Programatically open a dialog as popup with jQuery Mobile - jquery-mobile

So I have a page and a dialog. When the user click the page button, one AJAX request will open the dialog with the results. Something like that simple example without AJAX:
It works. The dialog opens programatically. But it hides the page content, showing the dialog as if it's another page. I know that popup's can open dialogs in-page with links, but I didn't get the point in how I can do that programatically.
I tried to change $.mobile.changePage() call to that, but it didn't worked as I expected:
How can I show that dialog in-page, as a popup? Is it ever possible? Thank you in advance!

In case you use phonegap, there is an alert plugin:
navigator.notification.alert("your AJAX result here");


JQM Popup doesn't popup when url has GET details in it

I have a page which displays a calendar/diary and lets you navigate back and forth using a form so the URL often looks like:
The popup works fine initially before there is any string after the .php. However, once the "&month=" etc is there the popup doesn't work. I note as soon as the popup loads it shows up #&ui-state=dialog in the url.
Is there a simple solution for this? (Other than changing the form to method=post, which I haven't yet tried).
Many thanks.
The simplest solution is to add:
to your popup <div>. That will avoid URL modification when the popup is open.

jquerymobile background popup disable touch

sorry if my english bad
when I create a dialog popup with jquerymobile, I get a transparent background, but when I touched it, causing the closure of the dialogue, how do I make the dialog will not close when I touch the background until I touch the cancel button?
thank you
for example login form dialog button in demos jquerymobile
You can add data-dismissible="false" attribute as it describes in the document:
This behavior of a jQM popup is by design.
It looks like instead of a popup you just need to use a jQM modal dialog

how to set action url and change css

I have a button that when pressed opens a window on the screen
Is there a way I can get the window to open automatically with a URL?
An example of this site have the button FEEDBEACK
I want the window will open only with a command URL
The site you mentioned is using this plugin ->
However the plugin is not upto date so just test it before using it on yours taking a back up copy of the files/database.
karevn use a jquery plugin like the FancyBox ( see the ajax part or iframe in this page )
Open a window with a hyperlink
How to open a new window when clicking a hyperlink?
If you want the feedback button then

Chrome extension jump to URL

I would like to make a google chrome extension. I want to add a function, so when i click on it's icon, it will open a new tab with a specific URL. How can I do that?
Sorry for bad english, I'm just learning that language ;)
If you want to open a link in a new tab when you click on a page action icon you can use the onClicked method of the pageAction:
So, in the background page or script add the following lines:
chrome.pageAction.onClicked.addListener(function(tab) {
windowObjectReference ="", "DescriptiveWindowName", "resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes");
Note, that onClicked event is NOT fired when page action has a popup page that is displayed when page action is clicked. So in order to use onCLicked event you should NOT have a page action popup page

How to open a html page as a popup with in the page (no new window opens) using Jquery

I am having the link button and when i clicked on the link button the popup will be open (with in the page itself like a modalpopup. now i have to get the popup feel using jquery and inside the div text should come from database.
How is it possible for getting the message from the backend.
means open a div in a modal popup feel using jquery
or opens the html page in a popup in the same window using jquery
Thanks and Regards
Vara Prasad.M
Take a look at the Facebox jQuery plugin. It does pretty much exactly what you're asking for. For example you can have a link like this to some remote page like so
then just call the facebox plugin when your content is loaded like so
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
and your content will render in a modal window. You can also take a look at Fancybox or ThickBox which provide very similar functionality.
There are two steps to your problem:
Open a modal popup using jQuery
Fetch server side content and display it in the modal dialog
Use jQuery Dialog ( for popping open a modal dialog, and then use jQuery load ( for loading the content from the server.
The server page you call will make the database query and output the contents to the response buffer.
