NSURLSession object has to be retained - ios

I created a NSURLSession object but did not retain it
NSURLSessionConfiguration *configuration = [NSURLSessionConfiguration defaultSessionConfiguration];
NSURLSession * session = [NSURLSession sessionWithConfiguration:configuration delegate:self delegateQueue:nil];
NSURLSessionDataTask *task = [session dataTaskWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:urlRequest]];
[task resume];
then I implemented the system delegates:
- (void)URLSession:(NSURLSession *)session task:(NSURLSessionTask *)task didCompleteWithError:(NSError *)error
- (void)URLSession:(NSURLSession *)session dataTask:(nonnull NSURLSessionDataTask *)dataTask didReceiveResponse:(nonnull NSURLResponse *)response completionHandler:(nonnull void (^)(NSURLSessionResponseDisposition))completionHandler
the code works fine without any issues now. But I am wondering that can the session object be deallocated before system call the delegates? If the session object is deallocated, what will happen to the delegates?
Thanks in advance.

Well, obviously it will not deallocate as long as you have the strong reference in session.
But I guess your concern is if session is a local variable and it goes out of scope. The documentation is less than clear but from testing I have found the session stays around with some form of self reference to finish it's work.
It is what happens then that becomes interesting. If you have lost your reference to the session like if it was only local then I believe is no way to find it again. This could be a memory leak, it stays on forever but untouchable. I'm not quite sure. However that is not what you want to do.
Sometimes you want that to add more tasks to the same session, in which case you need to hold on to it with a property or something so you can get to it persistently.
Sometimes you want it to go away once the task is complete. This can be acomplished with the method -finishTasksAndInvalidate which you call directly after -resume in your code. See documentation, it will complete the tasks started and then drop delegates and itself eventually.
In general what you want to do is to ensure you use the session permanently or that you somewhere call one of the invalidate methods, see "managing the session" in the class documentation.


NSURLSession: method dataTaskWithRequest never reach completion callback on lengthy responses

The following code that used to create communication session with a remote server and send/receive HTTP requests/responses.
However, when a large file is attached to the response, the callback block never reached.
Only when explicitly invoke the cancel method after some timeout from the NSURLSession task (_dataTask), this callback is being called.
notice that using tcpdump it can easily observed that the response was properly received on the client side.
NSURLSessionConfiguration* config = [NSURLSessionConfiguration defaultSessionConfiguration];
NSOperationQueue *queue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init];
queue.maxConcurrentOperationCount = 1;
NSURLSession* session = [NSURLSession sessionWithConfiguration:config delegate:nil delegateQueue:queue];
_dataTask = [session dataTaskWithRequest:req completionHandler:^(NSData * _Nullable data, NSURLResponse * _Nullable response, NSError * _Nullable error) {
if ([error code] == NSURLErrorCancelled) {
writeLog(LOG_ERROR, "NSURLErrorCancelled");
} else {
[_dataTask resume]
// after timeout, the operation is cancelled.
[_dataTask cancel];
I'd like to know if using dataTask has response length limit (because it's working for small files on response body) and if there is such a limit, so which other method should I use in order to overcome it.
I saw that there's an alternative method in NSUrlsession dedicated for downloading files called downloadTaskWithRequest but it doesn't have an async completion block.
Thanks !
When fetching large resources, you should use download task. A data task will attempt to load the entire response in a single NSData object. Loading a large asset in memory at the same time is not only inefficient, but if it is extraordinarily large, can cause problems.
A download task is well suited for these tasks, because it will stream the asset to a temporary file for you, reducing the peak memory usage. (Admittedly, you can manually achieve the same with data task with delegate pattern, but download tasks do this for you.)
You said:
I saw that there's an alternative method in NSURLSession dedicated for downloading files called downloadTaskWithRequest but it doesn't have an async completion block.
Two observations:
There is a rendition, dataTaskWithRequest:completionHandler:, that has a completion block:
NSURLSession* session = [NSURLSession sharedSession];
NSURLSessionDownloadTask *task = [session downloadTaskWithRequest:request completionHandler:^(NSURL * _Nullable location, NSURLResponse * _Nullable response, NSError * _Nullable error) {
[task resume];
Note, I would advise using sharedSession if you are not setting a delegate, or otherwise customizing your NSURLSession. You do not want to instantiate NSURLSession objects unnecessarily. And if you really must instantiate a NSURLSession, re-use it for subsequent tasks and/or make sure to call finishTasksAndInvalidate after submitting the last task for that session, or else the NSURLSession will leak. And, if you instantiate your own NSURLSession, you do not have to instantiate your own operation queue, as it will, by default, create a serial queue for you if you do not supply an operation queue.
The rendition without a block parameter, downloadTaskWithURL:, works, too. All you need to do is to specify a delegate for your NSURLSession and then and implement URLSession:downloadTask:didFinishDownloadingToURL:.
The reason I suggest this is that, often, when we are downloading very large assets (especially over cellular), we realize that the users may want to leave our app and let the download complete in the background. In those situations, we would use a background NSURLSessionConfiguration. And when using background sessions, you must use this delegate-based approach. So, if you think you might eventually adopt background sessions for long downloads, then adopting a delegate-based approach now is not a bad idea.
For more information, see Downloading Files in the Background.

