Popop Box With URL Like Dribbble.com - url

I have a portfolio page with all of my graphic design I've made. I always liked the Dribbble way of showing "Shots".
The problem is that I don't know how I can make the popup have an URL like on Dribbble. Dribbble opens the "Shots" in a popup box with an URL callback.
Can you guys point me in the right direction? What is this type of action called? I will appreciate all type of help!
Thanks in advance.

It's a combination of opening a popup with onclick and changing the url and opening the popup when the url has /shots in it onload. The popup content itself is loaded trough ajax.
If you want I can make an example. Do you want to load content that is already on the page in the popup or load external content?


Unable to load the URL in iOS WebView when the button is clicked for the first time

The mobile app is all about showing a SharePoint website in a WebView. I am trying to get the URL of a third party website on click of a button which is a part of the WebView. Based on this URL, I am trying to show an alert. On the first click of the button, the URL I am looking for, is not loading and hence the alert is not showing up. However, I am able to see the URL for the second click of the button and I'm able to see the alert as well.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in Advance.

JQM Popup doesn't popup when url has GET details in it

I have a page which displays a calendar/diary and lets you navigate back and forth using a form so the URL often looks like:
The popup works fine initially before there is any string after the .php. However, once the "&month=" etc is there the popup doesn't work. I note as soon as the popup loads it shows up #&ui-state=dialog in the url.
Is there a simple solution for this? (Other than changing the form to method=post, which I haven't yet tried).
Many thanks.
The simplest solution is to add:
to your popup <div>. That will avoid URL modification when the popup is open.

Programatically open a dialog as popup with jQuery Mobile

So I have a page and a dialog. When the user click the page button, one AJAX request will open the dialog with the results. Something like that simple example without AJAX: http://jsfiddle.net/rBBpx/
It works. The dialog opens programatically. But it hides the page content, showing the dialog as if it's another page. I know that popup's can open dialogs in-page with links, but I didn't get the point in how I can do that programatically.
I tried to change $.mobile.changePage() call to that, but it didn't worked as I expected:
How can I show that dialog in-page, as a popup? Is it ever possible? Thank you in advance!
In case you use phonegap, there is an alert plugin: http://docs.phonegap.com/en/edge/cordova_notification_notification.md.html
navigator.notification.alert("your AJAX result here");

disable external url links in UIWebView

I used some open resource to handle my external links in WebView, so right now every time I click the url a new view would show the page with "Done" "back" "forward" "open link in safari" something like that. But at the same time the earlier webview of my app is still loading and show the url website. How could I stop it? When the user click Done for the new page, definitely they want to go back to the earlier page.
here is the open resource class I used : https://github.com/samvermette/SVWebViewController
Thanks. wish I made myself clear. I'm new here, and also new to ios development.
Not entirely clear what you're asking but every time a link is clicked in a UIWebView, the UIWebView delegate shouldStartLoadWithRequest method gets called.
If you don't want the link to load you simply return NO from this method.
There are also properties in the UIWebView class to enable you to go back or go forward through the page history.
If that doesn't answer your question, can you try and rephrase it.

RSS app in iOS: Detecting the existence of a feed through UIWebView

I'm making an RSS app.
In my "Add Feed" tab there is a UIWebView covering half of the page. I want to be able to google search or type in a website in my web view. On the other half of the page I want to have any feeds that are detected in the UIWebView to be displayed.
When the feeds/feed URL's are displayed, I want them to be next to a "plus" or "add" button. When clicked the feed is then added/saved to a UITableView in another tab.
I'm not asking anyone to write the code for me, but if anyone knows where to start or if there's a certain class that would help, please let me know! Or even a tutorial that gets me on the right track!
Here's an app that has the feature I'm talking about (the detection part) I just want to display it a different way. http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/free-rss-reader/id290537970?mt=8
Any Help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Once loading is complete, fetch the HTML content of the web view:
[webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:#"document.documentElement.outerHTML"];
Use a regex or some other method to parse through the content and extract the href and title attributes of the anchor tags.
Use a heuristic to look for link titles or hrefs containing "rss", "feed", or "xml", which may indicate an RSS link.
Present the filtered list of links to your user.
