Using ASP.NET MVC with entity framework [closed] -

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Closed 7 years ago.
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In most of MVC tutorials, I have seen the usage of entity framework with MVC. Why is entity framework always used along with MVC? Is there any particular advantage for that combination?

Why is entity framework always used along with MVC?
I think primarily because:
Ease of availability (installed with Visual Studio template)
Easy integration into an existing project (Nuget packages are available to install).
Any particular advantage for that combination?
Well it is subjective question but if you are a MS Developer you will find using EF involves:
Less learning curve: Existing MS developers finds it easy to pick up a new technology originating from MS. The familiarity with .NET framework leads to less learning curve or easy troubleshooting.
Support and documentation - As Microsoft developed it, they updated it regularly with several new feature added between version 3.5 to now EF 6.1.2 (as on 4/17/2015). As large number of people making use of this ORM, finding help is not difficult both from MS and community.


Is there an open source equivalent of ServiceStack AutoQuery for core? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I would like to know if there is an open source equivalent of AutoQuery From ServiceStack for core (or which can automatic query with the orm i use: ef core (or other) with uris like http://domain.wyz/api/users?ages=16,17,18
I know OData and i don't want to use it.
Thanks for your answers.
For those who want, I have started a new project to enable automatic query with core and ef core :
From the last release ServiceStack now runs on .NET Core where 21 of ServiceStack's most popular NuGet packages are available in .NET Core. As part of the release many existing Live Demos were ported to .NET Core including the Live Demos below which make use of AutoQuery:
Which both have AutoQuery UI plugin enabled:

How to determine if using MVC4 vs MVC5 vs MVC6? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I keep seeing articles about MVC6, but I'm a bit confused... MVC5 isn't even released, is it? I have in my VS2015 an option to download and use the RC 1 of MVC5, which I haven't done because until it's released, we're not using it one our production apps. But why are there so many articles and questions about converting to MVC6? SHouldn't I be worried about converting to MVC5 whenever (if) it gets released?
Supposedly SO considers this to be a question of opinion, so here is a re-worded question:
When I create a new MVC app in VS2015, the shown templates are MVC with a little 4 in the top right corner of the icon. Is this MVC4 or MVC5? I've created lots of projects using that icon, and none of them include a startup.cs, they're all global.asax... I thought MVC5 was supposed to be built on OWIN and uses a Startup.cs? If this is indeed MVC5, what does that little 4 represent? How does one actually know and determine what version of anything they're using?
Yes, MVC5 has been out for quite some time. Since 2013.
The ASP.NET version number and the MVC version number are not always in sync. What Visual Studio is offering to download is ASP.NET 5, not MVC 5. MVC 6 runs on top of ASP.NET 5, which has been renamed to ASP.NET Core 1.0.

Is Asp.NET MVC Not Suitable For N-Tier Architecture? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Firstly, I have a question which already I know the answer but I want to ask;
Which one is manageable on HTML source?? Asp.NET Web Forms or Asp.NET MVC??
My second and important question;
Think a project which is big and expandable web project.. You sell something and control your agents with this project. You can give XML for your product range, and you would be able to add new products.. What does "Asp.NET Web Forms is more suitable for N-Tier Architecture and Asp.NET MVC is not" mean??
I would say that MVC is just as suited if not more so than Web Forms. Given the much clearer separation of the different parts in the MVC framework it lends itself very well to creating a solid N-tier solution. But with anything, if care is not taken in the implementation it really doesn't matter what framework you are using.

Is there a Mvc sample application with N layers? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm looking for sample mvc application of medium size (preferably a blog engine) built using layered architecture and DI (preferably Ninject) so I can compare my coding practices with the sample application.
If there is some tutorial available with sample app, it will be like jam to the cake. If there is such open source project going on that I can join and work on it will be great too.
Check out the downloadble code for the great book Pro ASP.NET MVC 2 Framework, at .
It contains a full componentized MVC application using Ninject as a DI container. It's a lovely project to learn from, based on a great book I highly recommend.
I blogged about a blog engine here:
It is based on ASP.NET MVC 3 and SQL CE 4.0. Unity is used as DI container.

Why did Microsoft Choose MVC to build MVC? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I know what is and I know what is MVC and some other Design patterns , my question is why did microsoft choose this design pattern ? why not 3tiers or AOP ...etc is it easier to program with , more powerful for building websites? in other words what are the advantages to use MVC instead of other Design Patterns with
MVC is a strong pattern and has proved very popular in other development communities including but not limited to Ruby on Rails. Wikipedia has a long list of MVC web frameworks. I guess Microsoft, didn't want to be left behind as more and more people migrated away from WebForms.
My guess would be that it is a proven and very suitable pattern for the web. MVC fits very well with the stateless nature of the http protocol. And many other big web frameworks for other languages use the MVC pattern.