Task created in a session that has been invalidated

I am getting the following crash on crashlytics which I can not reproduce on my device
Fatal Exception: NSGenericException
Task created in a session that has been invalidated
at the following line
NSURLSessionTask *task = [self.session uploadTaskWithRequest:request fromFile:filePathURL];
[task resume];
[self.session finishTasksAndInvalidate];
I handled session invalidation at the delegate method
- (void)URLSession:(NSURLSession *)session didBecomeInvalidWithError:(NSError *)error {
// Crashlytics logging
[CrashlyticsKit setBoolValue:true forKey:#"URLSession_didBecomeInvalid"];
self.session = [self createNewSession];
- (NSURLSession *)CreateSession {
NSURLSessionConfiguration *sessionConfig = [NSURLSessionConfiguration backgroundSessionConfigurationWithIdentifier:SERVER_URL];
if (#available(iOS 11.0, *)) {
sessionConfig.waitsForConnectivity = YES;
return [NSURLSession sessionWithConfiguration:sessionConfig delegate:self delegateQueue:nil];
after uploading a new build, I still have the same crash and no Crashlytics logs at "didBecomeInvalidWithError" at all!
any idea how to solve this crash?
If you invalidate a session, you cannot ever use it again. If you attempt to use a previously invalidated session, you’ll get that error you shared with us.
That leaves you with two options:
If you must invalidate a session, I’d recommend setting your session reference to nil so you can’t accidentally use it again. If you have to do another request later, you would instantiate a new session object.
If you might ever need to use the session again, you can simply refrain from invalidating it. The memory impact of keeping a single session object around is largely inconsequential. It only really an issue if you’re creating many sessions.
Frankly, background sessions are complicated enough that I’d need a pretty compelling case for dealing with multiple ones (e.g. each with its own completion handler passed to my app delegate). I’d lean towards the single background session pattern if possible.

