Is there a built-in charting library in iOS 9 - ios

I'm currently working on an app where I need to displa charts like in the added picture. I already know about ios-charts framework, etc.
But I really like the charts from iOS 9 health app landscape mode. It's showing current value when touching:
Now I'm wondering if this kind of chart is available for developers from Apple in iOS 9, because I already saw it in some other 3rd party apps (e.g. Idealo app for iPad (Germany))
Thanks in advance!

No, there is no native Chart library in iOS. There are however, plenty of libraries available. Unfortunately, you will need to dig through them to find the one closest to what you've seen.
Of course, you could also reach out to the developers of the apps you like and ask them directly. Most developers like to share information like that.


Azure Media Services - Captions on iOS - Native not AMP

I'm trying to get captioning working on iOS and Android. Android seems relatively straight forward but I can't seem to figure out how (nor do the docs really tell you) to setup WebVTT captions like you can easily do with Windows 10 UWP and AMP.
On Android I am just doing videoView.AddSubtitleSource and it appears to work. On iOS I'm at a loss. From what I can tell it appears that it's possible to load captions not embedded in the file, but I can't find any example of how it works with MediaSelectionOptions and specifying a stream or similar.
I've done this in my own custom renderer in Xamarin Forms but I'm fine converting it from swift or Objective C if needed.
Anyone get this working or know how?
If your interest is iOS native player, check this tutorial video from Apple: (about 20 min into it)
If your interest is Safari based player, check the examples here: (3 of the examples include webVTT)
The issue with iOS and Safari not playing back VTT side car files appears to be fixed now in the latest iOS release. Not sure exactly when it was fixed, but I'm on 14.7.1 and the following sample is working now,en,;Spanish,es,;French,fr,;Italian,it,

Old app with no Xib and storyboard. Make ios9 compatible

Iam new to developer forum and in need of help. So thought why not get help from fellow developers. I have a app (Photo Sharing App) that was bought from a developer and now I want to make it ios9 compatible and want to have a app with more effects and features like ; masking, layers, crop, resize, stickers etc....
Had a developer look at it and he told me this about the app.
"— App Code is Static. (no xibs and no storyboard used). All code written programatically. >> if to make compatible to iOS9 have to re-structure re-code all the structure to match with latest app requirement storyboard,auto layout etc… (current code is static for each devices need to make dynamic).
— App not working for new xcode 7.
— Application working in older version of Xcode 6.4. When tried to run on Xcode 7 it shows error not compiling at all. with changes managed to apply fix and run on new Xcode. But it still hangs on iOS 9
— facebook invite friend not working >> current code has older implementation of Facebook to show just friend with invite list which is now not allow by Facebook. Have to now check for this invite feature how it is working now and what are the steps needed to implement if working. "
The question: Is it any easy solution to make it work or do we need to make the app from scratch. Any one who can guide me to right direction. Where should I start and what can be done. Is it much work related to getting it IOS9 compatible? Any script/codes available on the net/github? iam just a amateur and on starting level so please consider it.
Have heard that can make a launch screen with storyboard so no need to make the app from scratch and just let the lauchscreen be dynamic to work with the app for flexible layout. How is that possible?
Thanks a lot
There is no need to remake all views with storyboard or xibs. You just need to add Default images for 3.5 and 4 inches iPhones. Also, you need to fix all errors, update frameworks and libs, recode deprecated methods, make the app compile for 64 bit architecture.

an overlay for describing application features on first time install

I'm building an app, i just thinking like adding a feature so, that the user can be given guideline about how to use the app and various control in it.
The feature that came to my mind is , when unboxing android mobile you will see an overlay describing the menu, app .
so, is there any similar feature that iOS or any third party library provides. if so, will app store testing team will approve it.
see this image "", for further reference.
I've been using these:

How to determine the exact iOS version using Google Analytics

While reading a tutorial on Google Analytics for iOS I wanted to know which version of iOS I was running.
I've googled for phrases like "ios version google analytics" but couldn't find anything useful.
Basically I want to know the number of users running my app on any iOS version, e.g. iOS 6, iOS 7 etc.
I've also checked the Google Analytics documentation, but couldn't find a proper method. The device info on Google Analytics dashboard just shows "iPhone" but does not mention the iOS version.
Is there a way to get the exact iOS version via Google Analytics?
I created you a custom report so you can see how the information is saved. Os Custom Report
I think what you are after is Operating system and Operating system version.
There is a method, go to
Audience > Technology > Browser & OS > The browser version matches the firmware*.
Might not match exactly, but in my experience its more than accurate enough and I am 95% it does match always.
Hope that helps Tushar
So I was looking for a solution here as well. I came across this article by Phillip Studiniski that shows you how to measure the iPhone screens by screen resolution.
I attempted to go this route. The problem I ran into was that I was just getting a raw output of the screen resolution in GTM, it would look something like this.
No problem I thought. I moved this into a RegEx table. Click here to see a sample RegEx for this Once I did this, I was able to properly identify the iPhone version with a variable and then send it to Google Analytics through Google Tag Manager variable.
I then had to update the iPhone models a bit since it has been a while since the article was written. ( This includes the models from 11 to 13.
BOOM! iPhone version now being sent to GA. Hope this helps everyone.

Facebook iOS SDK & backwards compatibility

I'm trying to wrap my head around this and figure out what would be the best approach:
I want to take advantage of all the new features that iOS 6.0 introduced in terms of interacting with facebook - this includes the built-in social framework that allows fast facebook SSO and native post dialogs. This is done fairly easily using the new Facebook iOS SDK v3.1.1.
The problem is that I also want my applications to be available for any non-iOS 6.0 adopters. This made me face a very ugly situation in which I need to create an elaborate social wrapper that would have to be compiled differently (with different FB SDKs) and to run separate code in order to support earlier iOS versions. Because a lot of the Facebook SDK already includes fallbacks and handles a lot of old, deprecated calls to the feed and dialog APIs, I figured that there must be a better way, while taking this in account, to create such a social wrapper.
I guess what I'm asking for here is any clue as to where to proceed from here. If anyone has ever tackled this issue (even in earlier versions of the SDK) I would be glad to know.
Thanks in advance
Weak linking is definitely the way to go here.
The 3.1.1 SDK can handle running on either iOS 5 or iOS 6, all you need to do is weak link the relevant frameworks in your build settings, and change the deployment traget to 5.0 (leaving the base sdk as 6.0).
Of course, you still need to handle the case when the native post dialog isn't available (You can use FBNAtiveDialogs' canPresentShareDialogWithSession: method) and use the SDK dialog instead.
