Binary in invalid after uploading into iTunesConnect - ios

I am uploading one of my application into the App Store. As after successful uploading application into store, application status will change to "ITC.apps.preReleaseBuild.errors.invalidBinary" or "This Build is invalid.".
As I research why its happening, and come to know this is becuase of wrong naming covensatin of Icon file. So I make a neccessary changes into my icon file and re-upload the application, but still getting same issue.
If anybody knows the solution, then help me to out from this issue.


Unable to upload apps to iTunes Connect

I'm currently unable to upload apps up to iTunes. I have tried to use Xcode to to validate but this returns an error 434 but doesn't really give any information with regards to what the issue may be. I then try to use App Loader which goes through successfully and uploads but then I get an automated email from Apple with the following:
Invalid Swift Support - The SwiftSupport folder is missing. Rebuild your app using the current public (GM) version of Xcode and resubmit it.
I've trawled through google for the best part of today trying various fixes, recreated my provisioning profiles and I seem to have gotten nowhere. I've even gone so far as to create a brand new app and add my code in case it was a dodgy build setting but again, I still get the same result.
This should probably be put as a work around but I've managed to fix it.
On my google travels a couple of posts suggested exporting as Ad-Hoc, this is what caused the issue with application loader and Apple rejecting the binary. I've exported as iOS App Store Development and the submission went through successfully and I'm now able to select the binary in iTunes Connect.
However, this has not resolved my issue with Xcode validation and uploading so for now I'll continue to use the application loader but if anyone has any input with regards to what this issue may be, I'd appreciate it.

Application Loader getting stuck while uploading package to App Store

I am trying upload to my app to iTunes connect using Application Loader. Many times I have done this, but this time strangely while uploading it is getting stuck at, upload process
My app is of 14MB, upto 3MB it processed, after that its showing above screen. While searching about this, many were faced issue in authentication stuck, but here its authenticated, but in the middle of package upload it is getting stuck. I developed this app using Xamarin.Forms
Did anyone know reason for this? Its getting stopped abruptly in the middle again resuming like this its uploaded two build. Can I publish that build, whether it would have properly uploaded or not?

iTunes connect - must be uploaded directly

I've recently finished development on an app and have reached the point of deploying it to the store via iTunes Connect. I had managed to fill out all the required information under "App information", and "Pricing and Availability".
However my issue is i am currently stuck on the "Prepare for Submission" section. I have managed to upload screenshots and select a build. But it will not allow me to save, so essentially any edits under this section are impossible now due to the below error i am receiving:
"Screenshots and app previews for the largest display sizes of your app’s primary localization must be uploaded directly., Screenshots and app previews for the largest display sizes of your app’s primary localization must be uploaded directly."
The above seemed to only occur after switching localisation to English(U.K) and then uploading my screenshots, after i saved those last amends this is when the error started occurring. However i am unable to revert any changes due to the above error.
I apologise if i'm missing something obvious here, but looking through iTunes Connect documentation and scouring the internet has came up with nothing.
I submitted two videos of the issue, one via Safari and the other via CLI tool deliver. The last response i had from Apple was that they were escalating the issue to their engineering team.
I've tried to edit my submission today ( 24/08/2016 ) and can confirm that the issue seems to of been resolved. I have had no response from Apple, but so far it seems to be working as intended.

Can't remove app waiting for upload

First of, thanks for taking the time to read this. I am a true ios developer newbie, just released my first app. Now, trying to submit a second (different) app to the appstore, but that seems to go wrong. Whenever i choose validate or submit my app in Xcode, i see that it tries to do so for my previous app (created 2 different bundles IDs for that first app, being a noob and all).
I surfed the web and found that i can delete that previous app that still has the status "Waiting for upload".
This link gives me a bit info on how to delete that broken uploaded;
What to do if Xcode Archiving Utility shows wrong app for validation?
Please note that i have no intention on submitting that 'broken' version of my first app.
HOWEVER, i don't seem to have any link where i can press delete, see here:
TL;DR Can't remove my app that is waiting for upload, stuck with next development app now.
Any help is very, very, very much appreciated!
You can NOT delete an app with status waiting for upload. If you upload the binary that is possible. Just call it something like "APPNAME_old"
For anyone running into the same problem:
The only way i could solve this was by uploading an app with the same bundle-id, get that reviewed and eventually deleted.

iOS App Upload Warnings: checksum validation failed

For first time I didn't get any error, but due to some reason the app got rejected.
But now I have tried twice, and getting this error, see image for reference.
Should I be worried about this, also I have tried uploading app using Application Loader and Xcode, it takes too much time and nothing happens even after 2 hours. My Interconnection is not bad. I can upload at 50-100 Kb/s.
How big is your app? One time I remember I tried to upload an app which was more than 512Mb, and it took more than 1.5 hours, also it failed a couple of times.
These warnings can be ignored, as with all these warning, my app is approved and will be soon available for download.
I had tried uploading using both Application Loader and XCode. I had also tried changing the port as some post recommend to upload the exported IPA via Application Loader, but finally I was able to upload it via XCode.
I got the above message when uploaded via XCode.
Prior to uploading I had validated the app and it was successfully validated.
Once you got a message of successful submission, wait for review and ignore these warnings`.