Recursive / Iterative NSURLSessionDataTask causing memory leak

I am having a problem with memory leaking in my code, I have a need to GET many URL's in quick succession, each GET is influenced by the result of the previous GET. The purpose is to look for a specific piece of content within the response.
I found the cleanest way to implement this is recursively, as I can use the same method to identify if the desired value is present in the response. Functionally it works very well, but it leaks memory as described below. I have also implemented the same functionality in an iterative fashion, and this also leaks memory.
To my mind it seems that the NSURLSession API is responsible for leaking this memory, and it only occurs when multiple calls are made in very quick succession. However, I would appreciate if anyone can point out any obvious mistakes I am making.
Update 10/09/14:
Updated to add a recursion counter, demonstrating the leak still occurs even if the code isn't executed an infinite number of times. Also tidied up the implementation slightly, re-using the NSURLSession and NSURLSessionConfiguration as properties within the view controller.
Sample Code:
- (void)performURLCallRecursive {
if (recursionLimiter > 10) {
[self.session finishTasksAndInvalidate];
NSURL * checkURL = [NSURL URLWithString:#"http://www.google.com"];
__block NSMutableURLRequest * urlRequest = [[NSMutableURLRequest alloc] initWithURL:checkURL
__weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self;
NSURLSessionDataTask * task = [self.session dataTaskWithRequest:urlRequest
completionHandler:^(NSData *data, NSURLResponse *response, NSError
*error) {
NSString * body = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSLog(#"Body: %#", body);
[weakSelf performURLCallRecursive];
[task resume];
#pragma mark - Getters
- (NSURLSessionConfiguration *)sessionConfiguration {
if (!_sessionConfiguration) {
_sessionConfiguration = [NSURLSessionConfiguration ephemeralSessionConfiguration];
[_sessionConfiguration setAllowsCellularAccess:NO];
[_sessionConfiguration setTimeoutIntervalForRequest:10.0f];
[_sessionConfiguration setTimeoutIntervalForResource:10.0f];
[_sessionConfiguration setURLCache:[[NSURLCache alloc] initWithMemoryCapacity:0 diskCapacity:0 diskPath:nil]];
return _sessionConfiguration;
- (NSURLSession *)session {
if (_session == nil) {
_session = [NSURLSession sessionWithConfiguration:self.sessionConfiguration
delegate:[SPRSessionDelegate new]
return _session;
The memory leaks as reported by instruments. (NB: These vary slightly every time, but for the most part contain the same leaks, just more or less of the same leaks):
Further Update:
So, I actually implemented the same code iteratively, and the memory leak still occurs. For this example I included a loop limiter so it doesn't execute for ever. Can anyone help me figure out what on earth is going on here?
- (void)performURLCallIterative
int loopLimiter = 0;
do {
NSURLSessionConfiguration * defaultSession = [NSURLSessionConfiguration defaultSessionConfiguration];
[defaultSession setAllowsCellularAccess:NO];
[defaultSession setTimeoutIntervalForRequest:10.0f];
[defaultSession setTimeoutIntervalForResource:10.0f];
NSURLSession * session = [NSURLSession sessionWithConfiguration:defaultSession
NSURL * checkURL = [NSURL URLWithString:#"http://google.com"];
NSMutableURLRequest * urlRequest = [[NSMutableURLRequest alloc] initWithURL:checkURL
__weak NSURLSession * weakSession = session;
dispatch_semaphore_t semaphore = dispatch_semaphore_create(0);
NSURLSessionDataTask * task = [session dataTaskWithRequest:urlRequest
completionHandler:^(NSData *data, NSURLResponse *response, NSError *error) {
NSString * body = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSLog(#"Body: %#", body);
[weakSession invalidateAndCancel];
[task resume];
dispatch_semaphore_wait(semaphore, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
} while (loopLimiter <= 6);
Update 10/09/14:
This is still occurring on iOS 8 for any Googlers who may have found their way here. As far as I am concerned this is a bug in iOS.
- Update 9/12/2014
Solution: wait for iOS8.
- Update 9/10/2014
Whoa, this is spiraling into some Nth dimension of complexity :P. I hope one way or another you get a break here quick.
I have a few other things for you to try.
1) Could you make sure NSZombies is turned off. In Xcode, Product->Scheme->Edit Scheme...->Enable Zombie Objects (NOT ticked).
2) Also try cachePolicy:NSURLCacheStorageNotAllowed for your NSMutableURLRequest.
3) Could you see if you are completing with an error? Just put this around your body string assignment...
if (error == nil)
//Enter data->string code here
4) Could you see if you are not getting status 200?
NSInteger statusCode = [(NSHTTPURLResponse *)response statusCode];
5) It is hard to picture exactly how your project is set up. I would have an NSObject type class that houses the NSURLSession methods, which is separate from the UIViewController class from which it is being called. The timer or whatever recursion method you wish to choose would then call the url session associated methods from the UIViewController.
- Update 9/9/2014
You are correct about my question (2). The data task is resumed before completion and after the data task completes the session is invalidated. I haven't seen it done this way, but it makes sense. Just tested on my end, no leaks with regards to [session invalidateAndCancel]...
Could you check that your completion handler executes? Perhaps it doesn't and the session is never cancelled before a new task is started?
I am noticing that there are a few references to HTTP Headers in the Instruments Leaks report, maybe if you are not specifying either a [urlRequest setHTTPMethod:#"GET"] the request is missing some basic headers?
