I follow this doc but really don't understand that how to render my customer view in js side.
I use storyboard generate a simple View and allocate it to my CustomView class which inherit UIView.
then I write MyCustomViewManager.m like below
#import "RCTViewManager.h"
#import "CustomView.h"
#interface MyCustomViewManager : RCTViewManager
#implementation MyCustomViewManager
- (UIView *)view
return [[CustomView alloc] init];
finally I write js side file index.ios.js below.
import React from 'react-native';
const {AppRegistry, View, requireNativeComponent,} = React;
class Demo extends React.Component {
var CustomView = requireNativeComponent('CustomView', null);
render() {
return (
AppRegistry.registerComponent('Demo', () => Demo);
maybe I did something wrong, I don't understand official doc mean about below code
module.exports = requireNativeComponent('RCTMap', null);
how could I represent native side CustimView in requireNativeComponent method? could you show me some code, thanks ..
This line means that you export RCTMap purely without processing any custom property
module.exports = requireNativeComponent('RCTMap', null);
as React Native Docs says,
import { requireNativeComponent } from 'react-native';
// requireNativeComponent automatically resolves this to "RCTMapManager"
module.exports = requireNativeComponent('RCTMap', null);
so requireNativeComponent receives two parameters, the first one takes the name of the component that you want to import from the bridging process before and the second takes the class that will process the native component, this is for manipulate properties and some logic inside your custom component, like that
// MapView.js
import React from 'react';
import { requireNativeComponent } from 'react-native';
class MapView extends React.Component {
render() {
return <RCTMap {...this.props} />;
MapView.propTypes = {
* When this property is set to `true` and a valid camera is associated
* with the map, the camera’s pitch angle is used to tilt the plane
* of the map. When this property is set to `false`, the camera’s pitch
* angle is ignored and the map is always displayed as if the user
* is looking straight down onto it.
pitchEnabled: React.PropTypes.bool,
var RCTMap = requireNativeComponent('RCTMap', MapView);
module.exports = MapView;
Hope this is usefull for anyone who cares about it
please checkout the React Native Docs
Below is the Vaadin Designer code for simple tab functionality
import {html, PolymerElement} from '#polymer/polymer/polymer-element.js';
import '#vaadin/vaadin-tabs/src/vaadin-tabs.js';
import '#vaadin/vaadin-tabs/src/vaadin-tab.js';
class TestUi extends PolymerElement {
static get template() {
return html`
<style include="shared-styles">
:host {
display: block;
height: 100%;
<vaadin-tabs theme="equal-width-tabs" id="vaadinTabs">
<vaadin-tab id="vaadinTab">
Product Overview
<vaadin-tab id="vaadinTab1">
Product DetailView
<vaadin-tab id="vaadinTab2">
static get is() {
return 'test-ui';
static get properties() {
return {
// Declare your properties here.
customElements.define(TestUi.is, TestUi);
It's corresponding Java companion file looks as below
import com.vaadin.flow.component.polymertemplate.Id;
import com.vaadin.flow.component.tabs.Tab;
import com.vaadin.flow.component.tabs.Tabs;
import com.vaadin.flow.templatemodel.TemplateModel;
import com.vaadin.flow.component.Tag;
import com.vaadin.flow.component.dependency.JsModule;
import com.vaadin.flow.component.polymertemplate.PolymerTemplate;
* A Designer generated component for the test-ui template.
* Designer will add and remove fields with #Id mappings but
* does not overwrite or otherwise change this file.
public class TestUi extends PolymerTemplate<TestUi.TestUiModel> {
private Tabs vaadinTabs;
private Tab vaadinTab;
private Tab vaadinTab1;
private Tab vaadinTab2;
* Creates a new TestUi.
public TestUi() {
// You can initialise any data required for the connected UI components here.
vaadinTabs.addSelectedChangeListener(selectedChangeEvent -> {
* This model binds properties between TestUi and test-ui
public interface TestUiModel extends TemplateModel {
// Add setters and getters for template properties here.
In the above code, My thinking was to start writing the selectedChangeListener Handler directly without doing much but instead this doesn't work and below initialization code needs to be added.
//I have added for one tab but it requires all the tabs to be added
vaadinTabs = new Tabs();
vaadinTab = new Tab();
My question here is why would I need to initialize when the Polymer js code generated using Vaadin Designer clearly defines the tab and it's group?
This is the same issue with Vaadin Grid. Even after defining the columns in the Polymer js, I have to redefine it from the Java component end instead of directly start providing the data via data provider
TLDR; Unfortunately, you have encountered this issue IllegalArgumentException when switching tabs
which is closed as won't fix.
My question here is why would I need to initialize when the Polymer js code generated using Vaadin Designer clearly defines the tab and it's group?
Generally, you don't need to. But Tabs doesn't work as intended in this case. Thus, for this particular component, it's suggested to not mix template/Java logic.
For example, you can verify it with a <vaadin-text-field>, where event is fired correctly.
Java counterpart
private TextField vaadinTextField;
* Creates a new TestUi.
public TestUi() {
// You can initialise any data required for the connected UI components here.
