How to make text centered in cell in openoffice spreadsheet? -

Is there anyway to make text centered in cell in openoffice spreadsheet? By center, I mean the same white space between left and right, top and bottom of the text.
Thanks in advance!

With the sidebar, it can be done with only two clicks, circled in red below.
If you do not see the sidebar, then it can be expanded by clicking on the dots circled in green. Make sure View -> Sidebar is checked.


Label over a button

I'm trying to put a label over a button, but I'm not succeeding...
Here's what I have. I'd like the text "tap to dial" to actually be over the dark grey area, not below it. How do I do that?
On the left side of the image is the view hierarchy, the red things left and right are the button add and button remove, so you get the whole picture.
EDIT: Explanation - The label I'm trying to place over the button is the hint what the button does. The button itself will hold different text contents, thus I need an additional label.
EDIT 2: I don't know why is this question marked with negative votes, why don't people explain that in the comments? Let's pose the question differently: if one wanted to put a label over an image, how would that be done?
Select both objects in IB (Interface Builder) and then create constraints so they have both have the same vertical and horizontal center. If the text is under the button then select the text view and choose "move to front" from the editor menu.
All that being said, why don't you use a titled button with a gray background rather than trying to put a label on top of your button?
A button is a label (that is, its title is). So you don't need a button and a label; just configure the label of the button. The label is the button's titleLabel and you can make it do anything a label can do — including consisting of multiple lines, one of which is smaller than the other, as shown here:
The solution I was looking for was to embed the button and the label in a view. Inside the view they can be positioned to overlap each other, while the view itself can be constrained by auto-layout.

iOS re-order control overlay cell

When having a black background ListView in iOS and setting the edit property to true, shows the re-order control (white horizontal lines icon) in the right hand side as it should. It also shows the delete icon on the left side of the cell and then shifts the contents to the right.
The problem is this; the re-order icon overlays the white text of the cell and you can not see the icon. I know we can't change the background of the re-order control. What am I missing that the content view is not resized but shifted during the re-order?
So as it turns out, the content view label was auto sizing to the entire width of the row. After removing this, the label resizes appropriately.

Image or view on the left side of a static table cell

I created a table with 2 static cells. I managed to add a label or image on the left side of a cell. However how can I change the middle grey line to have more padding to the left?
so that it looks like in the iOS settings. Any ideas?
From the above screen shot change the value which is highlighted in red color
Right here playboy 😜
Just click the table cell in Storyboard and change this value

UICollectionView horizontal flow layout: how to make cells go left-right top-down?

I'm using UICollectionView with different sections, the problem is within a section if there are not enough item, the only items are centred, is there a way to make it layout cells to be from left to right and top to bottom? Without adding transparent placeholder cells?
Screen shot added, so section 1 has the big orange bar and two small green bars, the one on the right of big orange bar should be in section 1, so I want it to be below the big orange bar, next to another green bar which is already there.
Also, say if section 1 has only 1 big orange bar, I want it to be top aligned, but it is centered.

Borders misaligned after expanding a JQueryUI toggle on Chrome only

I have a bunch of controls that start off hidden. When the Options button is clicked, the controls are displayed in a drop down box with a border. On Chrome, when the box is expanded, it looks like the left hand border is pushing the right hand border out of alignment with the button.
The drop down look like this:
See for the code for this example.
If I remove the left hand border, the right hand border falls into place
See for the example without the left hand border.
I am not able to reproduce this problem in Firefox or IE.
Has anyone else ever seen anything like this before?
Is this acceptable? The CSS I added is in #controls-title and .options-dropdown-expanded. I basically set a left padding on the title bar that gets removed when the dropdown is expanded so that the left border doesn't shift the title bar to the right when it appears. I also set a -2px right margin when the dropdown is expanded so that the right border pops in rather than jutting out.