(I'll edit after we find the solution, so this doesn't look like a discussion).
- Original 9/8/2014
Interesting question! I have troubleshot leaks associated with NSURLSessions. Definitely #autoreleasepool{} and others are good suggestions to try so far... But!
I am afraid the thing you asked us to look past might be the culprit here.
Just a few observations first:
1) It is not clear to me why you would need to __weak the self here. What is the retain cycle you are trying to avoid? Perhaps this is more clear in the code you are actually using aside from your "sample".
2) What is the reason for the call to invalidate the session before the data task associated with that session even has a chance to complete, let alone resume. The data task is in the suspended state until resumed.
3) If you are recursively running a method like this, then I think it is crucial to specify or at least consider what delegate queue, otherwise having it set to nil defaults it to serial operation queue. What happens when the delegate calls before the completion handler finishes, in an infinite loop - most likely a huge pile up.
I believe that the main issue here is that you are starting a new or canceling the NSURLSessionDataTask before it has a chance to complete. Look at +sesssionWithConfiguration:
(sorry can't include pictures yet, hopefully after this answer)
The point is here...
The session object keeps a strong reference to the delegate
until your app explicitly invalidates the session. If you do not
invalidate the session by calling the invalidateAndCancel or
resetWithCompletionHandler: method, your app leaks memory.
My suggestion to try is...
//Your code above...
[task resume];
[session finishTasksAndInvalidate];
In theory this should prevent any new sessions from starting before completion, according to the description, "...new tasks cannot be created in the session, but existing tasks continue until completion. After the last task finishes and the session makes the last delegate call, references to the delegate and callback objects are broken..."
I am still not sure about invalidating the session before resuming it.
I hope this helps. Good luck.
A developer support request to Apple reveals this to be a bug within iOS 7. There is no fault with the code sample posted above (Either recursively or iteratively) and it has reportedly been fixed in the iOS 8 GM release.
This is still occurring in iOS 8.1
I had a lot of problems with memory from NSURLSession and I finally fixed it by not using a new session for each request. Sessions are generally defined on Wikipedia as:
a semi-permanent interactive information interchange
As such, Apple's convenience class method [NSURLSession sharedSession] gives us a clue of how NSURLSession objects are intended to be used: as semi-permanent objects, not one-off objects created fresh for each request, like you are doing.
You are making a new session object per request for a ton of requests that, from the server's perspective, are all part of a single session with a single client.
I was doing the same thing until I realized this was the source of my woes. I did not find Apple's documentation on this very clear, but after I realized the error of my ways, it made certain things in the documentation suddenly make more sense, like why there is a sharedSession singleton convenience method of NSURLSession, why the word "tasks" is plural in finishTasksAndInvalidate, why they called it a "session", why it has a cache, etc. (If it was just for one request, why would it be a "session" and what good would a "cache" be?)
It helps to know how a browser like Safari looks at a session. A new session starts the first time you make a connection to a given server. Setting up the session involves creating a cache of SSL certificates, establishing authentication, handshaking, etc. It would be extraordinarily inefficient to do all of that every time some JavaScript on a page makes a new request to the same server, especially since modern web apps constantly make requests with callbacks etc. That is why a single session is established for a whole huge set of requests and responses -- a conversation, if you will, between the client and server. Eventually, a session expires, but usually this happens after several minutes, not after one request!
The point is, how you should be using NSURLSession objects is to make a singleton with a strongly referenced NSURLSession object as a property. Do this if you need to customize the session's configuration, (like turning caching off, etc.). However if you do not need to customize it, just use Apple's sharedSession.
If you use a singleton on a custom class, then, if you never need to set the session property to nil, then you never need to invalidateAndCancel or finishTasksAndInvalidate. Instead, just resetWithCompletionBlock or flushWithCompletionBlock to clear out connection caches periodically.
If you hate singletons you can still use a session as a property, just make sure to invalidateAndCancel or finishTasksAndInvalidate the session before its last owner gets deallocated by the ARC runtime.
Also note that setting your NSURLSession object's URLCache property to nil is the proper way to shut off caching. That's what Apple says they do for backgroundSessionConfiguration.
See my other answers on this topic here and here.
The only suggestions I have are perhaps using an #autoreleasepool{} and converting the __weak id self to __block id self. I don't think the __block vs. __weak will do anything differently, but give it a shot.
I'm not sure what one should expect with ARC when running something asynchronously AND recursively. Looking at other questions with asynchronous recursive calls and ARC, there isn't any consistent solution. Take a look here, for example.

