the Web Platform Installer (recommended)
•Install ASP.NET MVC 3 using the installer executable

Open source projects using mvc + silverlight [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Are there any open source projects using both mvc and silverlight together?
I guess one of the largest open source projects that are using MVC and silverlight would be the mono project. They have gone and recreated mvc and silverlight as mono mvcand moonlight, though I would guess that you're looking for 'applications' or 'sites' that use these two technologies.
Two large projects that do use MVC as expected are Micorosoft's Orchard CMS and Rob Conery's Kona Project. Althought I do not think that these have silverlight included with them. I think that both are pure MVC applications.
Good luck in your search, and hope this helped some.
i couldn't find an open source project (doesn't mean they don't exist) but here is some good resources about mvc with silverlight here and here