System.out.println("Event has happened");
and snippet for the template right after the tabs:
<vaadin-vertical-layout id="vaadinVerticalLayout" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;">
<vaadin-text-field id="vaadinTextField"></vaadin-text-field>
Taken from the issue:
So all Tab related API methods in Tabs are completely broken in regard to injected Tabs.
Unfortunately we've concluded that there is no sensible way we can support this for now, thus this issue will be a known limitation with Tabs. It will not work as #Id mapped component when the child vaadin-tabs are created in the template file, so you should not try to mix client & server logic and content for the Tabs component.
As a workaround, you could try to use your own component for #Id mapping tabs like:
public IdMappedTabs extends Component {
public IdMappedTabs() {
public Registration addSelectionListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) {
return getElement().addPropertyChangeListener("selected", listener);
public void setSelectedTabIndex(int index) {
getElement().setProperty("selected", index);
What is the issue with Grid you are having? (There is a good tutorial about Designer, where Grid is used. It might be useful : Vaadin Designer tutorial)
I am using Twilio Flex plugin to customize flex ui in react js.
I want to add one custom link in a sidebar with a new custom component with new route URL like '/shops'.
After loading that component in that body i want to load custom shop.
Check the following screen for more details.
Thanks in advance for a help.
I found this video by Twilio which helped.
The key points are to add a new View to the View Collection and create a new SideLink which links to it.
import { FlexPlugin } from 'flex-plugin';
import { View, SideLink, Actions } from '#twilio/flex-ui';
import React from 'react';
export default class ShopPlugin extends FlexPlugin {
constructor() {
init(flex, manager) {
<View name="shop-view" key="shop-view">
<div>Your Shop View Goes Here</div>
isActive={activeView === 'shop-view'}
onClick={() => {
Actions.invokeAction('NavigateToView', {viewName: 'shop-view'});
Is it possible to use default dart library html with angular dart?
class Test1Component implements OnInit{
void ngOnInit() {
ButtonElement button = querySelector('button');
//Broken code, avoid button to be null.
void onClick(Event e){
print('Button clicked');
How can I avoid to get a 'null' button without the using any timers?
Basically I'm using only angular just for the Routes and but I'd like to stick with dart:html to control the DOM and events.
Yes, you can do that, but it's usually not a good idea.
Use instead #ViewChild(...) or similar Angular methods to get references to elements in a components view.
<button #myButton>click me</button>
set myButton(List<Element> value) {
if(value.isNotEmpty) {
If you want to just add a click handler using
<button (click)="onClick">click me</button>
would be the better way but it sounds you are somehow adding the button dynamically and adding a click handler declaratively might not work in this case (would need more info)
If someone like me want to use dart:html instead angular ng code, it's possible to use it
import 'package:angular/angular.dart';
import 'dart:html';
// AngularDart info: https://webdev.dartlang.org/angular
// Components info: https://webdev.dartlang.org/components
selector: 'container',
template: '<h1>Test 1</h1><button #test1>Bottone test 1</button>',
class Test1Component implements OnInit{
ButtonElement button;
void ngOnInit() {
//Verified that button is initialized
//Initialize click
button.onClick.listen((e) => print("Clicked"));
I am getting an error when using the following code in my index.ios.js file:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { AppRegistry, Text, View } from 'react-native';
import { Actions, Router, Route, Scene } from 'react-native-router-flux';
import {Categories} from './Components/Categories';
import {CarRacing} from './Components/CarRacing';
const scenes = Actions.create(
<Scene key="root">
<Scene key="Categories" name="Categories" component={Categories} title="Categories" initial={true}/>
<Scene key="CarRacing" name="CarRacing" component={CarRacing} title="CarRacing"/>
export default class Motorsport extends Component {
render() {
return (
<Router scenes={scenes}/>
AppRegistry.registerComponent('Motorsport', () => Motorsport);
Categories are a list of categories in a tableview done by 'react-native-tableview'. When clicking on the the CarRacing TableView row, I get the following error:
route.children.forEach is not a function. (In 'route.children.forEach(function(r,i) {(0,_Util.assert)(scenes[r],'Empty scene for key='+route.key);if*scenes[r].inital) {index=i;}})','route.children.forEach' is undefined)
I am not sure what I have done wrong here. I understand the error, but I don't quite get what I did in my code to mess this up.
Any ideas? Thanks!
I want to use React Native to create some buttons that are wired to trigger methods in a Swift app. Is there a way to access TouchableHighlight instances from within a Swift UIViewController or ViewController class?
There are various options for buttons which you can find on npmjs.org. Below are a couple of options.
But you won't find a UIButton instance most likely since that is iOS specific. What you get is a touchable element which acts like a button. You can inspect the code of these modules on GitHub to see how they work.
You can do this without installing additional Node modules by wrapping a <Text> component with a <View> component:
import React from 'react'
class ExampleButton extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.pressButton = this.pressButton.bind(this);
pressButton() {
console.log("The button was pressed!");
render() {
<Text onPress={this.pressButton}>
Button Text