How would I best go about identifying specific objects when I come across them again?

Take NSURLSession's task objects:
NSURLSession *session = [NSURLSession sessionWithConfiguration:[NSURLSessionConfiguration defaultSessionConfiguration] delegate:self delegateQueue:nil];
NSURLSessionDataTask *dataTask1 = [session dataTaskWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"http://i.imgur.com/RARAP1J.jpg"]];
If I was in the following delegate method:
- (void)URLSession:(NSURLSession *)session dataTask:(NSURLSessionDataTask *)dataTask didReceiveData:(NSData *)data {
If I ended up creating a bunch of NSURLSessionDataTasks, how would I go about checking which one dataTask refers to. Sure, I could have a bunch of properties, but if I have 50 tasks, that gets unruly and I'd like to be able to automatically set it up in code.
I know of the taskIdentifier method, which would work, but it's readonly and I want to be able to set it.
You can put any string you like in NSURLSessionTask.description. I even use NSJSONSerialization to stuff NSDictionarys there. (Ask in the comments, and I'll post the code). I can verify that this survives the backgrounding serialization of tasks.
You could also just keep a NSMutableDictionary ivar in your class, mapping taskIdentifier => arbitrary info, and removing the entry when the task is complete.

NSURLSessionUploadTask continuous upload in background

While my app is in the background, I want to upload many files using NSURLSessionUploadTask.
With a suitably configured NSURLSession object, the API for queueing background uploading is:
NSURLSessionUploadTask *dataTask = [sessionObj uploadTaskWithRequest:urlRequest
[dataTask resume];
When the upload completes -- success or failure -- I get this callback in the background:
- (void)URLSession:(NSURLSession *)session task:(NSURLSessionTask *)task didCompleteWithError:(NSError *)error
During the above callback, I queue another upload with
But after some files are uploaded, the callbacks stop, and so does the uploading.
Is there something I'm missing to keep uploads going? E.g. do I need to put some extra code on this callback to keep the uploads going?
-(void)URLSessionDidFinishEventsForBackgroundURLSession:(NSURLSession *)session {
AppDelegate *appDelegate = (id)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
if (appDelegate.backgroundSessionCompletionHandler) {
void (^completionHandler)() = appDelegate.backgroundSessionCompletionHandler;
appDelegate.backgroundSessionCompletionHandler = nil;
Note: I have already read this related SO question, but it didn't help.
Keep the task queue topped off
I've found that, in the background, you should avoid letting the task queue reach 0 tasks until you are really "done". Instead, you get better continuity if you always keep few tasks in the queue at all times. For instance, when the number of tasks gets down to 3, add 3 more.
Protip: for a count of active tasks, you're better off with your own tally, rather than clumsy async -[NSURLSession getTasksWithCompletionHandler:]. I add/remove the background task ID (as #(taskID)) to an NSSet (e.g. NSSet *activeTaskIDs), and use the count from that. I spell this out here.
Bracket async calls
If you do anything async during the the didComplete... callback, you must surround that with UIApplication's -beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler: and -endBackgroundTask:. Otherwise, it looks like you've popped the stack, and iOS will kill you.
